The unarguably greatest JRPG of all time is on sale on Steam for $9.99
What is your excuse for not playing this?
The unarguably greatest JRPG of all time is on sale on Steam for $9.99
What is your excuse for not playing this?
le church is the bad guy meme. no thanks.
>I... loves both of you
>ends up as hobo
I own it for the Dreamcast. It is fucking tempting, though.
Already own it, but have a bump in case faggots haven't played this yet.
[HAHAHA intensifies]
I got it for the price of a CD-R on Dreamcast.
name one game that has a better story than Grandia II that also has equal / better combat.
Skies of Arcadia
Grandia 1
Grandia II may be unique, but Legend of Legaia is the best JRPG For me
Every boss was a casual filter
I already played it a few years ago emulated, bought it on steam anyway just because.
Fucking supreme taste my friend. Who was your favorite boss? I loved finally finishing off Songi on the third battle.
Berserker was bullshit. He would always rot my party and i've have to fight him a good 10 times to finally get lucky.
>*kill your series*
lel, even grandia 1 is better
Do I need to play the first Grandia to understand Grandia II?
Grandia 1 has a far better plot and cast, and 3 has a better battle system.
But 2 is the best for getting both decent? I don't know.
Dont fucking remind me.
>3d jrpg
Nothing has aged worse
God this game was so fucking good, it was so lighthearted at times and then it got DARK as FUCK
>dat Juggernaut in the works that ate girls
>that tower I do not remember that was filled with mist the first time you arrive
>your village swallowed by Juggernaut
this game legit gave me nightmares
But now I started playing it again and the plot was too retarded
>bad guy can literally teleport
>the only ones that could potentially become a threat to his plan, the Ra-Seru users are getting stronger and slowly reviving the Genesis Trees
>instead of teleporting behind them in their sleep and killing them, he appears on time to time to send you a boss that its only a couple of levels stronger than you
still got those good memories so that's something
1 is great
2 is also great
3 is GOAT
Whoever writes 4 need to be shot in the head, especially the one that wrote the ending.
5, I'm not fan of childhood friend cucking, great game otherwise
Tactic, goddamn awful.
It is not a great day.
but we're talking about Legend of Legaia my boi, not Wild Arms
Does it have widescreen support yet?
The dev make wild arms 2 and alundra.
It's ugly looking, that's my excuse
What kind of monkey buys a OLD AS FUCK game on steam? Why not pirate it? You think the devs are gonna care about that money when they have moved on to other projects? Heck you think all that money won't just go to the publisher who then don't really give a fuck after years? You're literally just throwing pointless money away.
Thank you very much.
I've never played any of the Wild Arms games. Do they still hold up?
I want the 3 friends I have on steam (1 of which is my sister and the other is my mom) to see I have some seriously good taste. It's really all for cred if u nomsayin.
id love to finally try it, but im broke, dont even have 10 bucks
My pc can't even run 16 bit games.
I liked the first better. There was something magical about being the boy leaving his mom's house and exploring the world with a colorful cast of characters that absolutely could not be topped by ANY bullshit that Japan has squeezed out of its moe-addicted asshole. Justin best self insert. Feena best adventuring gf. Sue best sisterly friend. Grandia best fucking jrpg of all time.
>a gorillion years old
>still 9.99 burgs
that's why
Visually unappealing to anyone without nostalgia.
I have it on GOG.
If they never got any money for these old games then they wouldn't even port it you turd. I know
Whatever. I would still go for the most optimized version, which I'll admit can be the emulated one, but in the case of a game like .hack, I'd prefer the remaster.
I can figure out that money is good for these kinds to continue, even though I'm a massive hypocrite who pirates everything. Never knock the buyfags as a pirate. They are the reason our cheap lifestyle continues. Otherwise every game will by microtransaction ridden multiplayer only.
Once you get past the bland characters and uinteresting story, it's by far the best Grandia in terms of gameplay.
The game was released years ago.
At this current state you giving money won't matter for jack shit. Support games when they are new and pirate shit if it's been years and years after release.
it's not $4.99. it possibly COULD be later in the sale.
>The unarguably greatest JRPG of all time
Not quite. The COMBAT is arguably the best in the genre, but something about the game fell a bit flat to me. I think it was missing a sense of scale and world-building. The characters, story and pacing were all great though. 8/10 but I'd recommend it to anyone just because the gameplay is so good and the pacing and difficulty is very player-friendly
None of the emulated versions actually work properly, the only version that did was the OLD original PC release which these days is very very hard to get running on modern PCs.
This new version is from the best version of the game and runs amazing with none of the issues the other versions suffer from.
Honestly I think the plot of Grandia was poorly paced. I think the whole climbing over the end of the world and going into unexplored territory should have been built up to for longer to make it a bigger deal, rather they just get that bit over with relatively quickly.
Thats not Final Fantasy VII. ;)
Grandia 1 was pretty solid. The sequels have this...thing where something really weird happens with the writing about halfway in. Everything after the Melfice fight in 2 or that absolutely based plane takeoff scene in 3 makes me think they just hand it off to a different scenario writer and the tone completely shifts.
It's hard to describe, but it hasn't stopped me from loving the games or beating it to Millenia for 15 years
Price tag's too high. It should be 5 bucks at best. I also happen to be an eurocuck and paying 10€ for this makes my ass hurt.
The guy behind Grandia is dead.
I played the original Dreamcast version, the PS2 port and the PC version.
You obviously have no idea how the release of Grandia II went especially the PC release.
It basically doesnt run anymore on new PCs, I have it. I bought it on Steam because I grew up playing it on PC and wanted the version that runs on modern specs.
i have it for ps2 already
you can run it if you use google and not be a moron. I had that same problem with Grim Fandango and still was able to get it to run even before it was out on steam.
I already played it.
you mean like in life
You wanna scuffle, mate?
>Not praying at home
Low IQ (((Catholic)))
I own it on the PS2
I pray at both home and church. The church is not evil.
Organized Christianity is basically Judaism.
The PS2 version is buggy as fuck, just like the old PC version.
When did this place become /pol light?
Fuck off, it's not Grandia Xtreme
Your opinion belong in the trash with you.
Just finished playing this. This games reminds me of FFX, but with the whole anime tone. Like, it has an anime atmosphere like Phantasy Star IV was. Especially the music and voice acting. The NPCs are fucking great. You can talk to them more than twice and after every event their dialogue changes which reflect what's happening to them and the world.
The story and game is great up untill you fight Valmars torso. Then it suddendly turns into a steaming pile of shit.
Don't get me wrong, I love the game and for 10 bucks everybody should consider getting it if they like RPGs. But the spaceship suddendly shrinking into a sword, the 5-Headed-Dragon, Ryudo somehow miracously losing all his smugness. The game was 50% driven by finding Malfice, and thenkilling him feels just as satisfying. But seriously, something bad happened after 80% of the game considering its development.
The most comfy JRPG not the greatest
shit somehow I forgot to spoiler the killing
Grandia Xtreme
There's very little plot, and after that, it's straight to killin'
>when the mundane reality that there isn't an organised religion in existence who hasn't commit some atrocity through their church is too edgy for you
what's the one that goes above snowflake
The word you are looking for is special.
The trope of a big overpaid religious group being an evil world ending power is overplayed is all i'm saying jerkface.
this guy comes into the bar and assaults your girlfriend's divine. what do?
Churches are DEFINITELY bad.
I stopped going to church when the pastor went on a rant about how jews are the original "chosen people" and that us Christians should respect them and their religion and that they will go to heaven without needing to believe in Jesus because of their pact with God.
I thought "this is fucking bullshit, I go to mass every week but jews get away with not going, fuck the church"
Ryudo best protag.
no way this is a false flag troll. no way. also OP, great thread.
Not even trolling, had a fuckhuge 600 post thread on Sup Forums discussing this story last week.
It wasn't meant to be a random troll post, I meant it to be a reply to
>grandia 2
This is my way of thanking you
3 has the GOAT opening cinematic/song
you're good. too good.
Does this even hold up? sure doesn't look like it does.
If you are over 25 its great. Newfags dont appreciate the old kind of gameplay.
Is it better than the first? Only played that one.
Already played beat the original PC port published by Ubisoft.
That's almost a fair point but I'm having trouble finding an antagonistic archetype that hasn't been overplayed, though, so it still feels like a weird line to draw. It just seems to come down to what tropes you've exposed yourself to the most. Sure, if you play JRPG's, ebil church will feature prominently, just like if you play western games you'll have come across your fair share of ebil privateers
congrats idiot
Did they ever fix this or what? Last I heard it was wonky.
The first Grandia absolutely destroys it though
That was beautiful you guys!
I still like its battle system
> I'm having trouble finding an antagonistic archetype that hasn't been overplayed, though, so it still feels like a weird line to draw
You have a pretty good point. I've played so many JRPG's that i'm probably over exposed.
Any differences worth pointing out? Which is the best?
Graphics have aged horribly, but the battle system is some of the best in the genre. Voice acting is solid and the dialogue is pretty humorous, and there's a lot of it. So it holds a special place in my memory.
its a direct port