This is a fairy in A Link to the Past...

This is a fairy in A Link to the Past. Throughout the game you hear stories of a very beautiful fairy whose beauty was stolen from her by Gannon. When you finally meet her you see that she is an overweight FAT FUCK. It turns out that having your beauty stolen is the equivalent of becoming a land whale. She even apologizes to you for being a fat fuck and acknowledges you were probably expecting a sexy and fit fairy with a slim body.

Would a modern remake of ALTTP include this?

I think so, nips dgaf

>Would a modern remake of ALTTP include this?
Could have sworn the was something like this in ALBW

ALBW basically states that being fat makes you ugly as fuck? Being cursed to lose your beauty is the equivalent of being overweight. That's a pretty strong message. Fat girls are so ugly they may as well be cursed and seal themselves in a cave so no one can see them.

It was the Zora Queen who kept eating and got fat as fuck because a thief stole her gem

That's not the same as saying fit and thin is beautiful and a curse designed to make you ugly just makes you fat. This would trigger feminists so hard if it was released today.

>Would a modern remake of ALTTP include this?

That Gannon pushed Patriarchal propaganda to force fairies to conform to a strict set of beauty standards.

That those unrealistic standards have caused PTSD in said fat fairy which led to a downward spiral of depression, self loathing, binge eating and obesity

It's literally the exact opposite though. The fairies are all slim and considered the most beautiful thing you could lay eyes upon, and Gannon curses one of them to steal their beauty. All the curse did was make her fat.


>Being fat is not a sign of lacking self-control

Eat a salad fatty

>The fairies are all slim and considered the most beautiful thing you could lay eyes upon

They will retcon this to imply that all current fairies you see are starving themselves and going to extreme measures to keep up with propaganda standards.

Also that fairies in the past had a more "healthy body"

>Being fat is not a sign of lacking self-control.
That's exactly how you get fat though. You eat more calories than your body consumes because you are impulsive and lack basic human self control.

I hope they never remake ALTTP because they probably would do this.

>It's not a sign of lacking self-control

>shit make-up
>shit hair
>arms are actually buff legs
It's not just about being fat. It was a package deal.

Wow and Sup Forums told me only modern games are SJW bullshit.

Maybe she was fat and beautiful before Ganon came you insensitive oaf.

Not sure what you mean OP pic is the opposite of SJW. It's literally fat shaming.

Yeah shitposting aside I hope the common sense attitude towards this is obvious to everyone.
Being fat is not OK. It is NEVER OK. It is unhealthy. NO ONE should be fat.
But you don't want fat people to hate themselves so much that they'll develop depression and chronic stress, etc. Because this fucks up your metabolism even more. Fat people got fat because they ate too much, but they often stay fat because their metabolism is fucked. A lot of fat people really don't eat a lot and they feel very weak all the time. The solution is exercise. Gotta keep that metabolism up. Gotta have motivation and energy for that. If you hate yourself you won't bother. This should be a familiar situation to a lot of people here.

Fat people got fat because they ate too much, but they often stay fat because their metabolism is fucked. A lot of fat people really don't eat a lot and they feel very weak all the time.

Have you ever interacted with a fat person before? They all lie and say they never eat and can't believe how they are fat because they "eat less than skinny people who eat all the time". They are lying to you. They eat constantly, they eat unhealthy food, and they eat larger quantities of food than healthy people. If you need to eat 2000 calories a day to maintain a 160lb body but need 3000 to maintain a 200lb body if you just start eating only 2000 calories a day again you will drop back down to 160lb without doing a shred of exercise.

Exercise helps the rate at which you lose weight but exercise alone will not drop your weight. If anything it will increase it because the calories you burn will not match the appetite you build from the exercise, you'll end up eating more. Diet alone will. Diet and exercise will do it very fast.


a modern alttp would have link bend her over like an ironing board

just give him the golden gauntlets, he'll be fine

What's the problem? It's not inaccurate at all.

Yea but you can't control how much control you have.

That's one fucking faerie you dumb shit. The Venus queen is hot as shit.

>Fat girls are so ugly they may as well be cursed and seal themselves in a cave so no one can see them.

Sounds great, when do we start?

>They are lying to you. They eat constantly,
That's often true.
>you will drop back down to 160lb without doing a shred of exercise
This is false. Because your metabolism can slow down. A large part of the population has some form of metabolic disease now. There are a lot of reasons behind that.
It was my case. I only started losing fat significantly when I started exercising. And I didn't feel weak all the time anymore. I still don't eat a lot. I gain weight easily. My metabolism is overall really slow.

Breathe of the Wild fairies are frightening

Yes because Nintendo doesn't kowtow to bullshit by landwhales.

It's true though, you can see the "restored" fairy in the ending sequence.

>Because your metabolism can slow down.
Your metabolism cannot break the laws of physics

You sound like a short "man."...


Burning less calories and storing more fat is not breaking the laws of physics. The human body is A LOT more complicated than you let on. It's not like putting wood in a furnace or something. When you eat food it can be absorbed differently, and what the body does with the energy can be different.

>Stop making fat jokes, Nintendo. They're not funny

NoA does, though. And that's all that matters.

>I didn't post this in /vr/ because I'm a desperate attention whore.

fat roastie detected
lose some weight and maybe you won't get so upset

>beautiful fairy
The only beautiful thing in Zelda is Link.


Humans don't have free will.

It also turned her into a nigress.

She was always one.

Oh great. Fucking great. Now ALTTP is problematic as fuck. Well done. I hope this information never leaves this thread.

Didn't the author end up posting something else months later about having to have emergency surgery for becoming more obese than she already was?

That's not the fat one, that's the one from the Pond of Happiness.
There are simply three great fairies in ALttP.
Venus from your picture, the one at the Waterfall of Wishing who is a friend of Venus (Venus tells you about her), and the cursed fat one.
It's just assumed the fat one would then look like Venus or her friend after she's turned back to normal, since Venus and her friend look the same.

Probably because a fat figure is the complete opposite of how fairies are usually portrayed. Besides, that's not her only "ugly" aspect, look at that Homer Simpson beard and wide ass piggy nose.

Makes me wonder, did we have these so called naturally obese people back before modern society?

Too meta, dont even try

You can see her before the ending. Did any of you actually play the game?