Can somebody explain to me Sup Forums's hatred towards the best game in the soulsborne series?
Can somebody explain to me Sup Forums's hatred towards the best game in the soulsborne series?
I guess people are just upset that Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive.
well it's the newest souls game, so people are invariably going to shipost about it.
I've never understood this meme.
Is he letting someone in or showing them the door?
Dark Souls 2 is the worst Soulsbourne game but still a good game.
Why is that so hard to understand?
One of them has to be worst and its Dark Souls 2, get the fuck over it.
it's garbage with at most 5 good bosses
the online and co-op play was the best, but that has completely gone to shit
play it if you want to be reminded what shit level design looks like
Dear OP,
I am replying to inform you that you seem to have chosen the incorrect image. I have fixed it for you (see attached). I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and Happy Holidays.
>newest souls game
>dark souls 2
How accurate is this food analogy?
hipsters on Sup Forums pretend it's the best because they've never played DeS and it's the second most unpopular one.
If the DS2 one is a convenience store microwave pizza, pretty accurate.
No, Dark Souls 2 is a Hawaiin Pizza, meaning that it's a meme to hate it.
In that case, your food analogy is inaccurate.
It's been a long time tradition for contrarians to venerate the previous souls game and hate the latest. You weren't here when Dark Souls dropped and there were fags talking about how Demon's Souls was way better.
I was there.
Then why did you make this thread if you know the answer?
>unfinished locations
>shit bosses
>unfair difficulty
>half-assed lore
>hit&miss aesthetics
>floaty controls
Felt like it wasn't even made by the same studio.
He didn't. I'm OP, but the guy you responded to isn't.
BB > DeS > DaS > DaS 3 > Shadow Tower > King's Field > DaS 2
2 is the best in the series, people fear what they don't understand
You are so cute user.
Dark Souls 2 is the only Souls game that i have finished for some reason
Who thinks that this fat manlet soyboy looks like a bouncer?
Takes actual skill instead of just R1 mashing because of stamina
its all preference really, but people who make a big deal about darksouls are usually turbo autists that have some stupid fucking bond over the one they put the most hours in
Most people ignore the fact that enemy placement and world design in DS2 is completely against the player. It's not a world you can explore. It's a world where you are supposed to die. Bosses are damage sponges with clear openings in their attack patterns. The attack patters are so obvious i can't understand who would say these are good fights. Unless you got half a brain.
It's shit. It's utter shit. I beat the fucking thing 4 times and i still think it's absolute garbage.
can you please go back to redit?
>It's a good game but it's not a good [Series Name] Game
>No, Dark Souls 2 is a Hawaiin Pizza, meaning that it's a meme*
DaS 2 is the best game. Objective fact.
More content.
Varied content.
Actually has soul - although in this alone it's dwarfed by some of the others - - certainly not DaS 3, though.
Anyone who thinks DaS 3 is more than a disappointment and a bittersweet send-off for the series is an absolute invalid mongoloid devoid of any culture or taste - and they probably think Dark Souls is just about pressing circle to dodge attacks. Cause that's all DaS 3 does. Rhythm. It can do rhythm, like every other game, as if that was a game seller. Shit plot, shit atmosphere, shit level design, full of nonsense Soulsborne memes, binary game design with stale combat where you just learn the rhythm even if it's not even a boss, etc. etc.
Meanwhile faggots get mad at 2 because it throws multiple opponents at you or a giant who has no rhythm, you just have to figure out how to kill it when it seems to never stop swinging - actually fucking challenges you in unique ways - but retard cancer faggots cry because there's no rhythm anymore, and that's all the series is in their eyes. A stale fucking rhythm "dodge, roll, swing" grindfest.
Seriously. If you thought DaS 3 was good, fucking jump off a cliff.
Good way to reference your own games:
>Ludwig gets Moonlight Sword halfway through the battle but as random as it is, it's okay because it's a dream and it has mysterious galaxies swirling around in it, so they adapted it to the setting.
Bad way to do it:
>All of DaS 3 for some fucking reason. Is that Andre? What's he fucking doing here? HAHAHA ARE YOU A FAGGOT? IT'S JUST A REFERENCE DUUUUUDE!
Fucking this, I don't get how people can defend 3 . Dark souls 3 is a fucking joke
Extremely inaccurate.
horrible analogy
Is this implying ananas belong on pizza or they don't?
Dark Souls 2 is a pile of garbage with shit visuals, shit bosses and shit gameplay.
>mentions Andre
>doesn't mention ds2's Ornstein ripoff
As far as Ludwig "getting the HMLS mid battle" goes, the Sword is visible on his back through the entire fight but he only takes it out in phase 2.
It's the best but it's hard in the fact that makes you swap weapons and strats in many scenarios.
das2 is the worst because it's quantity over quality, there's like 5 good boss fights in the game
people hated das2 before bloodborne existed
sh-shut up
Really though, which is it?
Just wanted to drop by and let you know you are my nigger
>Ornstein ripoff
It's been theorized around the fact Ornstein went hollow after his defeat in Anor Londo and mindlessly remained there to protect the blue sentinels, which would relate to the darkmoon covenant in 1. Of course, dark souls 3 throws that down the cliff since they confirm that he's alive. Can you explain Andre or Patches, though?
>inb4 le time is le convoluted
Guess one can only be thankful meme sunman isn't actually present in 3
>It's bad becuz bosses and i say so
your the bad
get dumpsted kid
>being this mad about video games
Open your window a bit, let the air get in
not an argument
DaS 2 level design.
>Wow, the level design can get pretty vertical!
>My layout awareness is certainly engaged.
>Wow, look at all these branch-off paths that lead to interesting treasure!
>Hmmm, which of the 4 old ones' path do I go down on and what order?
>Hmm, which of the 3 DLCs do I go to and in what order and when?
DaS 3 level design:
>Flat fucking levels.
>World layout is a fucking funnel and you never practically have more than 2 options on where to go at any one time.
>No real reason to go to DLCs before clearing the rest of the game first.
>Level design is only artistic. Gameplaywise, there's no interesting level layouts.
>All the treasure is laid out on the ground on corpses and 70% of it is useless fucking Upgrade Stones because they decided to arbitrarily have 50 fucking infusion types that you need to support via loot.
I agree with you user, finally something I agree with
This is the exact thing i've been thinking since they were released and exactly how they happened.
any sunbros wanna help me with abyss watchers?
I’m on ps4
>it's been theorized that
Nice try but Ornstein in DS2 along with DS3 Andre were things Miyazaki hinself confirmed in an interview to just be fanservice.
And Patches is in every Souls game. There's concept art for ds2 patches but he ended up being cut.
PvE: BB > DaS = DeS = DaS3 > DaS2
PvP: DaS2 > DaS > DeS = BB >>> DaS3
Overall: BB = DaS > DeS > DaS2 = DaS3
>Miyazaki himself
>not playing the superior bloodborne
considering you need help with the abyss watchers i'm guessing you suck at bloodborne too
He's a bouncer at a club you stupid homo. Once you show him the "right credentials" he allows you in. Please come back when you're 18.
Miyazaki still supervised the game.
Ds3 spends way too much time giving fanservice to the first game and is easily the most linear souls game.
BB > ds1 > ds2 > des > ds3
>retards compare games that are literally the fucking same
DS3 is the better followup to DS1 one though
DS2 pvp fags are upset their cheesy build doesn't work anymore.
Thanks, you didn't have to be so rude about it though.
but thats clearly a door in someones house
Demon's Souls
>Plain Cheese Pizza (Wood-Fired)
Dark Souls
>Classic Pepperoni Pizza (Wood-Fired)
Dark Souls II
> Totino's Pizza Rolls
Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin
>Totino's Party Pizza
>Chicago Style Pizza
Dark Souls 3
>Pepperoni Pizza with a side of Cheese Bread (Delivered)
I think everyone can agree to this.
If you play in offline mode, sure.
They completely fucked up the multiplayer in that game.
>actually fucking challenges you in unique ways
You mean throws poorly thought out bullshit at you constantly, resulting in you having to do what amounts to cheesing in every other game in order to progress. I sure do love backing up slowly while a horde of enemies chase me and wait for them to R1 so I can hit them once and repeat for another 2 minutes so I can do it again in the next room, except maybe this time I have to deal with some giant knight with infinite poise and infinite stamina. Wowee, what a challenge!
My gripe with DS2 is that they promised a different game. Graphical downgrades are bad as is, but this time there was actual gameplay attached to graphics. Somehow From gets a free pass on this.
Is it at all possible these days for me to platinum this on ps4? I'm afraid there pvp stuff I won't be able to get.
>going to clubs
>hitting on 3D
>being a normalfag
Must be a huge party inside.
I can’t get the parry timing right
show me how?
I platted ds3 recently and yes. And all trophies can be gotten offline.
At the end of the day, DaS2 had the largest selection of viable weapons, weapon types, and magic.
DaS3 has 4 viable weapons, everyone uses the same stat build because dark infusions are broken, and offensive magic is completely garbage other than 2 or 3 spells because it heavily gimps your build.
As If, he left it all to the based B-Team. Hence why it was so fucking good
Are you retarded?
Well you enjoy that pile of trash then more power to you I guess.
Did anyone with this opinion not start with DS2? I can't imagine starting with DeS and thinking DS2 is the best.
The game itself is just inferior, but the level design and how some levels just exist to fuck you up makes me really fond of it and makes me go back.
>he believes Mihackzaki supervised DaS2
>he believes Fromsoftware did Blooborne
> Soul Memory
>i-frames tied to a stat
>level designs dont loop back in on itself like the previous di
>story seems almost irrelevant to the story of the first game
>npcs are soulless and boring compared to the first game, where each npc has a storyline that told you something about them
>too many bosses are big versions of you
>area are always in a linear succession to each other with no shortcuts to quickly travel between them
>start with fast travel
>horrible overpowered flavor of the week weapon for pvp
>despawning enemies
See OP the bait works instantly.
I started with DeS and I'm getting there over time, but that's because I'm a heavy PvPer.
DaS2 was the last time that I actually enjoyed the PvP in a Souls game and I kind of miss it, almost to the point where I can ignore everything else the game did wrong.
It's still shit though.
I think it's a pretty accurate representation.
Oh god, have fun farming for Ears and Sword Grass
Who are you quoting?
>Sup Forums loves dark souls 2poo now
Have we reached peak contrarianism?
It's contrarian to hate Dark Souls 2 but love Dark Souls 3
Hating DaS2 is a meme
Saying DaS2 is the best in the series is also a meme.
Stop falling for memes.
>not liking DaS2 is a meme
>liking DaS2 is a meme
What the fuck should I do then?
I think you need to learn how to read.
Reread the post you're replying to.
To this day I do not understand if he's inviting you in or asking you to leave.
DaS3 is the worst one. DaS2 is close but for some reason when I replay 2 it doesn't bother me as my whereas 3 feels like a slog and I don't get excited for any of it.
>"""classic pepperoni""" pizza
Stopped right there. Food analogies are so fucking retarded i swear to god you mongoloids should just eat yourselves to death already.
dark souls 2 had the most fun pvp in the series even if it was imbalanced as fuck at the start, but that just made it funnier to me.
by far the worst bosses of the series though.
I will say 2 definitely has a lot of content. Probably the most and a lot more freedom in what you do. Build variety is good too and everything can work. Also the only other entry besides DeS where magic was actually fun and useful. Visually it's hideous though with the gutted lighting system and the floaty mechanics leave much to be desired compared to other entries. 3 though, I don't know. Mechanically it was better and visually but I felt like it didn't do much better in the end. I'd still say BB, DS1, and DeS are the best. Probably because they were fresh and the first in their series as opposed to being sequels.
I agree with this. Sequels were a mistake.
>Deep Dish
Shit is disgusting. That's not even a pizza. That's like a fucking casserole.
2 is a joke
I dont hate it. I love all of the soul games. I just like some a little bit more than others.
DS3 is the worst entry in the series just because of how safe and masturbatory it felt, it felt like it was a desperate apology from From after DS2 and over-compensated by sucking DS1's dick so much that the game suffered more than anything else. DS3 just felt unoriginal and uninspired, and for the final entry of a series that's just not good enough, the locations just felt like set-pieces we had already seen explored in other games (and in some cases they were) the story was dumb ("the fire is fading again FOR REAL THIS TIME") and the lore was either continuing on from DS1 in uninteresting (and kind of contradictory) ways or a pretty interesting idea that was just suffocated in favour of returning to more DS1 elements. It's honestly what annoyed me the most about the game, it brought in new and interesting ideas like the Deep and the Profaned Flame but then just didn't even expand on them and left them as footnotes while we indulgently return to Anor Londo to fight a poopsnake that has Gwyndolin's upper body, because remember those?
In terms of gameplay I enjoyed DS3, I think the bosses were the strongest on average for the series in that they felt distinct from one another and were decently challenging, but I also find it kind of annoying how they felt the need to abandon mechanics introduced from DS2 (like powerstances, bonfire ascetics, changing enemy placement/items on NG+) for pretty much no reason, I can only imagine that they thought it would remind people of DS2 so scrapped them.
People can dump on DS2 all day long, and there's plenty to dump on like the retarded tracking, the hideous environments, the deadzones and so forth, but at least it has its own identity, it took the themes from the first game and built something new, and maybe it didn't work out all the way and was it's clearly rushed and butchered to fit outdated hardware, but it at least had a vision in mind when being made and wasn't just a by-the-numbers entry into the series.
>in dark souls 1 the red eye orb is locked behind darkwraith covenant, in dark souls 2 you can't even get a permanent one
>in dark souls 1 almost every boss has a maximum of five attacks barring DLC bosses, and in dark souls 2 almost half of them can be found as regular enemies/minibosses
>dark souls 1 doesn't let you stay in regular NG after beating the final boss and doesn't allow fast travel until beating ornstein and smough (yet people actually call that a good thing)
>dark souls 2's entire design is to shove as many enemies into the same corridor as possible, and it uses soul memory to determine matchmaking instead of level
>people will still shit on dark souls 3 for "casualized" rolling and "endless" bonfires, aka making the game more accessible for more people
>most of the arguments against dark souls 3 boil down to "stop letting more people enjoy this"
i'll give 1 some credit for letting you level up at bonfires though, and 2 definitely beats both of them out in length
most of the gameplay arguments against dark souls 3 boil down to "stop letting a wider amount of people enjoy this game", and all the other arguments like here are just because of story/lore reasons that have no bearing on whether or not you're actually having fun with it
you guys are almost as bad as smashfags
Dark Souls 2 will be remembered as the best, outside of Sup Forums.