Wolfenstein II BTFO

>Lets make a shitty anti-nazi propaganda video gaem
>Noone buys it

Nothin personal kid

Other urls found in this thread:


Most Bethesda games go this cheap already. It's not a massively long game. South park had a free trial weeks ago and was successful. Go back please

>Wolfenstein II will be a disaster if it doesn't do well

NO they don't


>Sup Forums thinks the games issues stem from "GAMERS LOVE NAZIS N R MAD YOU SAID NATIONAL SOCIALISM IZ BAD" and not the fact the PC port is a buggy unplayable mess even after several patches

Worth it for the trumpalo butthurt :^)

>Implying antifa tier developers can code their way out of a wet paper bag

Damn nigga. It's like you just remade the same thread from before.

Also the fact that it's apparently shorter with more cutscenese than the first and buying a 60 dollar game is idiotic.

>hurr I'll make the thread again

BJ's eyelashes make him look like such a fuckboy

It's just a cherry on top, really.

>only antifa dislikes nazis. How did Sup Forums fall for the russian shitpost

>Sup Forums still booty blasted about this game


>PC port is a buggy unplayable mess even after several patches
Do you think that maybe the focus on diversity instead of gameplay and development might have had an effect on that?

>Sup Forums unironically likes nazi
>Believing this

>Thinking the same team handles the two

As long as it triggers you, they can add all the diversity they want :^)

Also the fact that it's a poor sequel with bad level design.

Yea, pretty much what I heard of the game.

ehh, i wouldnt say it has more cutscenes than the first. its about the same really. and honestly, the first didnt really have too many cutscenes to begin with.
the game just feels shorter because it has less story missions and shoves in these assassination missions which are completely optional. doing those missions probably adds an hour or so to the game but its shit because you just revisit portions of older levels.

Who the hell wants to buy a game where half the time you're just watching cutscenes?!

>I will make my game fail miserably as long as it pisses you off AHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA

That's a whole lot of cancer

That's right, bitch.

Keep the posts coming, your asshurt is delightful. :^)

>Fuck Conservatives: The Game

You can pretend that you were just taking jabs at "literal Nazis" but everyone knows what you were doing and as it turns out, it's not just "NAZIS" who don't like it.


>How do you control your asshurt?
That's my secret


>says the cuck who gets triggered by demographic statistics

back 2 reddit

No, because those two parts of the game have no connection whatsoever. Making an anti-Sup Forums game does not make the coders do a shit job.

All the other stuff aside anyone else getting sick of games needing 50 gigs or more hdd space.
>have 100gigs of free space
>install a couple of crappy games
>hdd is full
wouldn't even pirate this trash

Just to let you know Sup Forums, posting the FREE TRIAL 50% OFF pic over and over again is only giving it more publicity.

But then again, thinking is not your forte.

just like posting pics of your 1inch penis is publicity right?

Sup Forums is becoming redshit

We need a mandatory anti-semitic tripfag purge

>anti nazi propaganda
Lol. Where you faggots when the orginal Wolfenstein came out?

>Implying any of us would ever buy this SJW trashfiller of a dildogame

thanks for bumping the thread

Not born yet.

>a random infographic from Sup Forums with no citations is "fact".
Imagine being this fucking low iq

you mean the dos game?

have we seriously gone so far right in an attempt to get away from social justice retards that we unironically say things like "shitty anti-nazi propaganda"?

not sure if you have forgotten because retards on the left have memed the word "nazi" into something almost meaningless with overuse, but actual nazis are actually fucking bad.

please tell me you all still understand that. please. at this point it's impossible to tell how far the irony goes.

Watching anti-nazi American ZOG propaganda of course


Yes you dumb fuck. Thats the original Wolfenstein

Um, user. How exactly are all Wolfensteins not anti-Nazi propaganda? You literally are killing Nazis. What you actually mean is anti-Neo-Nazi propaganda, meaning Sup Forums right?

Anyone have a link to a cracked copy?

Blacks dont do well in a white society

The top 3 richest (((plantation owning slaver 1% elite))) should have taken them back home when they became bankers at the end of the civil war

Merchants brought black slaves to America primarily for (((waelthy elite)))

Merchants should take them back

Ah, yes. The "Literally Hitler" of the Alt-right.

>Thinly veiled Sup Forums Wolfenstein hate circle jerk thread no# 393

Do you spergs actually take breaks and be with your family?

Whats an "alt right"?

K. I guess I cant handle the "le red pill"

>anti-nazi propaganda
That's like saying "the horrible anti-cancer propaganda". Somehow you imply that nazis are falsely bad

It was first released on Apple II in 1981. Are you 40?

>being butthurt about killing nazis in Wolfenstein
That's what these games have been about since the 80's.
No, you massive fucking retard.
>did the art department making black and female characters somehow prevent the coders and gameplay designers from making the game functional?
Seriously, how retarded are you to even ask this?

That infographic is outdated. Crime has gotten far worse in View Park-Windsor Hills

its because fucking trumplets

So let's get this straight you are claiming you were alive and old enough to play it in 1981.
Hows it going grandpa.

I haven't played this game and I don't know much about the story. Does this game actually advocate for marxism? If it does, then I have a problem with it.

Amazing information, considering Beattyville has like 1200 people and 5 bucks between them. Who the fuck is going to commit crime there? You gotta have something of value to be taken from you for it to be worth breaking the law over.

The leftist revisionism of this series is a bit disturbing since they are the ones that wanted it banned for decades.

>mfw this out of touch faggot actually think the politicians that want to ban vidya are lefties.
This place is basically useless now.

>implying it's just about muh nazis

Killing nazis is fine, killing nazi wile being yelled at by a ugly nigress saying that white people are cowards and having Blazko insulting white as well while being white himself is a wole other deal.

You know retard there is a reason TNO had a giant disclaimer saying it was not pro-nazi.

wait, africa is actually a crime-free-haven?

>Area next to LA has more crime than some bumfuck middle of no where town in an rural area

Really gets the noggin joggin

I bet you don't even have a full time job you NEET

>bringing Sup Forums into this when nobody but you mentioned Sup Forums

leftists, when will they learn

next you'll start yelling and screaming at everyone who disagrees with you to go back to Sup Forums

zero self awareness

Wow, by your logic then the richest white areas would have higher crime rate than the poorest white areas.
Not the case you dumb faggot.
Criminals, especially the violent and petty kind, are irrational, they steal because they can not because its worth it.

I really want to buy the game, but the short campaign is the only thing keeping me from getting it

$20 or less and I'll pick it up

No political shit gonna keep me form a decent game when it's reasonably priced

well, to be fair, the way OP was worded was like direct bait for SJWs.
hell, it makes me think that OP is one as well since how black and white retarded it is

this guy said it better:

it's not a decent game though. Better off buying Doom that is quality.

Well, most reviews are stating it's basically more of the first with added shit

Which, I very much enjoyed The New Order and The Old Blood

>Lets make a shitty anti-nazi propaganda video gaem
>Anti-nazi Propaganda

Propaganda for what, dipshit? World War 2 ended nearly seventy years ago.

Or do you and your fellow larpers actually, unironically consider yourselves nazis and are actually threatened when games like this get made?

You lose your shit whenever Saving Private Ryan pops up on the TV?

Never even played either of these games but jesus the autism is getting unbearable. Not even a lefty btw.

Whats leredpill?
Fuck off

>ignoring that the data is per capita
typical stupid nigger monkey

the game is 4 hours in normal if your brain works like a normal human being and not a polygon worker.

speedrunning is like 1 hour and something i believe skipping cutscenes.

>Crime isn't based on poverty


>>Lets make a shitty anti-nazi propaganda video gaem

>Sup Forums literally has never played video games and yet keep shitposting on this board

no wonder reddit is more influential


You're so fucking retarded leftie. Do you think Nazis actually exist 70 years later?

>SPR isn't jewish produced anti-nazi propaganda
>He never analyzed the film objectively as a leftist anti-racist british guy who favors socialism

user, i have some bad news...

Link the actual statistic so I can laugh at you

It is based on poverty, LA has a ton of poverty you inbred, it's not the rich people committing the crimes you jobless fuck

It isn't the reviews are blatantly lying if they are saying that. It is significantly shittier than TNO and OB

Yeah fag, I dodged this game because it's anti-nazi and not because it's a hot fucking turd. I dodged it because it hurts my neo-nazi fee-fees.

You mentally ill trumpsexual faggots really are something.

>Bikini armor is unpractical but running into a gunfight shirtless while pregnant is empowering


tfw rented it and played through it and really enjoyed it
Fun game with a wacky story. Worth the six bucks I paid, but I wouldn't recommend paying more than a rental fee.

What did he mean by this?

>Mad because there are blacks more successful than him

Let me guess, didn't get accepted for a job because you're a straight white male and they're trying to fill a diversity quota?

I can't tell if you're actually retarded, or if this is some bizarre attempt at shitposting.

Oh, well if someone made a youtube video about it, I guess I have no real argument.

This entire game was a CIA directed false flag to disseminate socialist propaganda and end the traditional single player game in one fell swoop

this is so sad

Lol wat

Im black you fucking retard

I just think many blacks are dumb af and make fun of them here cuh

Fuckin cuck ass bitch

Seems like you cant handle the simple reality that blacks are inferior.

That was a cool scene though. It was fucking stupid, but it was cool.

The game actually has a tonal shift problem. It either wants to be serious and moody (throwing shit at your abusive dad to prevent him from beating the hell out of you, being forced to shoot at your dog) or goofy and nuts.

Oh boy, who to believe

>TFW pol wins again

Theres a scene in Wolfenstien II where Billies base gets raided and he has to fight of some Nazis, during this scene a woman who's nine months pregnant and not wearing a shirt joins into the fight mowing people down with two giant machine guns.

It's as stupid as it sounds

So you are actually retarded then. Not-a-leftie.

I'm pretty sure there are a few leftie-retards pretending to be Sup Forumsacks in this thread, OP, being one of them. I say this as someone that actually frequents Sup Forums because the difference between actual Sup Forumsacks and what they imagine them to be is tremendous.
Also as a side note a few of them are obviously women

Dont get baited

>I'm merely pretending to be stupid, I'm not like the other black people
top kek