You DID buy the physical release, right?

You DID buy the physical release, right?

Not interested in chink cartoons.

The Evil Within? Sure.

Monster Hunter? Alright.

Devil May Cry? I don't see why not.






Sadly I couldn't get my hands on a copy. I did end up buying it twice though so that's something? Anywho, who do you main user? Just recently got back into the game.

>chink cartoons

muh top 3:

2)Big Band

I wouldn't mind giving her my physical release, if you know what I mean.

>Big Band
my nigga. Big Band and Peacock was my old team before I stopped playing the game. Trying to learn RoboFortune right now, I really like her style.

this desu senpai


Ahh, a fellow mature individual such as myself. Shall we discuss mature matters like mature adults?

Here's mine
1) Cock
2) Cock
3) Beowulf

It's american dummy

>Big Band and Peacock
Sounds familiar, I might have had you added on Steam at some point.

Good lad.

>Skullgirls thread
>No one sets up a room

Yeah but I still don't have mine cause I got the vita bundle.


Oh there's going to be some kind of physical release alright.

>implying anyone actually plays the game

>These threads are only about waifuposting
I'm not surprised honestly

i want Squigly to physically release on me

I want to see them poop

Be my friend please


I want someone to play Skullgirls with who also likes that

Anyone have any goo RoboFortune fanart? She's really cute but she doesn't seem to get as much art as the rest of the cast.


Mommy! user wants milkies!

I want to but I have too many expenses right now. Being an adult sucks. I gotta let you down Cerebella.

This is the only good thing that came out of Skullgirls

Untrue, I genuinely think Skullgirls is one of the best fighting games to come out in the past decade.

Admittedly the porn is part of that.



I didn't like the Marvel style gameplay. The porn is the only thing that reminds me this series exist.

Fair enough.


Skullgirls, but it plays like an arcsys fighter

what pose would you like filia dressed up as r mika in

lol I pirated the digital one and only played like 5 minutes before dropping that shit

Mating press

The on my DICK pose.

The game released 5 years ago. Who fucking cares about this ancient garbage?

Slapping her bum, but really embarrassed about it.

But Skullgirls already plays much better than ArcSys games.

>Who fucking cares about this ancient garbage?
Said like a true brainlet.

Bum is such a funny word. It sounds as silly as saying willy in all seriousness.

valentine main reporting in

>ITT: No one discusses the game and just sits there doing nothing but waifuposting
You fags make me disgusted to play this game

Is this your first Skullgirls thread?

Will this sale get me new people to play with?

What's a good song to play if you land your Lvl 5 blockbuster as Big Band?

I'll play with you user if you have it on Playstation.

Stand Proud or Stardust Crusaders

Bought it 3 times for myself, and a couple of times for friends. It's one of my favorite games, and I'm happy to support the devs. Anyway, my main is Valentine.

Mariel is a good artist.


embrace it








D-do you have more user ?

Was an assman until 2017 reverted me to breasts. Glad I reverted.

>buying a bad quality game over a character that is also of bad quality
Your money, your waste.

i want to lick her stomach


>not liking both

oh shit another faggot to filter, sweet.

literally fbpb.
op btfo

She's not the artist though, theyre alex ahads designs but dont let that stop you from worshipping another asian girl


I'll take her art over Alex's.

I don't play shit games so no. I'll never not be mad at the retarded combo system that doesn't allow you to press a button more than once.


She is just a snu snu chink who likes to draw hentai shit because otherwise no one will ever sees her as an "artist".

Also she is a slut.

Is this the power of an MGTOW?

>bitch is a fine slut
>design is made by a male
>she is an animator
>her style is just generic hentai + skullgirld designer clone
are you insane?
Do you even know in wich context you can use "MGTOW"; because it's seems you don't.

Speaking of Alex, where the fuck is the video of him high fiving some guy for suggesting to draw half naked chicks. I can't find it anymore.

I want Filia to be my mother, and my lover

Post more thicc Filia.


hehe "DRAW TITS" hell yea man, hell yea, high 5, i love tits too based

t. soyboy faggot

Does anyone else ever actually make the attempt to discuss skullgirls as a game, only to realize that you wouldn't even know what to talk about?
I don't know if it's just because I'm awful at fighting games or if it's because so much of the experience of fighting games is
>grind out combo or skill
>go online 1v1
>lose/win, it's irrelevant, because either way you're just gonna be grinding out more combos and techs once you're done.

That said, what's the best way to learn how to create synergy with your team? Finding good usage for my assists is still something that I have trouble doing.