I've seen Sup Forums complain about female protags for ages, but what makes a genuinely GOOD female protagonist?
I've seen Sup Forums complain about female protags for ages, but what makes a genuinely GOOD female protagonist?
Take Jill from RE3 as an example.
Iconic design, her femininity doesn't inhibit her ability to be a badass, socialize or take charge of a situation.
And she's not sexualized either.
she is pretty sexualized
They just need to well written, extra points for being unique and memorable. Same thing as male characters.
The main things that screw up female characters in games are
A. The designers think the character being female instead of male is in itself and interesting character trait.
B. They're pure fapbait/waifubait with nothing interesting to set them apart from other characters meant to be attractive (and most characters in general are meant to be attractive, or at least not repulsive).
C. They try too hard to make them a "strong female character" of a certain specific kind, and similarly they end up boring and too similar to other characters of the same mold.
Who cares what Sup Forums says
You and everyone else here
I don't think you're paying attention.
You can't they are gonna be remember just for sexy stuff not that im complaining but a male char it would be remember if he is good or incredible corny
in other words who cares just post porn
Idk but my fav female protag is Jade from BGaE so there.
just post feet and be done with it
toe rings are gross
Wrong Skullgirl, bud.
Why here and not /d/?
Why do we have to see that disgusting OP ?
>but what makes a genuinely GOOD female protagonist
Being in a game with decent gameplay.
That's it.
>posts shit game with shit combat
Sup Forums used to really be into feet. I'm kind of surprised it even stopped. I thought it was hilarious.
Hot opinions, bub.
Did you forget about re5 jill? she got sexualized the fuck up
dont really care as long as its not forced and as long and she doesnt act like a feminist or an empowered woman who need no man
worst fetish t b h
Well written and not based on the fact she is female.
thanks for rebuking them
>platinumshit fans
this. its so bad i cant even get into it ironically
It wasn't an argument, it was just a dismissal. You don't rebuke a dismissal. Only worthwhile thing to do is flip them off and walk away.
Learn to rhetoric. Not worth it.
Post more 2D feet
Asking this as a footfag. Do you consider it even worse than scat or cannibalism or necrophilia?
Most of the same shit that makes a good male protag. Valkyrie Lenneth is top tier and if you changed her gender she would still be top tier.
Not him but it's the worst vanilla fetish that people actually regularly engage in.
Who are you quoting?
you think your crap meme will defend your shitty devs?
Hey devs!
If you want me to buy your games the main characters have to look like this
One that doesn't have their gender shoved down your fucking throat.
One that if the character were male, it wouldn't make a difference to the game or story.
One where maybe just fucking maybe, there's no mention of how difficult it is for a woman to do X, where X is part of the story / skill set required.
Sylvanas in Warcraft used to be a great example of a good female protagonist.
No, i'm asking a basic question, and I wanted an answer. I'm probably expecting too much from that, though.