Both items are on black Friday sale
Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality =$350
Vive+ Deluxe Audio Strap + Fallout4vr = $600
Which one do you guys have?
Both items are on black Friday sale
Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality =$350
Vive+ Deluxe Audio Strap + Fallout4vr = $600
Which one do you guys have?
none, I can't stop being poor.
I have a Vive and think it's really cool. I'm excited for Fallout VR
Vive is the only worthwhile option.
Got the Oculus. i like it and there's a ton of free stuff for it on Steam but the problem is that the free stuff tends to be a lot better than the stuff that you pay for despite being so short.
Waiting for someone to make something real for it.
Killing Floor was great but insanely short and not worth the money.
Still playing Raw Data but that, too, is kinda short and a bit on the easy side.
Seems like people are putting more effort into making porn for it than actual games.
Have you tried VRchat?
Are there actual games? It seems like 95% minigames, rail shooters or shooting galleries. I want to get into VR but feel like there's not enough out there to justify $600.
pimax 8K is better and works with vive controller and base station
I returned my Vive a couple days before my refund was no longer eligible. Thought it was overpriced at $800, but way fucking cool. Just bought the Black Friday deal, feels much for fair.
What are some new games I should try? I refunded the original purchase like 6 months ago.
thats the limitations of VR
Fuck off. That's a Kickstarter that has failed so far to prove if they're worth their weight. Stop misleading people. It's chinkware incase anyone is wondering.
For the Vive
Do you have to install the sensors?
had a vive and it was well constructed. I'd buy one again if I could enjoy playing the games for more than 30 minutes due to there being no substance in 99% of them. they all feel like tech demos.
If you're a /k/ommando, I highly recommend H3VR. Put in almost a hundred hours, most of them on the shooting ranges.
I got the vive, but that was from back when they were relatively similar in price.
Much as it pains me to say it, for $350 you cant go wrong with the rift. Save the $250 for the next generation VR systems.
In fact, if you arent desperate for VR, id save every penny for the next generation. Its easy to get sick of playing with the current hardware and lack of good games.
on the walls or use stands yeah. they have to be above the headset/controllers and pointed down to achieve the largest sensor field.
Sairento VR is a cool cyber ninja game
H3VR if you like guns
Pavlov if you like guns but less simulation and more multiplayer shootan
Bullets and More if you want even more multiplayer shootan.
Climbey if you're into platforming
if anyone plays anymore The Art of Fight had a cool thing going but nobody played.
Out of Ammo is neat and just got a 2nd game
Raw data is kinda like Sairento with more polish and less content unless they've been updated.
also all my favorite games are rooty tooty point and shooty for the most part.
I sold my vive like last year. I paid around 800 for it and all it did was sit on my shelf for days until I wanted to jerk off.
I have an oculus and my friends got a vive.
Im always having problems and he never does.
Croteam's done great work bringing the Serious Sam games and Talos Principle to VR and Bethesda has Skyrim on PSVR now and DOOM/Fallout 4 early next month on Vive (though DOOM is its own thing and not a port like Fallout 4).
VR is still a niche/enthusiast market so most big studios aren't going to develop games solely for VR but as the market grows they'll add VR support to their games when it makes sense.
Still in development and the best I've heard from people who have used it is "Has potential but movement isn't as good as Vive/Rift yet."
This is my experience. Tempted to try to get a refund (or new kit to sell) from Oculus and get a Vive instead. I've had the thing for like 2 months now and have had it working for a grand total of 2 days after paying about $90 extra for a replacement cable and HDMI-DVI adapters.
The Vive might be better but not $250 better, especially if the Rift still comes with Robo Recall, Medium, and Quill. The cheap looking headphones are also really fucking good.
I don't think I've had any problems with my Rift. Using a three sensor setup, FWIW.
thanks doc
which one is the better bang for the buck?
I got a Vive when it was bundled with a discounted 1070 recently. So far it has been really fun. It is a bit disappointing that we only have a few games coming from larger developers. Indie games are fun and show off what is possible, but that makes me want a longer game with more depth even more. That said, it is also fun getting in in the beginning while developers are still figuring out what works. Another concern is eye strain due to the low resolution. Some of the guns in H3VR have sights that do not work well at all with the Vive. I feel like trying to see the few pixels that make up the sights are more likely to cause eye problems than having the screen up against my face. Despite the few current troubles, I can definitely see this becoming a big thing once it become more accessible. It really is something you can't appreciate until you try and I have no regrets spending the money on it.
So far I have tried shooting, sports, and platforming which are all fun in VR and go well with the controls. Are there any action games that work? I can't imagine melee combat working with 1:1 motion controls.
Easily the Rift.
> limitations of VR
No, it's a limitation of a small market that's mainly people who were willing to spend most of a thousand dollars for a display that would enable them to pay even more money to play anything on it. Pretty much all VR titles are horribly overpriced, but people still buy them.
Anyone here plays Dolphin VR? which games do you recommend that work well?
The Rift hands down, even if you shell out for an extra camera (which you should). If you have the space for roomscale I think the Vive is worth it, though.