"Gamers are being undercharged, EA did nothing wrong"


>Gamers are overreacting to EA's ‘Star Wars’ controversy; publishers should raise prices: Analyst
>KeyBanc Capital Markets says outrage over video game micro-transaction pricing is not justified.
>"If you take a step back and look at the data, an hour of video game content is still one of the cheapest forms of entertainment," the firm's analyst writes. "Quantitative analysis shows that video game publishers are actually charging gamers at a relatively inexpensive rate, and should probably raise prices."

How do we kill the industry? Or is the weak constitution of the normie too prevalent to overcome?

Oh won't SOMEONE think of the multi-billion dollar corporations for ONCE?

>How do we kill the industry?
You could start by not buying their games.

>you know this thing thats helping killing the movie industry, the ticket prices? Lets bring It to gaming.

bad goym pay more, PAY MORE!

>bean counters in charge of deciding when a company isn't being jewish

>an hour of video game content is the cheapest
It's also the most unfinished

If movies did this, it would be like leaving serious rendering errors in the CG on the avengers or something. If they did that, it wouldnt matter how good the price per was, cnbc would say it was awful

the faggot KeyBanc is one of the big dude on top of EA, of course he gonna fucking defend it

He got some stocks invested in EA

>you petulant goiym cattle, you should be glad we only charge you 80 dollars with microtransactions, lootboxes and dlc, we could be doing much worse, now buy my fucking lootboxes!

My favorite part is how the "Analyst" who said that is directly tied with EA. Like, it's not even a two degree separation.

>He's actually an investor analyst for both EA and Comcast.
Daily reminder Sup Forums do not ever trust anyone defending Jewish corporations.

Books are the cheapest. You could buy a movie and rewatch it infinite times. Trying to classify entertainment costs on a per hour basis is just fucking dumb and doesnt work.

How many times are we going to have this thread?

>"If you take a step back and look at the data, an hour of video game content is still one of the cheapest forms of entertainment," the firm's analyst writes.
Bitch I have companies asking me for $6 an hour BEFORE their DLC and lootboxes. I can get more out of movies, nevermind a fucking book.

this. there are so many damn shills on this board nowadays

>Games are already $80-120 in a lot of countries, except cheap ones like the US or Japan.
>They think we're being undercharged

Lol then why is F2P the best model right now

Until refugees shilling for EA stop doing so and fucking stop ruining every fucking thread with their faggotry.


>mfw I haven't bought an EA game since Bad Company 2

Why do people keep buying this shit? Seriously? It's only gotten worse year over year.

It's like that sweet bro hella jeff comic "it keeps happening." What is wrong with these idiots.

>getting mad at capitalism
Fuck off commies

The only time I've ever seen someone talk about the price per hour of entertainment is when trying to justify getting people to pay more for video games.

>>outrage over microtransactions is not justified

Who the fuck gets to decide whether anger is justified. I didnt realise that corporations were made up of higher beings.

Ticket prices are about $8 each around here.

$20 in Australia. And $110 for a new release AAA game. thats why everyone is a pirate here

This goes against capitalism, these are filthy Jews abusing the system.
Ford would have fucking killed you for saying this.

Daily reminder the guy who said this literally has EA stocks and he's damage controlling.


or maybe they should charge less for the game and not fuck the gameplay for the sake of microtransactions so that they sell way more copies and build up a dedicated fanbase, thus keeping the servers populated which helps drive sales in the long term?

Good goys

What are you on about user? Like seriously.

Are muricans even self-aware?

I'm not American, I'm not yuropean either.
You better start explaining why this doesn't go against capitalism and Fordism.

i live in texas, we are not self-aware whatsoever. its kind of like being surrounded by a cult

you posted the shopped version

Listen to this mensch.
The more you pay, the more you value the experience!

I hear Bethesda are porting Skyrim to the 'books' system next year.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post..

If it wasn't for capitalism, video games would never have developed. This is the most retarded shit ever.

>Tfw you can't even report for advertising anymore.
We're literally just a giant fucking billboard for AAAfags to come and shit out their latest marketing campaign onto.

Using per hour to evaluate games is pretty retarded to be honest. I've spent 20$ on a 5 hour game and felt like I got my money's worth, and I've spent 20$ on 50 hour game and felt like I got ripped off

No matter who pays 10 bucks to watch a movie, it's always going to be the same length of entertainment for everyone. How many hours someone plays a game varies from person to person, and you get even more varied playtimes for multiplayer games.

Also, obligatory >bringing in a jew analyst to analyse something they probably have no idea about

No no no guys
Listen, he's still an employee of KeyBanc, he just offers what's called sell-side equity research coverage of EA for the benefit of KeyBanc customers who are interested in investing in gaming companies. For example, if a really wealthy client who uses a KeyBanc financial advisor was interested in gaming stocks for whatever reason, the FA would set up a call with this Evan guy. Evan at KeyBanc probably also covers Activision, Nintento, Sony, TakeTwo Interactive etc. the same way he does EA.

Weather its Corporations or Government, you can't escape the jew.

I'll spoonfeed you since you're not american

>Sup Forums complains about everything and blames it on jews, libtards, sjw, cultural marxist "communists", etc
>their conspiracy theory is that Jews support communism and leftists are behind everything
>doesn't realize the root cause of their issues have to do with capitalism
>which is the dominate ideology and economic force of the world because of how successful US imperialism was and is today
>their jewish boogeyman are actually in favor of keeping capitalism (privatization and the accumulation of capital) ) because it's in their rational self-interest
>doesn't realize communism (socially owned and getting the full value of your work) is in their rational self-interest because they're not in the top 10% of the human population owning 75% of the world's wealth


It's called human ingenuity. Economic systems don't invent things, they're frameworks people work within.

>3.5 hours per day for a year
>1278 *hours* spent on one game
lol Jesus

Imagine if you went to see a movie and 20 minutes in, the movie bugs out and skips the next 15 minutes. Then the producer announced a 1.2 patch and said that you would have to rewatch the movie. Please understand.

Oh yeah I got you, I too I'm confused how Sup Forums defends capitalism so much and literally forgets it was, and still is, the most abused system by the Jews.
I mean I don't know how the fuck being against loot boxes makes you a fucking commie while fucking capitalists in early 20 century were seeking better deals for workers and for the industry.

>communism not also being jewish
Don't be fucking stupid

Forgot to add, if we're talking specifically about video games capitalism is degrading the charm because they're being made by top-down corporations that aren't fun to work at and alienating (this is somewhat solved by making them more horizontal, see Valve). Another factor being these corporations need to higher unskilled graduates to keep the cost down by displacing industry veterans. And ultimately, their making the game to make a profit, creating a good game will always be secondary. It's why they need to spend most of their budget on advertising. Sup Forums's "theory" is that SJWs are killing video games, when these corporations are only being le progressive to win liberal populace points and thus sales.

>*0.000012 bitcoins have been deposited in your wallet*

>talking shit about Milton Friedman

EA did nothing wrong.

I was agreeing with you and you're a literal commie. Being pro-consumer doesn't mean we must destroy capitalism.
Oh my god kill yourself.

>being a cuck

No one is more cucked than a communist.

>being pro-consumer in capitalism

Isn't that kike """"analyst"""" affiliated with EA?

Tell me, which side of this picture is the most "cucked"

Oh my god you're not even a commie, you're literally brain dead retarded.

Start arguing anytime, lad.

I just wanted to say before leaving that you're not even arguing either.
Bye fag, stay a retarded child.


But I am, read and

How so? lol

Video Game Corp. has you all by the balls.
a vast majority of adult gamers are social outcasts who don't have a significant other, who arnt going to reproduce, who have low income, and most importantly have the urge to fill those biological holes with distractions.
this is where games and the industry come in. they know damn well you're all addicted to filling your void with distraction, so they are going to push you to the limit. much like a drug dealer raising the price on drugs. they know you're gonna buy it anyway, cause you're addicted to the time spent not thinking about your own miserable lives.
how do you kill the industry? start by stop buying games. but you wont. you never will. why stop doing what makes happy? why face the harsh reality of existence when you can chase the dragon for years and years?

EA just paid them to shill, or they're paid off by companies wanting to enact similar payment methods to run damage control in the media, and what better way than to accuse your audience of being petty children who complain too much?

>Jewish tricks: the post

>"Gamers are being undercharged, EA did nothing wrong"

sure is a real quote there, user


Lol I pirate games and play them all day, hell, my friend gifted me my PC.
Stay mad commie.

Then you shouldn't spend so much in graphics

>I pirate games
I guess you're the commie then since you're so anti-intellectual property

I am all those things but I haven't bought a game in years nor have I paid for any microtransactions. Checkmate.

This is based on playing 900 fucking hours in a year. Most people never break the 1000 hour mark in games.
I've only played 700 hours of TF2, and I though I played that a lot.

Soon games will cost more.
Soon premium internet will be a thing.

Feels good to know soon there will be a true pleb filter.
Not having to suffer the poor online has a certain charm to it.

If Net Neutrality gets revoked things are going to get really shitty really fast. NWO agenda will kick into overdrive

this was fun for the first hour. now its just sad

>supply and demand naturally lead games to cost $60
>game publishers want to increase prices
>severe drop in branding and demand
>some hack tells us this is wrong

Stop trying to artificially increase prices, Marxist

>increase prices

>implying we don't believe in free software