Is anyone concerned about the wireless signals this console gives out, especially to the two joy cons, can't be healthy can it. I'm intrigued by the console but don't want fucking cancer
Is anyone concerned about the wireless signals this console gives out, especially to the two joy cons...
belly poster is gonna end up with testicle cancer
yes im concerned
Like how many ducking wireless signals you think are around you?
your tv, phone, and computer moniter give out the same signals. enjoy dementia in a few years
Ducking signals? You at a swannery for the deaf?
just buy that soy drink from info wars
If you have a phone and keep it in your pocket then you already have plenty to worry about.
>Switch has too much radiations!
Sonybros are getting desperate.
i thought lefties were the soyboys
You know what I meant!
It's just a pair of bluetooth devices.
>the left really can't meme
Fuck man, I don't want to end up with fucked up blue teeth like a fucking brit.
ya this
>says the user posting from his computer or phone
are you concerned about using a microwave?
What do you do, hang it on a piece of string away from your body?
I've heard of a kid which put his head between both joycons and got his brain fried.
be careful!
Incredibly so, to the point where I don't eat shit from them. No joke
this is how I will end myself
I'll be fine
>hasn't heard of the Joy con Killer going around frying people's brains
god bless
Lol what a retard,
You are getting bombarded by invisible waves 100% of the day and night, they do not affect your biology, stop being retarded.
Stop turning me on like this user.
How do you know it doesn't affect your biology though? You do realise for ages no one thought smoking was bad for you.. Now look
Is this some kind of new punk joke?
If 5 I will kill myself
what are wireless controllers
Why do you think this shit is a joke?
I have been getting more migraines ever since I bought a switch...
bluetooth gives out more radiation rays than you'd think
There is legal limits to radiation a device can give off cellphones being the highest in use. As long as it's not up to your ear u'll be fine.
You use a fucking phone and put it right next to your fucking brain all the time and yet a portable console that sends bluetooth signal will give you cancer
>Tfw the wi fi signals from Switch are turning kids gay
>i heard there was a real caveman around here
Its like poetry
>0.02¥ has been deposited to your account on behalf of Sony(tm)
EM radiation with that low frequency doesn't have enough energy to cause chemical changes. All it does is warm the tissue it gets absorbed in a little. Go ahead and look up how much power goes into the antenna of something like a switch remote and see how much it warms your hand in a minute if all of that power goes into your hand.
Then think about how much heat the human body generates even when idle.