Name one character in the history of all video games that has done everything wrong to the sheer extent of Ted Faro.
I'm waiting.
Name one character in the history of all video games that has done everything wrong to the sheer extent of Ted Faro.
I'm waiting.
Literally every villian who wants to destroy the world and beyond. He's small time and partially right
who's that?
Kinda-antagonist from Horizon: Zero Dawn. He destroyed humanity with a wave of sentient self-replicating war robots that literally eat nature itself as fuel, and then they went on to destroy on life on Earth.
As atonement for his sins, Ted went on to murder the last couple of humans attempting to fix things, then wiped out the record of all human art, culture, and science.
>literally eat nature itself as fuel
that's fucking scary
Yeah. It kinda is.
If I was a paranoid man, I'd say it's a massive political rallying cry against biofuels. His original intention was to create war robots that could go out on their own, fuck up the enemy, and after their primary fuel ran out then start breaking down plant and animal life as fuel.
It's actually pretty weird, the game's depiction of the apocolypse is strangely one of the most disturbing I've seen in fiction in a long time. Usually you get it as a "oh well they all fucking died the end" sort of deal, or you see shit like in zombie fiction where the humans go full retard and you feel like the deserve it in the end.
HZD's humanity got fucked over so fast by the robots they didn't have time to go full retard. They actually made good, if not horrific, choices to save the world.
The plot's great till the ending. The final boss lives for no fucking reason. Dumb.
Fuck. I'll add that I just realized how much of a brainlet I am.
Sylas rigged the fucking spear. He knew the final boss wouldn't die. What a fucking asshole.
Or maybe Sylas was dumb for letting Aloy, who has the technical prowess of a six year old with legos, attach a highly sophisticated coding tool to a stick with duct tape and spit.
Also to me the creepiest part of the plot is how the revived humans had to grow up into fucking adults with only the Toddler education program and walled off adult housing sections. Like, you can see just how small that area is during that one mission to go inside the All Mother, that's so fucking horrific.
I wish you had posted this when I finished the game a month ago because fuck me was I ready to rage at Ted Faro. I mean come the fuck on, it never once crossed your mind to better define what biofuel they could use? Put in a secure, you only safety switch? Do literally anything other than making robots that could lead other robots, hack other robots into their network, repair themselves, build new robots, and use all life on Earth down to the molecules as robo snacks?
I really, REALLY hope in the sequel we find his hideout from the apocalypse with him in a cryo tube so we can crack it open and poke him in the chest.
He did nothing wrong, though. Who wants to live forever?
Also, fuck me. Actual Horizon discussion. I had no clue this was possible.
Do video game players count?
If so,I nominate mysefl.
How is frozen wilds? Worth the money?
They actually did address the lack of a safety switch. Ted apparently wanted to make his robots 'hack proof' and gave his subordinates very strict definitions on that. Then when he started trying to shut them down he realized his one normal option was the only one he had, and none of his robots had an actual back door.
I cleverly hid it as a standard pissing contest thread. Also note how I avoided posting Aloy's face. Only people that played the damn game recognize Ted "I want all scientists dead" Faro.
I plan on starting it tonight, but I've been told it's basically an Expansion Pack, and the enemies in there are tough as absolute fuck and can outright disable the Energy Shielding from the end game armor.
>I'd say it's a massive political rallying cry against biofuels
You could also read it as an anti-drone and other unmanned tech message.
Horizon's world is one where humanity has nearly replaced itself entirely with convenience bots. Most fiction goes for the societal angle, shit like WALL-E or whatever, but Horizon looks for the worst part of the human experience and asks what happens if the humans aren't there.
Super interesting premise and there's a lot to explore there.
I highly doubt Ted is still alive.
He probably put a bullet in his brain after asphyxiating the Alphas.
I got a good 15 hours to 100% including Trophies. Story's interesting and fills out a better picture of what the sequel will look like.
You get some more Banuk insight, which is nice since they weren't a big part of the main game.
I'd say it was worth 20 bucks.
Smart. Feel free to make this thread from time to time. It's crazy discussing this shit without lame ass shitposters.
Fucking beautiful.
Ted Faro had his own private bunker and wasn't even in the same location they were in when he killed them. He probably lived out the rest of his life with 10/10 whores assuming he didn't cryogenically freeze himself. I doubt they had Sylens mention that science and explain what it was to Aloy for no reason.
Oh. Yeah. The game actually mentions him chilling with beautiful women in a bunker.
The thing people don't get about Aloy is that she seems more real than most game protagonists. It's like she's a real woman.
It will probably turn out that he is still alive and that he was the one who had Gaia's programs all go rogue 19 years before the story begins in an attempt to wipe it so it can start over again.
Yeah, I agree, Horizon's take on the the sci-fi future was very refreshing. Humanity got so damn caught up in hopping from one tech craze to the next that nobody bothered questioning how face tech was going forward.
I also really fucking love the entire premise behind Project Zero Dawn as well. Exploring the recruitment facility and exploring the euthanasia room after the last remnants of humanity were told that the glorious hope was in fact a huge lie to keep people fighting, dying, and stalling while scientists worked on a bomb shelter for embryos and seeds was really disturbing.
Can we find Elizabet in the game anywhere? Like, her corpse I mean. They mentioned her 'going home' but she sure as shit couldn't have gotten far.
What in the fuck.
>the enemies in there are tough as absolute fuck
Yes. The new machines are significantly more aggressive and powerful than the main game roster.
>and can outright disable the Energy Shielding
Not the enemies themselves, but they will chew through it like paper regardless.
They do mention a "signal" which awoke the AI subfunctions
The farm her armor is at isn't on the game map, unfortunately.
Personality wise she's kind of plastic and bland, but looks wise I like her precisely because she's not sexy. She's just kind of... average? Like a 6/10?
I do like how she responds to the shit from the old world with genuine horror and shock. It's a great contrast with Sylens who is like a stuffy nerd just looking for action figures still in their boxes.
>They do mention a "signal" which awoke the AI subfunctions
Yes, it's obvious sequel bait. They even have Sylens bring it up in the post-credits scene.
>It's like she's a real woman
Yeah, a real cunt.
I hate her attitude so much. She's got a chip on her shoulder in almost every encounter in the game.
Normally I'm pretty against sequel baiting, but honestly I feel the game's plot was already pretty full and bloated as it was. It didn't need much more, otherwise it would have worn me the fuck out.
To be fair, her upbringing would do that.
Not really, she's pretty fucking bland as a character.
I disagree. Aloy is way too socially competent and self-assured for someone who spent her whole life up until that point ridiculed and shunned by everyone but her father figure.
It doesn't bother me that much, but it does strike me as something that was forced into the game later, rather than something that evolved naturally through the narrative.
I doubt the person who wrote the original treatment of the story imagined Aloy as a snarky superhero archetype.
A life like hers would make anyone else awkward, reserved, distrustful and lacking confidence.
>I have no reason to think that anyone or anything will survive to ever read it. But whether that happens or not, the truth of the story remains.
>That once upon a time, on a planet called Earth, there lived a boy named Bashar who loved his mother very, very much.
>Goodbye, Ma. I love you.
Fuck. ;_;
>le evil white man ruins everything and le amazing scientist woman saves le human race but le evil white man ruins everything again
Holy fucking shit guys just cool it for like five minutes, we get it.
That's not what the story is about. Stop.
Aw, they found it.