ITT: Unfinished games that never got a proper sequel
ITT: Unfinished games that never got a proper sequel
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Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls
fuck it's in my head again
Golden sun.
>entire game is a tangent of the opening
>ending is the characters realizing they forgot about the plot
>Game of Desire dot COM
I too remember jerking off to the games back in high school
I just closed my game man, what are you doing to me.
>implying I don't still jerk it to magic shop
the situation, man. I gotta have a good situation. Wish literally any other game had something similar.
Still waiting to this day with the false hope that it will be completed by somebody.
I remember when Meet n Fuck was still sexy and not some weird fetish porn. I didn't mind ripping off the nips or have original artists, but the recent games has atrocious art
Megaman starforce 3
>Introduce new elements in the last third of the game (noise mechanic and story changing to a mini vn during the beach chapter. Bromance ending best ending)
>can't develop it more because IP is kill
To be fair, its fate was waaaaaay better than any other game in this list, as the post game content has a mini second campaing, the IP got a tv show, 2 previous games, and it pretty much wrapped most of the loose ends of the story of the previous games.
Why did CliffyB have to achieve maximum faggotry and make Gaybreakers instead of Bulletstorm 2?
What Bulletstorm and Lawbreaker have same dev? How? Bulletstorm campaign is pretty solid.
I remember this game gave me my lolicon fetish
good times
No, no, no.
Clifford used to work at Epic, which bankrolled Bulletstorm, which was made by People Can Fly.
Most of them have gone on to make Fortnight, I guess? That or leave the company, idk.
Two finished up things nicely though.
There is a third one user.
It was unnecessary. Who gives a fuck about Alex? Yeah maybe people got mad that instead of being the final fight he got stomped by the Wise one, there wasn't exactly a need to make a game for that.
In fact, if anything I'm more pissed we didn't fight the Wise One, fucking pussy ass rock.
This the same guy that did those porn games where the guy works at an all female manga house or some shit?
Seems like the same art style. The other game was al sukebei or something like that.
Bulletstorm is fucking gay for not having couch co-op.
>tfw TKing those big metal balls on that one base level
Thank God they didn't name it ESPionage like they originally planned.
Candy Shop > AI Sebuki > Eddy Bear
Roninsong is a god at porn animation.