Why do people listen to this moron?
Why do people listen to this moron?
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They do? I thought this guy was just a parody.
People don't listen to him, he got a lot of views because people like his sense of humor and charisma.
Poorfags like to tell themselves that they aren't buying the latest videogames because they are bad and not because they can't afford it.
Listening to this hack validates their opinion.
Because he got reddit humor and trashes games that are not mainstrem garbage.
har har funny british man whot talks fast about bad video games makes me willy go hard
You're not supposed to take him seriously
This, he's a satirist not a game reviewer.
>reddit humor
Elaborate, what makes his humour "reddit"?
sadly he doesn't think so. but this is correct.
What are you talking about? Yahtzee hasn't been relevant since like 2007.
He's been confirmed to be a cuck, ignore anything he says.
Basically this.
I had a good laugh at his recent AC origins vid and knew he’s the type to bash on games like it and even understand the points he brought up were fair enough. I still really love the game and enjoy it but also like seeing people take the piss outta it.
>bought a Ubisoft game
>likes Asscreex
>shill goyim
>Autists on Sup Forums don't like it
That's it. That's literally it. Anything that anyone here doesn't like is labeled Reddit. Noone will every be able to give you a solid answer.
Why do people listen to you? Oh right. We don't.
For some reason, yes
I watch him for the jokes, his taste in games is fucking horrendous.
How anyone could take him seriously as a reviewer after confessing in several cases he didn't even bother to finish most games or in some cases even get past the opening few hours is beyond me.
Even the games he makes are particularly ehhhhhh.
Cause they enjoy his videos? Why else?
because he has a funny accent
There was a time when his ability to take the piss out of mainstream games was badly needed but that time has passed. It's also become incredibly apparent that he is a turbocasual who tries to look down on other casuals.
>he is a turbocasual
Weirdly he seems pretty legit when it comes to old shitty adventure games and is willing to put up with all the casual filtering and bullshit in them.
Then he picks up a modern game and he might as well be a snotty 10 year old who keeps crying about how they love Dark Souls to prove their cred.
I can relate to his autism.
He ain’t a complete casual if he’s bringing up LucasArt adventure games or classic shooters but I don’t quite get his hate for Sierra and god knows he’s somehow hates Bad company idk how anyone can hate that game.
What really bothers me is his borderline-antisocial refusal to enjoy multiplayer games.
Does he just have the thinnest skin in the world or what?
Because he's slightly harder on games than all the other westacuck garbage reviewers that must mean he knows what he's talking about. Despite clear evidence to the contrary:
>2008 GOTY: Saint's Row 2
>2009 GOTY: Batman Arkham Asylum
>2010 GOTY: Just Cause 2
>2011 GOTY: Portal 2
>2012 GOTY: Spec Ops: The Line
>2013 GOTY: Bioshock Infinite
>2014 GOTY: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
>2015 GOTY: Undertale
>2016 GOTY: """"DOOM""""
Right now the only reviewer coming anywhere near his salt is ProJared, and only because he's the one sole high-profile person on YouTube that hasn't been brainwashed by the 21st century Japanese vidya industry embargo.
He doesn't seem to enjoy being in social situations judging from his escapist streams with some escapist's autists talking over him about some irrelevant boring bullshit.
He's apparently gotten better at that.
However I think it's the fact he's shit at them. Note with the Rocket League mentions he did he enjoyed the multiplayer as he was good at it.
I imagine his hatred for shit like Battlefield style multiplayer is the fact he just dies all the time, which would indeed piss people off.
He liked Friday the 13th too, so he will play multiplayer games nowadays but its generally ones with a low skill floor.
I quit watchng this fag years ago after he admittd being unable to finish chrono trigger
Reminder that Sup Forums collectively adored Yahtzee until he started shitting on Nintendo games
GOTY: Bioshock Infinite
That alone is drop-worthy, especially for someone who whines about modern shooter mechanics.
you can not tell that which is reddit if you are too heavily indoctrinated into the reddit lifestyle. A fish does not have a word for water and will not even understand the concept. It is the same for redditors
Is it just this guy running the website anymore?
British accent. Same reason the fat cuck and balding cancer man are popular.
you can tell from his reviews he has no concept of persisting or delayed gratification
pretty much yeah
check the youtube channel lad
I imagine if he went down the patreon route he'd be earning mad dollar.
Try that again in English.
He is an entertaining critic, not to be taken to heart.
Stop treating entertainment as news and you might be able to appreciate it.
Please give me a source. I REFUSE to believe that the man who started the "Press X to Not Die" meme can't complete one of the shortest and easiest RPGs of any kind ever made.
>"Press X to Not Die" meme
oh yeah thats another reason I like him, he makes for alright memes or just images in general
Nobody listens to him, it's 20 fucking 17. He's old news, past his peak, and nobody parrots his shit. Any fans he has left know it's practically just parody at this point.
please delete this
t. redditor
go back there fagggot
>reddit spacing
Make me
>bio shock infinite
How the fuck??????
Please don’t tell me he liked it because of the story. I can only see him liking it because you can be more mobile with shooting and running and the whole thing with the sky rails but surely he wasn’t taken in by the “””””””plot twist””””””.
>Please don’t tell me he liked it because of the story.
That was it.
He thought it was really artsy and meaningful and shit. Remember he's a "games are art" fag so he clutches at all the straws he can.
Watch the review, it's fucking embarrassing.
He has some funny videos, and is one of the few reviewers I can think of that genuinely enjoys psychological horror.
And yet he shits on Nier automata and think it’s just trying to be smart?
Damn, this dudes got some inconsistency
Meme all you want, but Angry Joe is 99% of time is right. He's just a semi-casual player who wants video games to be fun and stay true to that.
Others are pretentious fucks with edgy opinions, ESPECIALLY the Brits. Yahtzee, Cynical Basket, Worth A Buy are such shitters 2bh.
His opinions are still better than what you can read on this board.
Turning human ruined it
>Five dollar Joe is 99% of time is right
Because he is literally the best, most informed, most educated, most trustworthy video game critic on the planet.
I dare you to show me one game journi, or fuck it, just one YouTuber who knows games as well as Yahtzee.
Its a 7 year old blog, his stand on rpg probably changed if he even reviewed Persona 5
>Pinche Pedro
pick one
Growing hair ruined it too.
Are you two retarded or something? Bioshock Infinite is an amazing fuxking game with awesome gameplay and an incredible story.
There still hasn't been a better game made you tasteless faggots.
How about you do the rest of the board a favor and off yourself?
Inconsistency plagues his reviews constantly.
Good bait my dude, sure got me.
People liked Phantom Hourglass? Shit was actually terrible though.
Why did they think it was a good idea to have a reoccurring forced stealth section and have the whole damn game revolve around it.
Also fucking touchscreen controls, good god.
You can Dodge all you want, you are still a faggot.
Feel free to explain to me how Infinite wasn't a game plagued with boring shooter mechanics done a million times, "streamlined" plasmids and a story that has been documented as undergoing several rewrites at various points.
>getting legit buttmad over somebody's opinions on video games
There's nothing to dodge here. You gave me nothing so you got nothing.
Merely proclaiming something as amazing with no reasoning is the definition of what usually passes as bait or the opinion of a retard.
Either give me something to work with or fuck off back to Sup Forums with your shit tier namecalling.
The trick with him is to think about what's being said. I find him hilarious but I don't agree with him that often, doesn't mean I can't enjoy his videos.
Infinite was the FPS game in an age where FPS games were terrible that saved the fucking genre. It gave you not only unbelievably deep and incredibly fun combat; but in a genre mired by war shooters and brown and grey battlefields and disgusting war propaganda, it gave you one of the most beautiful places ever crafted in a video game (Columbia is to this day the only video game setting I ever wanted to dream about), characters that you actually grow to care about (something next to impossible in a video game, as Metal Gear Solid and in fact Bioshock 1 demonstrated) and a story that is not only a high watermark for science fiction, but also genuinely educational and has actual relevance in today's world. And it did that by fixing everything that was wrong with the original Bioshock and throwing out everything that was unnecessary. Bioshock Infinite is not only an amazing story and an incredible video game: it's the gold standard for sequels. In ANY medium.
It's motherfucking digital perfection.
Nintendo games are shit, and Sup Forums is full of man children. It was the only logical outcome
it was pretty good listening to him tearing asscreed origins a new one though
He's not a real reviewer because he shits on everything. If he really hates games but chooses to play them for a living... that's just sad.
Do you want me to copy-paste the reviews? You played Infinite, I played Infinite, there is no reason to go into detail on shit we both know perfectly well.
You either admit that Infinite is the best motherfucking video game ever made or you're a contrarian asshole and we have nothing to say to each other.
Your remark about it being high science fiction made me burst a blood vessel.
I could go on how the rules of the universe that it creates makes no sense.
Pluto became a soyboy.
>unbelievably deep and incredibly fun combat
2 weapon slot with bullet sponge enemies is not fun
>it gave you one of the most beautiful places ever crafted in a video game
You can have that, the art style was superb.
>characters that you actually grow to care about
None of them had any personality and their arcs were sudden and jarring. Elizabeth in particular flipped between 4 different personalities as the story demanded.
>a story that is not only a high watermark for science fiction, but also genuinely educational and has actual relevance in today's world.
It has no consistency, no grounding in the rules it sets (ghosts because okay) and also relies on Elizabeth ex machina-ing a fucking key outta nowhere.
>And it did that by fixing everything that was wrong with the original Bioshock and throwing out everything
I mean I know this is already bait, or a pasta I've missed and replying to this makes me look like a sap, but this sentence only solidifies it.
>the reviews
Most reviewers are bad at their job and this is well known.
> there is no reason to go into detail on shit we both know perfectly well.
There clearly is, as I think most aspects of it were serviceable or outright shit and you disagree.
>contrarian asshole
hating Infinite isn't being "contrarian" when it really is a shitty game.
That's because he isn't a reviewer. He's a critic. He even said as much.
A copy of the transcript from the episode:
>"You suck, suck, at reviewing video games. How can you even call them reviews without a score? It's more of a rant on games that are mainstream, just because they're mainstream, doesn't mean that they suck. You obviously haven't absolutely no taste in good games. You don't even talk about the game really. If you don't like it, you just point out every little thing that's bad about it."
>Okay, I put my hands up, he has me there. I do point out every little thing that's bad about a game, but then, I'm a critic, it'd be weird if I didn't. If I put people's balls in my mouth for a living, I'd be a prostitute, or possibly a GameSpot employee, but I criticize, so I'm a critic. And I don't believe in scores because I don't believe a complex opinion can be represented numerically. You like numbers? How about four, as in fourk you! Do you really need someone in authority giving you a simple "yea" or "nay" before you buy anything? Why don't you roll over so they can stamp on the other side of your face?
>Your remark about it being high science fiction made me burst a blood vessel.
I honestly wish I could make your head burst so you'd stop plaguing the board with your garbage existence.
I'm taking the bait so you don't have to.
stop taking the bait
>Why do people listen to this moron?
He is a critic who is critical of similar shit that i am also critical of. So rather or not i agree with the shit he is positive towards. I can at least come out with some info and facts that i actually care about even if i do not agree with how he feels about them.
Since unlike other media illiterate nerds who cant tell the difference between fact and opinion. I aint after fucking opinions that reinforce my own like some sort of loser ass queermo.
No it isn't, little racist, go fuck yourself.
because he has an accent and says funny words that make them clap and giggle.
You have to mention however that he only chooses his GOTY among the ones he did a review of. The only one where he made an "exception" (by doing a 5 seconds review of it) is Undertale. Also don't forget that he rarely plays through the whole game and bases his opinions on how games compare to his least favourite representatives of a genre (e.g. when it comes to shooters DOOM has a huge bonus by simply being not cover based, because he hates that).
Thinking that his GOTY awards are anywhere near objective is an idiot. Hell, whoever watches his videos to get an objective review is retarded. You watch Yahtzee to hear him shit on games and to see the corresponding visualization.
He even said DOOM was more just because it was a shit year with very little competition iirc.
I value the perspectives others can give me.
>Not relevant
Go take a look at the number of views he got with the Persona and Nier reviews.
Explain to me then how it's good science fiction?
It isn't. They barely talk about the science behind what is happening in the inner working of Columbia other than that one line about how the city is floating, the rules of the dimensional hopping makes zero sense and never gets explained. The bullshit of "constants and variables" and the baptism being one of these constants means that the ending makes no sense. Elizabeth has effectively placed herself into a loop killing Comstocks and Bookers for all eternity. What about the ones that refuse the baptism and still become comstock? Not to mention the entire story becomes pointless once they hop to the Vox Populi rebellion universe since that's not their original universe, turning what ever you did up to that point moot. There isn't even consistent enemies. They bring up Vigors and Vigor induced enemies, but they never stick around for longer than a boss fight or so while they are being sold on the street. Don't get me started on Ghost Mum or how we had the Songbird built up for an epic fight and never got it.
I hate this fag for inventing the cancerous PC master race spouting retards
Dude, as someone who thinks Sup Forums goes way overboard in it's hate for Infinite, it's a long fucking way from being the best game ever made.
>2 weapon slot with bullet sponge enemies is not fun
Yet love and behold, Infinite made it work. Also: you gotta love this fallacy only retards spout where difficulty="""bullet sponge enemies". It's a SHOOTER, asshole. You don't like it, play your faggy turn based pedo games.
>None of them had any personality and their arcs were sudden and jarring. Elizabeth in particular flipped between 4 different personalities as the story demanded.
I'm not even going to dignify this bullshit with a response.
>It has no consistency, no grounding in the rules it sets (ghosts because okay) and also relies on Elizabeth ex machina-ing a fucking key outta nowhere.
It's absolutely consistent within its own framework. Which is what matters.
>I mean I know this is already bait, or a pasta I've missed and replying to this makes me look like a sap, but this sentence only solidifies it.
Yep, you are .objectively retarded with objectively dogshit taste in videogames.
(You) #
>Most reviewers are bad at their job and this is well known.
If they loved Infinite, they're better at knowing what a good game is than you are.
> There clearly is, as I think most aspects of it were serviceable or outright shit and you disagree
Obviously: that's because you are a degenerate cretin. Which is none of my concern.
In my opinion, there are two kinds of review. The kind you watch upfront to decide whether the overall experience of the product is worth the cost in time and money, and the very critical, spoiler-heavy kind you watch after forming your own opinions to analyse the work's flaws and explore its themes.
I think Yahtzee wants to do the second kind, but the Escapist markets the videos as being the first kind. I enjoy watching the videos, but only of games I've either finished or 100% don't care about. I watch them for the humour and to see another viewpoint on the thing I loved/found meh/hated.
I never watch them to form a purchasing opinion; they're far too negative and spoiler-laden for that.
Frankly, I'm amazed that site still exists.
That's a middling list even by normie standards.
I absolutely disagree. I played tons of games, never loved a game more in my life. Probably never will.
I'm not going to take bait that has been debunked a hundred times over.
Explain to me how the "constants and variables" rule does not contradict itself in the story.
you didnt refute a single thing you sperg, you just went "um no" for each point with no reasoning.
>he isn't a reviewer. He's a critic.
Those are the same fucking thing, dipshit.
Chill the fuck out, Ken Levine. When are you going to make Freedom Force 3?