Why was Jade Empire consistently seen as the black sheep of BioWare until Dragon Age II and Andromeda took the cake for...

Why was Jade Empire consistently seen as the black sheep of BioWare until Dragon Age II and Andromeda took the cake for being their worst games. Jade Empire isn't even remotely bad.

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Is in my top 5 games anomalouse

lets hold hands and skip while we enjoy our shit taste together while we cry at the current state of bioware

This was considered a black sheep?

I admire your honesty. Hell, I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.

I'm not sure what you mean OP, I recall it being fairly well received when it was new.
It's certainly not anywhere near as popular we BioWare's other series now if that's what you mean

A great game drowned in shitty RPG mechanics and even shittier combat

just like kotor except it's not star wars so it's okay to shit on

Yeah it was well received and mostly forgotten. I think you could definitely call it underappreciated but not the black sheep.

>Find my steelbox in the attic just a few weeks ago
>it's rusting away

I've noticed that most of the people that trashed the game hated it simply because it wasn't 'Western.' I use to post on Bioware forums all the time before they went turbo SJW and would ban you over anything. A lot of people hated the game simply because it was chinese themed. They wanted KoToR 3.

I thought it was great and probably had one of the best combat systems that Bioware has designed.

I wish that they would make a sequel to it, but I doubt they ever will.

Thanks for reminding me that this game exists. Now I can buy it on Steam while it's still on sale.

You think you do but you don't.

Seriously, do you really want nu-Bioware to make a sequel?

ea was literally giving it away
but you have to use origin

Combat was simple as hell but I liked an rpg that actually had some action to it, even if it wasn't done too well. Setting was interesting too.

Probably because it's really not anything like the other games in biowares catalog, who were seen at the time as pretty much exclusively a CRPG developer. It's a fine game and has some good moments, I think it just caught people off guard

It's firmly in the "When Bioware used to be good" Era. It was just overlooked because it was a original IP, but didn't have the AAA marketing budget to make people interested. It was also pretty progressive before being progressive became a knee-jerk, pants shitting issue

DA2 has plenty of obvious flaws and a quest system that felt like finishing a list of grating chores, but I still have a soft spot for it, for the characters and their dynamic.

Jade Empire's more of a classic standard hero's journey, but I never did manage to completely finish it.

That's funny for you to say, because I see a lot of progressives shit on the game because it's a game set in China made by a bunch of "westerners" relying on "racist stereotypes" or some dumb shit.

Just enjoy it as is. The new crew at Bioware can't fill whatever expectations you might have.

Best girl.

It was the right kind of progressive though. In the sense that it was a Chinese themed game with Chinese mythos and Chinese characters that were well written without any Western social justice horse shit and other garbage. The game was a bit Mulan, a bit Three Kingdoms and a bit classic Kung Fu movie.

It's a blatantly unfinished mess off a game that gets progressively worse the longer you play it

>Jade Empire

Just started playing this 2 days ago. I just finished the imperial arena, how much longer I got?

Who /tigerstyle/ here?

you're already like 70% through the game
It's a LOT shorter than you think, chapter 3 is as long as 4 through 7 combined

Are there mods for Jade Empire?

With the influx of chinks on Steam, even the most cynical corporation should be taking advantage of the situation.
Either more Chinese themed games would be released, or better, we get more actual Chinese games in the west

Bioware made sonic chronicles after this right? I remember people used to say that the sonic curse got passed to bioware

Best style.

Bioware hasn't been good since BG2. Kotor is a shallow as fuck RPG and only got praise because the Star Wars fandom will chug down anything with the IP attached to it.

Legendary strike or get out.

I dunno about Burgerland but in Canada we had all sorts of steelbook editions here for preordering (essentially counting as Day 1 Editions). It's probly an OG Xbox edition.

Is that game actually good or more Chink MMO garbage

It's okay. The translation is off and clearly done by people who don't speak English, but the game is fun enough. Same as Jade Empire, you kung fu your way around, only no god and mythics shit

Mine as seen better days tho

The combat was easy to break, plus most of the dialogue and cutscenes had some shit-tier production values on them even for the time it released.

Game was still fun as fuck, though. I can't fucking believe being a wishy-washy faggot allowed me to bang two girls at the same time.

I just remember the collector's edition had an exclusive class, in a game with only a like 4 classes.

Because you had to play as an asian and interact with asians. This game would have sold 10000000000 times more if you could play as a white man.

>1 attack animation


it is pretty bad though. I played KOTOR/2 for the first time about 4 years ago, and I loved it. Then after KOTOR 2 I played this and was so disappointed.

I really wish we got more rpgs that utilized the setting. I'd even settle for a diablo-esque arpg.

>Mfw I got the threesome ending because I was an indecisive faggot.

Forgot face

So thats why they made nioh


>Because you had to play as an asian and interact with asians
You mean like in a lot of Japanese games?

jade empire is the beginning of everything that people hate bioware for in their actually bad games

casualized action rpg mechanics for consoles (people randomly speak "the old language" because they couldn't fit full voice acting for everyone on an xbox disk), lazy rehashing of previous games (open hand/closed fist is literally just light side/dark side points again outside of like 3 situations), overbearing references to real life (dude it's the guy from monty python is voicing this wacky british character isn't that wild lmao)

the game itself is nothing special outside of EVEN THE FLAWS, which genuinely probably the best plot twist in any bioware game, and it being console only for ages when they were a game company famous for making PC games didn't do it any favors

Nu-Bioware wouldn't make a sequel. The game is pretty racist as is, a little mental gymnastics on the behalf of the Tumblr landwhales they have employed and you end up with over half of them in the ER due to triggering.

>Nowadays if a western developer makes a game based off of foreign mythology and culture it's considered racist
I hate this timeline.

Guys, I'm having some issues. Everytime I try to launch the game it says that it "failed to find Steam" which makes no goddamn sense.

I dunno, have Shogun Total War, Shadow Tactics and Ghost of Tsushima been accused of cultural appropriation?

Combat was great, way funner than Kotor. The capital city questlines were cool too as well as doing some fucked up shit to your party members. Kotor dragon age origins and ME1 are all better overall though

those games arent being done by SJW infested companies tho

It’s just forgotten. Its a great game that got lost by being sandwiched between Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect. The fame of both crowded out Jade Empire.

Greatest thing to me in this game was being able to get your entire party to rebel against you, only for them to get put down by your own hands.

you need to install steam


The combat was simple mash attack fare but that didn’t bug me much. My one beef was that the Open Palm/Closed Fist dichotemy didn’t play out like it was described. The game kept implying that the philosophy was separate from good and evil but in practice the choices were just between being nice or being an asshole.

>He knows most of the styles you know
>He knows how to switch up his styles to counter you
>He knows how to abuse the shit out of paralysis
>He knows how to switch up his styles to counter whatever style you wanted to use BEFORE YOU EVEN SWITCH TO IT
Jade Empire was a fucking ride.
An incredibly short ride whose potential will forever be missed. RIP

>BG was good
Opinion discarded

People wanted Baldur's Gate and KOTOR.
They came out with an original IP with a somewhat niche style and the drones weren't happy about it. Also, iirc it was an Xbox exclusive and bioware's games until that point had all been on PC. Bioware's fans felt that Jade Empire was a betrayal and the game didn't appeal strongly to non-bioware fans. Basically, it was a game made SOLELY for "people who played KOTOR on Xbox who don't mind a mythical chinese setting".

If only Bioware fans at the time knew what was coming after. Hoo boy.

I play it around this time every year. And always romance Sky.

at the risk of sounding like tumblr why are "asian" settings made by white people always so cringey? is this how europeans feel about final fantasy?

Congratulations, you're exactly the reason why we can't get anything good anymore.

I hope they make this game backwards compatible on xbone next year

Kind of fell apart in a lackluster final act, combat was repetitive and shallow, was very short, etc.

>Has gay romance
>Has 3some romance
It's pretty progressive in a right way back then
>tfw we will never get xianxia game with Capcom dev combat

I'm serious though. when you look at jap takes on western fantasy it's pretty much the same vaguely medieval dungeons and dragons stuff, but with added airships and oversized anime swords. with western attempts at making eastern fantasy it's always just "dude kung fu" and using a chinese take out menu as a naming reference.

>is this how europeans feel about final fantasy?

How is that comparable? Besides, who gives a fuck what they think?

So like practically everything Xianxia that China produces?

Does Jade Empire have some of the best lines?
>They chose their path, I just happened to cross it

I don't get it either.

Solid fucking game.

Much prefer it to neverwinter nights.

>entire quest of trying to save a prized cow for a man that forgot that his wife was missing too

>Do I have to slaughter that thing for you to show me some attention?!
>No, dear...
>Are you lying again?
>No, dear...
>Are you listening to me?
>No, dear...
>[Distant Slap]

It was the first one with real time combat. Kotor and DAO are more traditional bioware.

>that music

also death's hand was fucking awesome. had a darth vader feeling throughout the game

Ghost of Tsushima hasn't broken into the public consciousness yet

you can bet it'll be catching some flak once it starts getting advertised more

it's on pc though

i dont even remember how i fucking beat him i think i just had to leaping tiger stunlock

>tfw cheesing deaths hand with mirabelle all fucking day

nigga nothing is a challenge once you learn to infinite stunlock by breaking your stun combo attack

i loved jade empire
>tfw no sequel(s) ever

What is this fight? I only remember the hardest is where you have to fight 3 of your clones

It gets ignored because lololol chinkz.
Main flaws are the ultra-simplified RPG and inventory system.

I really enjoyed Jade Empire when it came out but subsequent playthroughs have made me realize that it's characters are pretty forgettable. I remember the levels and layouts very fondly though, they did a good job. And for a Bioware game, the evil ending is surprisingly beneficial for those that live to see it.

I like it but its just chink kotor

Final boss against your master.


Thousand Cuts here, move over you slow ass irrelevant style.

Too bad the epilogue with a harem yielded absolutely nothing. It just assumed they were single.

>The three clones

Not originally

Nigga Tiger style is the cheapest shit paired with Crimson tears.

>racist stereotypes
You mean Chinese Mythology? It's a wuxia, man.

>Turn into Jade Golem
>instantly wreck his shit
Honestly Jade Golem broke this game

What didnt break the game.

I love it but it's clunky and super fucking long. Also you can fuck up without knowing it, waste all your time on someone without knowing it and then fail miserably to do anything with all the time you've wasted and gimp yourself stat wise so that the next time a bandit comes around he rapes you up and down China.

Combat was shit.
It was basically using the wave attack to stun enemies then spamming thousand cuts. Shit had zero depth at all.

They didn't even invent the light side dark side system, that's not a lazy rehashing, that's using something that was a bog standard cliche even then. At least they took the time to write some interesting lore for the paths that they promptly threw away.

Because Bioware peaked with Kotor.

I liked that you could force Death Hand to serve you despite being open palm, even had an nifty epilogue though if I remember it broke romances to do it.