Walks into Gamestop

>walks into Gamestop
>slaps mom's credit card on counter
>"I'd like one copy of Super Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo Switch, please!"

>CoD fan buying Ninty products
Excuse me

They're both just as bad


>scented SOY candle

>Implying ugly people have another thing than escapism

i wonder if it smells like yoshis eggs haha

>that guy

he would be a fucking chad in a third world country

Then go grab a copy and then bring it to the counter, faggot.

>”Wait until I ring it up, then slide it through the machine, ya dingus. God Jesus.”

Soy has to be Sup Forums's most retarded fear since fedoras

>soy candles
Thanks Japan

*tips atheism towards you*

He'd be dead in a third world hole

Is that you OP?

>tosses soy beans at you and watches you melt when they come in contact with your skin*
*sheaths soy katana*
Heh. Nothin personell, kid.

Use this pic instead, it’s all yours my friend

Soy has been demonized for a long time retard, it aint some new fad to (rightfully) hate on the devil's bean.

Yeah Asian women like ANY white man

>Soy has been demonized for a long time retard
Not really, no. Again, soy has to be Sup Forums's most retarded fear since fedoras.


who is this cute girl

That smile makes him look much, much better.

>eating soylent
At least I know you're not a soyboy, good going user.

just bought a switch with odyssey and rabbids, what am i in for lads

fun if you like it, shitposting if you don't

Fuck you OP this was me two days ago
you forgot the "I-I'd li-like one copy of Super M-Mario Odyssey please" part

So this is why only fags and women like Zelda.

This post is how I know you don't lift.

Jesus these guys were made for each other

i mean. why not its a fun game


Here ya go

wonder how it smells haha