Want to buy a controller for PC

>want to buy a controller for PC
>about to buy an Xbox One controller
>realize microjew still don't include lithium ion batteries in current year
>order dualshock 4 instead

good thread.

You should have rechargeable batteries for your remotes and such. Saves money. But yeah, they are just being cheap.

>provides battery options
>get shitted on by community

can't make this up

those suck ass compared to lithium ion.

I use a sixaxis
They were dirt cheap back when the dualshock 3 was released. $2 each cheap

You just buy the PC version that comes with the cable though, it doesn't cost any more than the regular version

>needing wireless when you're playing on your pc

>wired controller in current fucking year

>their $150 controller still doesnt come with a lithium battery

It's cheaper, plus you never have the deal with input lag or swapping out batteries/packs/charging.

I don't mind it as I have about a dozen AA rechargeables.

Always keep a couple pairs fully charged for random things, so I don't even think about the batteries in my Bone controller.

>not having your PC hooked up to your monitor at your desk + your TV/Surround

>provides battery options
>the shittiest one is the default
>have to pay extra for the other ones
microsoft deserves to burn

Enjoy your shit battery life user.

You can get lithium ion AA batteries.

You have to do that anyway with a PS4 controller retard. At least with the Xbox one you can have a pack of rechargable batteries on rotation and don't have to throw the controller out when the battery eventually dies.

>playing on anything but a 144hz monitor


Every time I've tried buying them, they end up going to shit within a few months, only lasting a few hours before needing to be charged again.

>not using a wired controller

>closed off battery
>battery malfunctions, you're screwed

Why are people okay with this? New cell phones do the same thing. I love being able to have a fresh battery for whenever it's needed.

No, you can connect it via bluetooth.

>input lag
What a meme

Good goy

>You have to do that anyway with a PS4 controller retard.
are you retarded? I use my Dualshock 4 wirelessly on my pc all the time. I don't even own a PS4

>what is bluetooth

Stop buying shitty batteries then. They last as long as normal batteries if they're actually used, they just don't hold charge forever. That's why you put them in controllers and not shit like flashlights or TV remotes.

lol then new ones do you spaz.

Yeah I'm a pleb because I don't tolerate the higher latency and poor color bleed of an HDTV or have a monitor smaller than 28" diagonal length.

You effectively make higher fps useless when you plug a PC into a tv. If anything it will look worse than a console. Fucking brainlets I swear.

>>battery malfunctions, you're screwed
you can't open screws? soyboi

buy better TV, poorfag

1. you don't need batteries. Just plug the damn thing in
2. If you don't have 4 eneloops on rotation in 2017, you fucked up. These things are a life saver.

>wireless anything

So use a 10-15ft long USB cable. They're like, 3 for $5 on amazon

>ordering battery controllers

What happens when the battery dies in a PS4 controller? You plug it in. Sweet fucking jesus

>oh no i've beat
>better imply that jews have tricked him into buying that good thing

>don't have to throw the controller out when the battery eventually dies


Are you saying you can't replace the battery or do you think once it dies once it can't be recharged? Either way, you're wrong. Takes 2 minutes to take apart a PS4 controller and put a new battery in.

>buying a shittier controller
>because of brand loyalty

Dual shock I bought for my friend came with China batteries so congrats

>want to buy a controller for PC
>>about to buy an Xbox One controller
>realize I can easily and conveniently use the several pairs of rechargeable batteries and never have to worry about downtime
>order nothing instead since I already have one
It was a dick move of them to introduce a Bluetooth version only after a couple years on the market, especially when practically every other wireless controller in the last decade uses it by default.

But they have and I am not the same user you were arguing with, he ran like a coward.
Watch your 1080ti or titan x be outdated inevitably and useless when new tech comes out next year, like the good goy you are.
Enjoy your 144 memes while you can but you aren't because you are wasting your time shitposting here instead

>being this autistic
>not using superior modern technology

>not using a 4k 144hz ips gsync monitor 32"

All batteries eventually permanently die. What are you going to do in 20 years when PS4 controller batteries are no longer manufactured?

>You plug it in.
only when not using it. retard

>introduce a Bluetooth version
of what? xbox one controller? it still needs the special xbox for windows dongle right?

Yea if you have the special screwdriver and wait for some chink company to send you a knock off that will die a few months later. Sounds real convenient.

Been using the same fucking batteries for 3 years now, never had a problem. They still last about 6 full hours of straight gameplay and charge in 4hrs. You can buy rechargeable batteries in packs of 4 and always have enough to play. What are you, gay that you believe what others tell you with no doubt?

>What are you going to do in 20 years when PS4 controller batteries are no longer manufactured?
top kek retard, you will always be able to hook up a lithium ion battery to the controller. cheap as fuck too. you don't even need the official battery

>special screwdriver
nope, regular philips head

If I didn't already have one of these I might have gotten a gsync monitor

So you barely drain the charge and then charge it again so you can wear out the battery even faster? How many hoops are we going to jump through here?

ITT: Microsoft PAJEET defense force

Fucking pikmin

>Watch your 1080ti or titan x be outdated inevitably and useless when new tech comes out next year
you can always buy the next one cuz you are not a poorfag are you?

wireless is shit

>wanting lag

>wear out the battery even faster
that's not how modern lithium ion works, grandpa

shit spicy tier monitor

It's crazy how much better these controllers are compared to what else is out there. I also like that the charge cable is more than two feet long and it charges rather quickly.

Even if you ignore everything else you still only need to slide a plate off the back of a Xbox controller and change the batteries. Batteries you can get at any store.

Like the good goy you are
Then they become richer and you poorer
Then you complain when you are in your 70's and dying and they have all your money, rekt, goy

I have meassured the latency, and it's literally 1.6ms.

>still requires charging/has input lag

As someone who owns a ps4, you done fucked up op.
DS4 has the worst build quality, I haven't had one last me more then 6 months before something has gone wrong with it.
The battery is complete shit, seriously leds use almost no power but disabling them increases how long the controller stays charged by almost a third.

inferior batteries that end up costing more, being more of a hassle to charge, and having inferior performance.

>hahaha... your gpu will always be outdated in a year
>...im the smart one that gets to play last generation's games at 144fps
>i cant believe you're upgrading your computer yearly.....
>...fucking dumb income fags....

I am amazed how people can prefer a non-replaceable battery over trusty AAs
you just need to buy rechargeable ones
and if you fry them, you can buy new ones

I have used the same DS4 since launch, and it's literally perfect. I don't know how much of a retard you are that you have issues with the build quality of it.

>spending 1000$ every 1/2 years poorer
I waste more money on weekends or diners than on pc hw

the battery in a DS4 is easily replaceable. but you only need to do it once every 10 years lmao

Not a single thing you said is anything more than your warped fanboy opinion. Everything itt says the exact opposite so go ahead and read through it again and form an argument this time.

nice falseflagging shill -_-

Either you are lying or you are a normie that plays less then 24 hours of games a week.

>you will always be able to hook up a lithium ion battery to the controller.
Sure, but what are you going to do when no one makes batteries for the controller?

>cheap as fuck too.
They won't be when battery production stops. You'll be trying to replace your PS4 controller's battery with the scant few "good" batteries remaining, which will have lost much of their charge over the years and will discharge quickly if you try recharging it.

Meanwhile, AA batteries were being made 20 years ago and are still being made today. They will continue to be made because of how ubiquitous they are. AA batteries are cheaper and better in the long-term.

you dodged a bullet OP.

>shit tier D-pad
>outdated battery cancer
>retarded gimmicky triggers that feel like shit
they ruined the X360 controller design and still kept up with the dumb ass battery shit



The battery in a DS4 is a piece of shit that dies too fast. It lasts like 8 hours on average when you have used it like 1000 hours.
On contrast, rechargeable batteries can be easily replaced at any moment and you can have many of them with the xbox controllers.

>battery goes dead
>you are now restricted by how long your cable is
>battery goes dead
>replace them in a matter of seconds
>back to wireless
makes me think

Buy a big box from Costco. I much prefer it, last lomg, don't have depreciating charge. Don't ever have to plug it in. Etc etc.

>Sure, but what are you going to do when no one makes batteries for the controller?
hey retard, you just need any generic Li-Ion battery

Alternative is being stuck with a controller, that you literally have to take a part to replace the battery from.

Which you can't officially buy anywhere, because Sony cares more about selling you new controllers, than batteries for your old ones.

Both are shit, but Microsoft is lesser of the two evils here.

>plays less then 24 hours of games a week
playing more than 1 hour a day. what kind of fatso neet are you?

I've been using one almost every day since last year, likely playing more intensive games than you, and my controller still works perfectly.

The whole argument of rechargeable batters being bad is a complete nothing burger. As I mentioned, I've been using the same batteries for 3 years so I'm clueless if lithium rechargeable batteries are available or if lithium batteries last 4x longer. If you can get lithium rechargeable batteries, then great, do that. If not, regular rechargeable batteries are still going to be the superior option than stuff you can never reuse and have to keep paying for.

Too bad Sony can't replace the whole controller and come up with something new. MS did with the Duke and S controller. The controller is just a mess all around. There's too many needless gimmicks that rarely get used in any game.

So this is the new buzzword of the month?

oh no! the brainlet can't connect 1 plug to replace a generic lithiumion battery!

>it still needs the special xbox for windows dongle right?
No. I don't know if it's a new Windows driver or one of the more recent controller updates, but any Xbox One controller can connect to PC by USB data cable. However, only the newest controllers have bluetooth support. I figured that out the hard way when I tried to use it with my Gear VR headset.

They don't sell those in stores, how are you even going to them?

Your just jealous the government is paying for all my living expenses on top of $900 a month to do whatever I please with rather then being a wagecuck


Pretty big step down overall but batteries do suck ass, you should have brought one of those play and charge kits with the Xbox one controller, it pretty much negates the one core issue with that controller.

but that shit is aftermarket
and judging by your pic, it is DealExtreme guarantee of explosion
you can buy AAA everywhere, man

>However, only the newest controllers have bluetooth support.
which new ones?

>They don't sell those in stores
you can get them for next to nothing in any online story

>he doesnt live in China

Xd dumb nongamer

yeah but I need to go to my toolbox, find like 3 different torx screwdrivers. take it apart, put it back together and hope I don't cause a fire.

>having to make shit up
hahahahah stop mate, you have no argument left.

>which new ones?
Any new ones, standard or Elite. If you buy them in the store now you're 99% guaranteed to get a new one. I bought mine 2 years ago.

Have fun sticking one of those cheap Chinese knock offs in your controller. Hahahaha

>you can get them for next to nothing in any online store

For how much....? If it's more than $10 for everything including delivery, then the other option is better.

it uses regular philips head, also you're fucking retard if you are afraid of standard li-ion batteries. kys.

I'll take my Xbone controller over my batteries included DS4 that last all of 4 hours any day.