The elder scrolls before skyrim

I want to play Morrowind and Oblivion but steam only offers the Game of the year edition
and has the same edition but offers daggerfall.
should i try and buy it off ebay instead and get a cd copy or will the experience be the same as buying it from gog and steam.

i'm just looking to get the most original version of the game.

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The only thing that would get you is more bugs. If you don't want the dlc for whatever reason, you can deactivate them from the launcher.

i really want to get into these two games but as with all old games i, the buyer want to know if the copy im buying is going to be the same as the original product released 15 years ago.

Anybody here have any experience with the different providers for morrowind and oblivion.


so the older version would have more bugs.
what is different though in terms of gameplay or removal of parts of the story.

what is the best version to buy of oblivion and morrowind. and what mods should i get to make them more playable.


do they remove stuff or mess with the gameplay in the version they are selling on steam or gog.

No they don't,
the Steam/GOG versions are perfect
All they do is add DLC/expansion packs which can be disabled, but idk why you would want to do that

are the dlc packs like the ones in skyrim where they act as a quest or do you load it up like a new save everytime.

what im asking is how does using or not using the dlc work.

if i try and play redguard morrowind and oblivion what systems or graphics cards will i need to run it.
the guys in the comments are saying that the game requires a card to have the gameplay function.

is the shitposting on this fucking board so bad i cant leave for ten minutes without going to page 9

just buy it and play it...its not that expensive, and you wont miss out on anything as long as you dont mod it...also....isnt daggerfall free? i think you can get it free from bethesda itself, but maybe im wrong and the virtual jew took it away :(

Buying a cd version would just mean you're playing without any patches, that's what he meant by buggier.

I can't speak for Morrowind but Oblivion wouldn't be very different vanilla from GoTY edition. Other than the Horse Armor and Spell Tomes DLC, most of the add-ons just add a new dungeon, quest, some unique items, and a player home to the game. Knights of the Nine adds a new questline and the Shivering Isles is a full fledged expansion. The shivering Isles is very much worth a play and KotN isn't bad either.

And, once again, on steam you can disable some or all of the expansions in the launcher before ever launching the game.

can i undisable the expansions too when i launch the game and a previous save which didn't have the dlc enabled on.

Yes, but not the reverse. Enabling it then launching a save would just add the add-on into the save.

If you disable an add-on and then launch a save where you had it enabled, it might fuck some shit up or just not let you play it without the add-on.

so just like skyrim with mods. if i use the mod and gain an item, then when i delete the mod i would just lose the item and that part of the map.
thanks. i was just worried it was one of those choices you have to make at the beginning of the game and affects the rest of the gameplay.

is the deluxe version worth getting

what did you guys think of the fighters guild epansion and the other little things.

are you retarded?

Should of posted some vidya tiddies and ass user.
You have no one to blame but yourself.

what version of morrowind and oblivion do you guys play on then.

gog versions of both morrowind and oblivion
why? I'unno, just prefer to buy gog versions these days even if their sales aren't as good as steam's

What the fuck. Is this a real question?

I'm so confused. What is wrong with OP?

yes i want the best version of the games.
nothing im trying to gather info about which site offers the better version of morrowind and oblivion.
steam vs gog

Just buy the Morrowind GOTY edition and download the Morrowind Code Patch. There, you're fucking set.
this one>

OP, don't post Nadia Fortune. That's my weakness and that's no fair.

sorry ill try and post other appealing lewd stuff in exchange for information on video games.

Is this ken M?

>yes i want the best version of the games.
They're exactly the fucking same, dipshit. And how much of a spastic, helmet wearing retard do you have to be to try to scour the internet for a CD version of the game? Don't want to play the expansions? Then just fucking ignore them, asshole.

i have no idea who you are talking about but if you ahve any experience with any of these game providers i welcome your input.

coincidentally i am wearing a steel surplus helmet right now but i do want to play the expansions. i just wanted to know how it would affect my ability to fully experience all of the gameplay. like having an expansion mess with another quest or something.

you played skyrim, right?
you can disable the DLC from even showing up in the game in the first place
the only dlc that changes the world a little bit is Knights of the Nine, and it's the second best DLC after Shivering Isles