Whats the deal with these?

Whats the deal with these?

GF wants one for birthday but they seem to not exist unless i pay some fuck on auction

Bought 2 at walmart the other day. 1 for me and 1 for a buddy overseas.

your gf (male) is a retard and you can literally download hundreds on ROMs on your phone


Where? Last i heard didnt nintendo for emuparadise to remove all thier 1st party shit?

You should buy her the superior version OP.

>Candy colored buttons for retarded childred who cannot remember button placement.
>not loving purple/lavender combo with concave X and Y
Lol @ ur existence

There seems to be another shipment of them recently. I saw quite a few of them a couple of weeks ago and got one.

I brought it over to my friend's house and we had a blast playing Contra and Mario Kart. If you want to play SNES games with your GF, having 2 authentic SNES controllers makes it worth it, just make sure to download some good 2 player roms with Hakchi2.

Here in Italy you can buy them in any electronic store, no problem.

>this delusion

post your gfs feet and I will absolutely buy you one of these nintendos

Bait, Smarties buttons are GOAT faggot.

Lol no

>Tfw emulate snes on loonix
>Tfw playing zelda with a SIXAXIS

>t. jelly amerifat

>my childrens toy is more mature than yours because it has less color!

Damn, have not seen someone this salty in a while.

And nothing says cutting edge like the colour lavander.

But red yellow green blue does?

I don’t expect “cutting edge” from the SNES. I expect “fun”. We got the SNES as Nintendo intended, you guys got a fax machine because American kids would not stop putting their fucking coca-cola glassess on their expensive games console, so they made yours a box to prevent retarded shop refund attempts.

>Where? Last i heard didnt nintendo for emuparadise to remove all thier 1st party shit?


But you can clearly still put a drink on a US snes. Its flat.

Thats my fucking point user, you fucking degenrates kept putting your drinks on your shit and trying to return it as “faulty” so NOA said “fuck this” and made aure that the SNES was flat as fuck because Americans sure were not about to stop doing this barbaric act.

The deal is that is a gold mine because of dumb people like your gf. I got 7 on release, sold 5 and have one left to sell. Made more than enough profit from retards.

You hack it to add more games. Its fucking GOD TIER when you hack it and put whatever games you want on it.



>playing retro vidya on your phone
Pleb status. Only rpgs work with touch controls you morons. If you use a controller youre better off with other devices

Implying fucking what? It’s dirty user. Stop doing it.