Who is the best JRPG protagonist of all time?

Who is the best JRPG protagonist of all time?

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you just posted him


Noctis was pretty gud too

>Kills the bad guys
>Gets the girl but dumps her
>Saves the world with his friends
>Generally has an awesome time doing it

Why can't more protagonists be like Yuri?

This dude

>Kills the bad guys
He didn't kill Duke. But that's what makes Yuri so awesome. He convinced the bad guy to help him.

But who won the Yuribowl?

>Noctis was pretty gud too

Noctis was average

>Why can't more protagonists be like Yuri?
It's no longer cool to blatantly rip off code geass like vesperia did

>Won the popularity contests so hard and so frequently they had to permanently retire him to a hall of fame so they could shill newer characters

In the PS3 version, it's confirmed that Yuri likes Judith the most but she scares him. Estelle is more like a cute sister to him while Rita is the tsundere bitch.


what makes him so great, he was just bland for most of the game and only manned up at the last chapter

>In the retroactively made fan pandering PS3 versio, it's confirmed that yuri likes judith the most because they pandered to rita/estelle shippers

Noctis is boring as fuck.

I wish more JRPG protags were over the age of 16.

Weren't Estelle and Yuri sleeping together in the same bed at the end segment?

Stocke, from Radiant Historia. Yuri's pretty damn fun though.


>Stocke, from Radiant Historia.
I see this alot. What makes Stocke cool? Also is Radiant Historia good?

Ryusei Date

I'm pretty sure Rita is already in a relationship with Blastia

He's a rare example of the protagonist being the smartest person in the game. He also slams mad puss.

Ryusei is ma nigga on so many levels

>protagonist being the smartest person in the game
Sold. Smart guy protags are based as fuck.
>He also slams mad puss.
Some great bonus points there. Is the game good?

>What makes Stocke cool?
He's a mature motherfucker, and pretty damn clever.
>Also is Radiant Historia good?
Unironically one of the best RPGs on the DS, it's also getting a remake (of somewhat questionable quality) for the 3DS as well. OST is pretty solid as well.


Radiant Historia was good enough to get people to beg for an updated rerelease on 3ds.

>What makes Stocke cool? Also is Radiant Historia good?

You know how in more JRPGs there is someone who is the brains of the party that is not the MC? Stocke is the MC and the brains of the party. Plus he gets a hang of the time travel stuff really well.

I wouldn't say he's great but he does grow as a character. Like a 4th of the way into the game he drops the whole "this is just like a video game" mentality due to several factors:
*nearly dying in Antarctica
*seeing a base be nuked while being powerless to do anything
*getting chewed out/beat up by Rai
*Tenzan (who is the embodiment of what Ryusei would of become if he kept down the same mentality)

Thanks lads, I guess I'll be playing Radiant Historia some time soon. At least after Xenoblade 2

It's a grid style turn based rpg.
The fun of the combat is learning to manipulate the enemy to combo the entire enemy field.
The story is somewhat questionable due to time travel, but it's handled fairly well.

Hell, the original even got a reprint due to fan demand.

This kid.

Yes this dude.

Ryusei's a great character not just for the reasons you listed.
>/m/ and Sup Forums incarnate
>living the dream
>360 no-scopes missiles
>has a harem
>pretends to like robot girls more than flesh girls
>The real reason he pushes away Aya, Latooni and Kusuha is because his father died in combat while he was young and left him to support his mother. He's smart enough not to get involved in a relationship during war time and repeat the cycle

He keeps maturing as the games go along, beyond the initial set up of him just being a video game nerd given a giant robot.

10/10 troll post. But for hatefapping to, absolutely the best protagonist.

>his father died in combat

he was a cop not a soldier

that thing you found in her drawer and she was super embarrassed about was a blastia powered dildo

Yeah, but he still died, presumably on the line of duty. Ryusei had to quit school to provide for his family and he probably resents his father for it. The mechasexual front is just that, a front.

Jr was the real protagonist of Xenosaga.

Step aside fags.


Duke wasn't a bad guy

He tried to destroy all humans on the planet including babies because his furry friend died.

Allen please get off Sup Forums.

There is literally no contest.

He was going to trade all human life to kill off the Adephagos so that the planet wouldn't be destroyed/covered in DARKNESS. The humans were the ones that caused the fucking thing to show up in the first place. It was just Yuri and friends showed him the power of friendship and changed his judgement of humans, as they accepted to sacrifice their blastia all over the world.

He did nothing wrong.

That's not Estelle.

What part of


Isn't wrong?

He was going to sacrifice himself as well to stop that purple apocolypse thing. He cared more about nature than humans after the war, since clearly, humans cause more bad than good.

This nigga.

>humans summon an immanent destruction to the world
>"lol this guy wants to sacrifice our lives to stop this thing we caused, what an asshole, time to go back to causing war and aer abusing"
He did nothing wrong

There was no guarantee that Duke's plan would have worked and if it backfired then he would have caused a massive aer imbalance that would killed the world. You saw the effects of aer imbalance earlier in the game where just a small amount caused massive paralysis and trouble breathing for the whole party. Now imagine a cloud of that over the world.

Also Duke tried to kill the party. So he's considered to be the bad guy from the protag point of view.

>the very textbook definition of "generic JRPG princess character"
>a girl who is not actually that interesting once you look past her flirty personality
>a fucking brat

With those choices, I hope he stayed single. Yuri is a great protagonist but the rest of Vesperia's cast left something to be desired.

>giving up his humanity

He was going to sacrifice himself and all humans on the planet just to avenge his friends death. That's what he wanted ultimately.

this is the same shitty broken logic a lot of tales games use, where the drama only happens because nobody can just tell people what they want to do

dhaos can't just tell people that using the mana canon will fuck up the future, ricter can't tell people that he's going to trick the demons, nobody can tell anyone a goddamn thing in abyss, duke can't just explain to people that they're causing troble with aer, ect ect ect

Of course he was the antagonist, im not saying that he's not, and its explained its because he saw first hand how destructive, backstabbing, and ruthless humans are, so he had zero trust in humans and thought of them as people who bring their own ruin. Which is proven by the fact that the Adephagos was brought by humans fucking around, and also the aer imbalances were also because humans continued to fuck around. He had more than enough reason to hate humans. Of course its the whole "all humans are the same" cliche, but he was going down with the ship either way because he was going to sacrifice his own life along with everyone else.

If you count Tactics as an JRPG

I too enjoyed punished priest.
Very unusual for a protagonist too which may be why I like him so much.

The one and only.

>just to avenge his friends death
That was his ulterior motive, but he also wanted to save preserve the world and the Entelexeia

Yuri was the fucking man.
I'm still mad about no PS3 version.

I miss when RPG villains could just be cunts motivated by greed and evil. Seems nowadays every villain needs some pathetic sob story motivation where we try and pretend they're the victim too despite the fact that they committed countless atrocities.


Flynn did. It's actually canon.

True that Duke had enough reason to hate humans, but he still had no justfiable reason to end all life on Earth including babies and unborn children who did nothing. This is also why Yuri is a awesome protag for talking sense into him after kicking his ass. If Yuri simply killed Duke like any other Tales protagonist (edgy velvet), they wouldn't have had enough support to end the adephagos.

Sorey is, because his husband is perfect.

Yuri also pulled the same shit with that chick that tried to stab him. Instead of getting petty revenge or ratting it out to Flynn, he just said "I'm too fucking busy saving the world to care about this shit".

It's really so hard to dislike Yuri. Even the movie worked well for him.



Vyse and Yuri are my two favorite JRPG protags. They aren't emo or whiny, they just see the best in other people. Like how Yuri saw Karol's potential and how Vyse recruited his own pirate crew to save the world.

English patch is 100% done and so is the complete guide.


>you will never be a super priest assassin who hunts down heretics for a living
why even live

Just buy a hacked ps3 already. The fan translation is unbelievably good.

>we'll never get a kiseki protagonist as good as Kevin ever again
fuck Rean

>same canon as SJ


Dub's perfectly fine, Char. One of the few times they don't fuck it up.


>Radiant Historia was good enough to get people to beg for an updated rerelease on 3ds.

Who asked for this?

I wanted a sequel dammit.

I liked this fucker, if only because at first he's just after some cash and vengeance and is kind of a prick. His poorly dubbed lines also grew on me. The fact you technically don't play as him but rather his guardian spirit was also kind of interesting.

I would say Yuri Hyuga from Shadow Hearts, on the merits of being simultaneously well written, complex, and likeable.

>Interesting concept itself: Schizophrenic who tries to drown out suicidal/homicidal voices with constant laughter and joke cracking
>Long-spanning character development that crosses multiple games and periods of his life.
>Developers aren't afraid of showing his emotions, even if the character himself is
>Gameplay wise can adapt to tons of different playstyles based on your party composition

obviously totori just look at her and see how smol she is.

>People who pick generic silent self-insert protagonists

Just fuck off.

Yeah no.

Radiant historia is Chrono Triggers little bro. It's a very very good game.

*blocks your path*

Yuri Lowell is pretty good.

I don't want to say Yuri but I can't exactly think of anyone else who's better.

exdeath did nothing wrong

Sorry op Yuri is banned from "best...of" polls

Flynn won before the story even started.


He's actually cool, which is the same reason Yuri is usually most popular. Most JRPGs have lameass fags for protags, or silent ones that have no personality.

Pretty much everyone in FF6 is cool.

>According to the official books Yuri's type is blonde and 180cm.

The [wolf] who howls at the [moon].

Came here to post this.

Yeah, when he returns after being lost in the sea with a stab wound they sleep together in his room.

