Is it safe to play video games in public in your country?
Is it safe to play video games in public in your country?
As long as you're not fat and unattractive, no one cares about what you're doing in public.
god, as someone guilty of looking at their smartphone on their off time, I hate how we humans look having to crane our necks down at the fucking things
Depends where you are, and that's probably the answer for most countries. Probably need to narrow it down to cities.
I played Mario Odyssey on the train home. Safe to say that nobody in the land of britbong gives a shit.
>Being so insecure that you need to hide your hobby from others
Reminder that doing this makes you no better than a closet faggot
just narrow it down to the ethnic population
in asian areas i don't think they give fucks.
in white areas no one will give a fuck.
you can guess the rest
3rd world shitter here. aside from stealing people couldnt give a fuck about it.
Where I live doing shit like that is just asking to get the living shit beat out of you and robbed by some black teenagers.
>haha yeah! one ugly girl!
I live in Brazil so id prob get robbed
>playing 3DS on train
>playing Smash Bros
>some generic asshole looking, going to bar after work looking, trying to bone female colleague looking asshole business man sits next to me
>obnoxious ass newspaper in the way
>looking at stupid political news on his iPad
>talking to friend on phone about Ted Talks last night about “how intellectual” it was like an obnoxious twat
>he looks at the time on his expensive Apple Watch, clearly flashing like a moron
>he looks over at my 3DS
>”that’s gay”
>he gets off
On phone yes. On handheld console, no.
Mexibeaner reporting. Nobody gives a shit if you play vidya, it's pretty common. But you also run the risk of getting mugged.
Isn't it funny that the pics used in these kind of threads are always cherrypicked from the worst ones?
as long as you dont dress as an autist
and also you arent close to kids
i've made a concerted effort to angle the phone up to where my face is rather than lean down but in public this looks like i'm snapping photos
I live in the fucking woods, it's considered weird to play games after the age of 12.
In my country, if you are seen playing video games in public, people start taking cellphone pictures of you. Then, they call the police to detain you. The next day, you're put on the national Bing Bing Wahoo 1Up list.