>Can use Force Mind Trick on Darth Vader and Palpatine to immobilize them
What did they mean by this?
Can use Force Mind Trick on Darth Vader and Palpatine to immobilize them
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they meant that its a gameplay mechanic that has nothing to do with canon because she wasn't even alive during vaders time period you dumb fuck
Is there a single character who's less deserving of their power?
>Yoda gets canonically killed by a single separatist droid rolling away and spamming a shotgun at him
What the fuck did Disney meme by this???
ryu suzaku
>Strongest force user since Darth Vader
>Strongest Jedi
>Luke feared her power
She's more than likely going to end up being a force goddess or some shit
It's not about the game or the source material anymore. The game was literally made to print money.
>Jews get a hold on Star Wars
>Deem the series to be in serious needs for black, gay and female characters
>All the new main female characters introduced in the new movies are unlikable Mary Sues
>Mary Sue
But the point of a Mary Sue is that everyone likes them
This is pathetic
Everyone in-universe likes them. Doesn't mean the viewers have to like the Mary Sue.
but jews wrote the series to begin with?
>Be Rey in Heroes vs Villains
>Use mind control
>Win game
>Lose every time I'm against her
If this game wasn't a gift I would've returned it ages ago
The force is female.
Deal with it.
>he's too dumb to stop walking and hold block
>Get stunlocked by lightsaber right after mind control
At this rate, I’d take the whole “she’s the reincarnation of Anakin” over whatever shit Disney is going to spit out.
But Maul can’t block ;_;
Hey, at least its better than instantly dying on spawn as a tie fighter on that crashed star destroyer map because enemies can fly right into your spawn.
Or playing the clone gunship and dropping five shots into a hover tank before it lazily one shots you. Then respawning and seeing the tank at full health again.
Balance was not a significant concern for BF2.
I'll bite, how's luke a mary sue. He's a fucboi in 4 that had to be put in his place and couldn't even fight the emperor without vader's help
They're the one's the get stunlocked if they attack you while you block
>both went through extensive training and hurdles to get to where they are
>gary sue
Nice bait anyway.
dodge gives iframes you tard. don't use your abilities as a crutch
Luke literally got his ass beat by every single person he fought until the 3rd movie
>it’s time for old guys like me to step down and let people like Rey and Finn run the galaxy
What did Luke mean by this?
Look was good because he was a whining bitch who had to become something much more due to hardship and weight put upon his shoulders but still failed repeatedly.
Rey was unlikable cardboard because there was nothing she couldn't do.
Every starfighter can get easily spawnkilled. If your team isn’t the first to get air superiority, don’t bother.
Luke was a bitch for two movies and had to work hard to get where he is now.
Canon Anakin is a bitch and had to work hard in the animated series to get where he was in Episode III.
Rei out Han Solo Han Solo, mastered the Jedi mind control trick without trying and easily won against a force user that trained for years.
>People prefer male MC's over female ones unless you're a feminist or a hipster liberal nu-male.
Gee, color me surprised.
Female MC > Male
For porn games
good yoda never sould've fought he is just an spiritual guide, not a shitty soldier.
Perquels at least had cool shit like ships and weapons. Episode 7 brought nothing new to the franchise.
You mean female (Male) Character, right?
Because yes
>There are faggots in the same universe where you live who actually care about Star Wars
You all deserve to die before me.
That means I can mating press her, right?
>One of the most popular franchises of all time.
>u guyz suk coz u lik it!!!!!
Sup Forums is 18+, bud.
What? The new star wars era brings star wars back to its roots and away from all the fucking awful glowstick fanfiction that was the prequels
It'd be hilarious if its true, just so the universe can continually shit on him by forcing him to reincarnate on isolated sand planets
is this, there i say, an attractive girl?
Force Awakens would have been better if Rey were a little girl instead. I'm unironically serious.
>Character in video game can use powers to effect other characters
I agree, totally absurd.
seek help
she is though ?
Nah she's some dumb hag.
>One of the most popular franchises of all time
>cocaine is also a very popular stuff
>u normie cuz u dn't lik cocaine!!!!
fuck off
I can understand oscure shit, or even the old Star Trek or Stagate stuff, but Star Wars?
The jewish shit ever made?
fucking brainlets.
They don't use logic, only anger.
More like
>luke frightened
>frightened and aroused
Somehow Bastila and Satele are both more likeable than her. Jesus, Disney really fucked up on this one.
Love how every villain and hero have their counterparts but they fuckeed up Maul's coounterpart.
>OK we have Rey against Kylo, Luke against vader, etc.
> Who's the guy that Maul antagonized to death? Kenob- FUCKING YODA
>Its time for straight white males to end
Umm, what the fuck disney???
You'll grow out of this eventually and feel much happier.
user, the Prequel stigma is still there. Notice how both 'Prequel' Heroes are in Non-prequel media. (Maul having shown up in Rebels). Greivous is the only Prequel-centric hero noted to be coming to the game, and his release is far off at best.
Which means
>No Dooku
>No Jango (Who would have been a perfect Boba skin)
>No Clone Commanders except maybe Rex
>No Ventress
>No Clone Wars Era Anakin
>MAYBE Ahsoka, likely her Rebels iteration if she's in
is it a reference to the Clone Wars series Maul?
I stopped watching around at that point introducing him again
Christ, Twitter, Tumblr, and Reddit really are here.
I'm happy since I don't waste my time talking about some dumb shit like Star Wars. Thanks.
Thats pollyanna
Take that back.
>2 years later and Sup Forums still has ptsd from TFA
Jfc, I can't wait for TLJ to come out just so I can read all the butthurt
>Boba skin
From what I heard the lootboxes had what they had in them and not random skins and cosmetics is because Disney is turbo autistic about the "look and feel of starwars not being changed
I've put like 15 hours into SA and have *never* been spawn killed. Don't know what the fuck you're talking about. SA is one of the more balanced and accessible modes in the game.
He returns as a villain for Rebels
They meant "Here is the main character of our new movies, we are going to shill her by making her kick everyone's ass."
Imagine being so triggered that you invent elaborate conspiracy theories about jews to explain why someone dared put a girl in a movie you don't even care about.
Dude no one cares about her anymore, not even her fans for what i have heard
After tfa, all anyone ever talked about was rey's possible backstories.That's still all I ever hear about tfa
Its probably been leaked already if you look for it, and it wont take that long now if it hasn't
I take the clone wars over MUH resistance against empire 2.0 any day.
What? But he dies of old age in the original trilogy.
What does that even mean?
That the force is female and not male you fucking retard
There's been to many fake leaks, I find it hard to find anything credible. Th most recent one I read said that Rey is the grandchild of the emperor. When Luke says "I've seen this raw strength once before" he's apparently referring to the emperor
You mean it's a soulless rehash that wishes it could hold a candle to the original trilogy it can't
Has it really been two years?
Last year was Rogue One.
At this point I don't even care about the story. I just want to see cool shit happen. If she can pull a star destroyer out of the sky like in TFU I'd be completely ok with it
still better than prequelshit
>b-b-b-but the prequels were original!!
Doesn't matter when your film is a literal dumpster fire
They meant she is a Palpatine and she's more powerful than both of them
Rey can even become a fucking force ghost? How fucking powerful is she?
They're both garbage. What now, bitch? Swerve
As retarded as the writing has been for anything New Trilogy related, I wouldn't be surprised if they pull this in TLJ
>cocaine analogy
>reddit spacing
How was luke a gary sue?
Even Anakin was not allowed to be on the
jedi consul and he lost and against count dooku
fuck off Disney
No, Maul keeps getting tormented by Kenobi.
Actually, technically he got fucked over by Sheev, Maul just has a hateboner for Kenobi. He shoved his big black saber down Kenobi's waifu in front of him, it was really cool.
10/10 you made me mad as fuck
He at least got the shit kicked out of him by fucking alien warriors till he was in his teens.
post yfw you realized rey is literally kreia
I wll never be mad at Rey as long as Padmé exists.
At least Rey has the apparent excuse of being an incarnation of the Force. Padmé was a perfectly mundane cunt but still perfect in every way and angelic and universally beloved by everyone who ever saw her.
t.kathleen kennedy
literally the best part of Rebels by a mile
Why arent they adding Kotor characters
They made a point to make it clear in the second movie that the entire planet of Naboo loved Padmé so much that they explicitly tried to change the constitution so that she could keep being Queen, user.
So she's a queen, but monarchies are evil so she's an elected queen instead, but that's still not humble enough so she spends all day pretending to be a handmaiden, but after her "term" is over turns out she's so good and so pure that they tried to make her queen for life anyway. But of course she declined, because that would be ambitious and ambition is bad.
Oh and her entire army is composed of volunteers, of course. Because it's a strictly defensive volunteer militia. Heavens forbid a monarchy start conscripting people when there's a hostile army sieging your entire planet.
Goddamnit I hate that woman so much.
because Disney wants you to forget KOTOR existed
How did that move not cut him in half?