Why aren't you playing the new update Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing the new update Sup Forums?

because its probably buggy as shit right now

also its not the fucking magic update, like who fucking cares about artifacts? im not too concerned about someones puppy bone quern with a picture of cheese on it

im to inteligent to make dwarves get rid of corpses in my fortress

kinda this.
he's been updating only the goddamn adventure mode for the past 6 months at least.
i want the magic/myth, i guess it's gonna take like two years at least.

Cause it crashes on map gen

Because the graphics are shit, the UI is nonexistent, the learning curve is ridiculous and the online fan base are assholes.

t. brainlet

Case in point

Every fort I start is the same.

all of those are true but the game is still great
i actually really like adventure mode but its so half baked, i mean goddamn is it tedious
>walk to town looking for quest
>someone tells you about a hydra
>doesnt know where it is, but this other guy knows
>doesnt know where this other guy is, but someone else knows
>eventually find the guy who knows the guy who knows where the hydra is
>gather some meat shield mercs and food
>look at map and realize hydra is literally months of traveling away, wonder why people living here are even concerned by it
>random crocodile bites your leg off halfway there

As of 10 minutes ago, not anymore.

So the game is an australian simulator?

>>walk to town looking for quest
>>someone tells you about a hydra
>>doesnt know where it is, but this other guy knows

Just just talk to the ruler of the site, they know everything you need.

Tried going to an evil place? A tundra? A desert? An island?

>tfw learned how to play DF but can't enjoy city builder type games

I got more fun out of the adventure mode

>new update
Aw yeah it's dorf fort time.

Yeah I'm going to wait for 0.44.02 at least. Toady's initial releases always have some crashes or other game breaking bugs.

After those are worked out though i'm playing for sure. Send my mastework steel squads to capture enough elvesfor breeding stock.

most of those embarks are the same, dwarves arent really affected by the weather, water is hardly necessary for a fort, and you can grow plump helmets underground with no effort at all

yeah evil areas, or towers, but fuck who wants to deal with that shit

The general on Sup Forums is one of the few good generals though and even there you don't get much autistic shrieking unless you are saying that you must be autistic to play DF, that Rimworld is better or both.

that update just came out

>tfw I need texture packs to play the game

I just hate the vanilla look so much.

i went from texture pack, to vanilla, back to texture pack. its just so much easier on your eyes

Did he remember to fix anything relevant about his fucking "game" instead of just tacking on more history generator trash?

Do you think old texture packs would work on this new update? Or should I just wait?

they usually work fine after updates

>not being hyped for the magic and myths update
>not liking fluff
Rimworld is probably better for you.

you know something else is going to come up before the magic update. creature subtype update probably

What's a good tutorial to get started?

I'd rather play Rimworld desu. At least you can use the mouse in that one.

My processor is pretty old, and Intel I3. Should I even bother playing this game and if I do what version should I go with

First rule of DF is never play an update before the third hotfix.
Just like you never play a civ game until the first expansion.

It's like none remembers 400 invisible babies and exploding fruit.

Ah so no, thanks!

I'm playing Rimworld.

Fucking this. I'm waiting for tantrums to be modded back in and economy update. Until then I still play 40d and 0.34.

get the latest version and keep the pop cap low

and then butcher every puppy and kitten that comes

Is that not why people play these games?

I'm actually spending most of my time updating my mod so I can get it working properly in this version, not playing it. I'm making a lot of progress and its super exciting to see.

Wrong. Gfx clear and informative, UI is perfect (stop trying to use your mouse fucking casual) and the game is easy.

That's what makes it fun.

Keyboard only is always faster than mouse based UIs. Just learn the hotkeys, takes like 20min.

For toasters play on 0.34 and install Modest Mod. Not accelerated modest mod, just the normal one.
I play on a single core 1.6ghz netbook like this and it runs fine.

It's fun at first but after a while you get frustrated because you realise there nigger frog don't even test or play his own game.
I mean in 12 months you'd think he'd notice the game crashing in world gen, but he hasn't because he doesn't play it.

Because I can't ever get involved in dorf fortress.

Every single time I try to play, I learn how to make a semi-passable fort, then quit for several months and forget EVERYTHING.

It's a vicious cycle of mine that occurs every fucking year

No one but fat virgisn play that game

From the screenshots I have seen its just random symbols on the screen, no creativity, no art. Nothing

Can someone address this?
To relearn I just usually reclaim a world-generated fort and add random stuff as I need it.

IS itpossible to learn this power?

Quikfort is the program your looking for. It lets you macro digging out a fort and planning furniture.
The game comes with a macro system in it as well.

I'll check it out, thanks. I'd like to see DF get to a level where you have Monarchy and you tell your dwarves to start new Expeditions while you send out Traders and Armies as needed to support them. Instead of just FortressAdventurer there'd also be MonarchyFortressAdventurer such that you could manage an individual kingdom during a seige or even control a single soldier if you so chose (or want to bring a necromancer book to all your kingdoms or something).

Also you could visit your randomly generated kingdoms and they'd have buildings in the style your kingdom made rather than just prefabs from the base code.