*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
*electrocutes you*
*makes another path*
>Hipsters your path
Korean Lady
>Tumblrs your path
>Get's creators to give her a path
*Destroyes your Battery*
nobody gives a shit about your watered down Counter Strike clone Ubishills.
*blows up the entire room*
i don't even play the game but saw your stupid ass comment
you're a fucking retard, do some research
Seriously, why are you so negative?
>blows up his entire team
>In any way like CS
I think you should leave
>tfw bought the game a few days ago
>tfw legitimately upset that I didn't get into it earlier because I blindly assumed it was just more ubishit
Why the fuck am I so unlucky when I play Fuze, I had a puck just bounce out the fucking window and kill me and another player
>watered down counter strike
>R6 is watered down from a game thats mechanically inferior in every way
What did he mean by this?
You only have two years of catching up to do :^)
tell me about sledge, why does he wear the mask?
>kills your hostage
>hey bro phone's for you
siege makes no use of physics. it's all about muh sick peeks and headshots. at least in CS you can't shoot perfectly while moving so CS is more tactical game right off the bat.
>implying I'm not going to drop it because I'm a retard that bought the starter edition
*knifes you through your shield*
>No physics
So you never played it .
>in CS you can't shoot perfectly while moving so CS is more tactical game right off the bat.
i wasn't aware that being inaccurate while moving was the only thing that makes a game tactical.
Does fully destructible maps count as physics and tactical? Every game in Siege plays out differently because of this. Counter-Strike is the same AK-47 and AWP bunnyhop bullshit
>I can't jump around in this game it's fucking stupid!!!!!!
Assa's transitioning is going well I see
I bought it the other day
it's actually alright
please post more rainbow six siege shitpost
It's not a CS clone at all. hell if anything it's more arcadey than most tactical FPS out there.
>CS is more tactical
>*fires every gun from the hip and hopes for a headshot *
>R6S is more tactical
>runs around leaning to the side and hopes for a headshot
>dude you can like destroy 5-10 walls per level but that means jack shit because it's all about who peeks and prefire first
fuck off, i'm 400 hours on siege. game is garbage and gets worse every season.
perfect weapon handling while moving and doing anything else makes positioning and defending fucking useless. you are literally in disadvantage if you are not moving because faster you move - harder you lag for your enemies.
lmaoing at this noob. siege is as repetitive as cs. instead of ak47 and awepee you get indistinguishable meme smgs and acog rifles. dmr are useless, shottys are useless. get anything with sick ROF to abuse shitty 1-bullet headshots mechanic and you are good to go.
i mean i get you just got this game and it feels so fun and fresh. i had this honeymoon too and now it's over. siege will shatter all your dreams and hopes. the game is shit.
It is. More minimalistic, but much more dependent on positioning and precise aim/movement. I like R6 a lot too but it's definitely more arcadey than CS.
Because I am hot garbage at the game, because fiddling around with all my sensitivity for 8 and the choice of vsync or no vsync is too taxing because of input lag.
Also, I hate having to play 200 matches just to unlock one dlc operator. Especially if that op is meta.
Come on guys I've played almost 400 hours of Siege but you have to admit that there are a few similarities to CS
people still play this turd? lmao just play csgo
>peeker's advantage
in addition
>dude you can like destroy 5-10 walls per level but that means jack shit because it's all about who peeks and prefire first
when siegeshitters got a map with actual destruction - favela - they labeled it as worst map ever. it even got fucking removed from matchmaking because siegebabies could not handle actual destruction instead of standard six walls at the obj.
game's audience is fucking retarded, lack any self-awareness and full elitist because "muh tactics, totally not cs" meanwhile siege is more casual and arcade than csgo
> get anything with sick ROF to abuse shitty 1-bullet headshots mechanic
So CS then?
R6S would be the perfect game if it wasn't coded by fucking monkeys. I can't even bring myself to play it because of the sheer technical ineptitude on display
>more arcadey than cs
>people immediately crouch in CS to be more accurate
>hipfie everything
>never able to change the dynamic of the map
>marketplace skins
Yeah CS was good it its day but its current fucking year lmao
For sure but there's also a ton of differences
>spray bullets at someone's feet
>random headshot
It's built on the asscreed engine with 20 year old netcode. Ubisoft never expected it to last this long.
>people immediately crouch in CS to be more accurate
easiest way to spot people who know nothing about cs
Yeah, I know
It's such a damn shame
Man, I forgot how fucking retarded people in MP games are. No matter how well you're doing, there's some cunt on your team typing in all chat saying that you're the worst player in existence despite them doing worse than you.
>much more dependent on positioning and precise aim/movement
>bunnyhops around corner while spray and praying
what? are you retarded?
>people immediately crouch in CS to be more accurate
Lel only if they are just beginners. Crouching while out in the open is just begging to get shot in the noggin.
>hipfie everything
M8 your accuracy is near perfect as long as you are not moving. Why would you ever want to ADS and just gimp yourself? (Aside from sniper rifles of course)
>marketplace skins
Lel R6 has them too. Honestly I like skins since I'm not a total autist and just sell them to buy more games.
What’s there to water down in cs? It’s the most mechanically watered down shooter there is.
We're not talking about CS:S friendo. Bunnyhopping is not relevant in 1.6 or GO.
Reminder that stutterstepping is the absolute epitome of quality tactical game play.
still better than ads running and shooting lasers at people that kill them instantly no matter the caliber or armor
both games are shit to be honest. it's just siegeshitters pretend their shit is any better than the other shit.
>Year 3 announced
>8 new female ops
Is the instagib double barrel shotgun gonna be OP?
It's fun
It's not even that good. Go try it on the tts, they're live.
If you think the BOSG is OP you're trash. Its not even that good.
>go to shoot someone
>still have the tiniest sliver of momentum
>headshot tk a player standing behind me
Yeah, so much better than the ability to shoot while moving.
I have played both CS and siege
please someone explain to me how siege is in any way related to CS
cause it doesnt seem so
In both games you shoot guns
both game's devs are borderline retarded
>Play kapkan
>Set traps on every window and out to in door
>Get 2 kills with his SMG
>Get 1 kill and 2 assists with my traps the rest of the round
Why is he so good now Sup Forumsros?