What are some fun roleplaying games like Space Station 13?
I'm mostly burnt out.
What are some fun roleplaying games like Space Station 13?
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You sure?
some Gmod RP maps? Thats the closest thing I've ever played to SS13
So, how did you guys get banned from SS13, or what's the closest you've come to getting banned?
>on /vg/station
>botanist with other botanist buddy, fucking around with strange plants
>strange plant grows vapor sacs with so much cyanide they instantly shut down most of your organs
>fucking wizard went around and turned almost everyone into clowns (me and my buddy were thankfully unaffected)
>shuttle comes, dump a bag full of the vapor sacs in the shuttle saying that they'll make them not be clowns anymore
>the fucking moment someone takes a bite of one they fall over and almost instantly die
>almost everyone in the shuttle just fucking falling over and dying
>get perma'd
It was worth it, my sides were in fucking orbit.
>not even antag mass murderboning
I admit that's pretty great but you could've waited until after the GREEN TEXT screen to literally change the entire round in one action. Enjoy your ban (^:
>on /tg/station
>playing ai
>seconds after final staff member killed
>accidentally kill a rev trying to access my core
>get permabanned right when the round ends
I used CIDDY once trying to get around a lifeweb banned and got banned on /vg/ a few months later because I was suspicious.
Man that's stupid
the best way to have fun is to mess around
getting banned for doing fun stuff is retarded
ss13 admins are tightasses
It was a shitty round from the start with wizards turning everyone into clowns, and it was the endgame shuttle. I could probably appeal it, but I honestly don't care since I play /tg/ now. /tg/'s Champlain is really fun, especially if you try and summon Gon'Dola
Someone should make a server for that sometime, playing that with Sup Forums was too much fun. They need to make it harder to fuck with wires and stuff though.
Just go play a random public server. Most people have no idea how wires work. Be captain and command your way into a mission success by screaming at everyone.
>go on a station-wide rampage against MP's on Colonial Marines singing the lyrics to Cop Killer
worth it
Medic is the most fun thing to play in my opinion. If someone is a dick to you it's stupidly easy to poison them to death pretending to help them.
I filled robots with poisoned coffee as a service robot.
I mean every single tile, every single desk, every single locker. Everything.
Reminder that /vg/ banned MandaloreGaming for showing footage of their server in one of his videos.
What is CIDDY? I've been looking for ways to uh...repeat offend.
Really? Considering how dead and understaffed /vg/ can be at times I don't think they can really afford to be "muh sekrit klub"
>join a server with a friend
>we both put trench coats into our loadout
>we go to the roboticist
>"Have you seen any Aliens?"
>dumb bitch says "Oh, I know one! Let me call him down"
>Some Unathi shows up
>Roboticist says "Oh these men wanted to see you"
>I say "We don't like your kind here"
>Roboticist frowns
>Unathi starts talking shit
>I pull out broken bottle and start attacking him in his groin
>fucking admins freeze me and the Unathi kills me and my friend
>they only give me a warning after talking with them
I probably have better stories but can't remember them right now
>why don't you want every round in a roleplaying game to be a ffa death match because killing people is fun
You're clearly not the kind of person we want on the server.
you sound like a nofun badmin
that user's story was hilarious
There's a difference between going around and killing random people in the middle of a match and dropping food on the ground that people eat in the endgame shuttle after a shitty round no one liked.
Well fun does not always mean ffa death match. I can't stand a round where boring shit happens with antag making their goal "steal all toys on the ship" then when I try to do something exciting as antag admins message me for being a cunt
To be fair, you didn't lie. You can't be a clown when you're dead, after all.
>Why can't I murder people if the way I do it is funny to me >:(
Stay on TG.
>ask for a replacementfor ss13
>get an ss13 thread instead
>lets have a whole antag round of taking all the vending machines as a chief engineer. I am such a good antag.
Fuck you
t. badmin
I've quit /tg/station for buggering up Science.
>antags being boring means you get to decide that you're the antag now
Maybe if you were part of the metaclub you wouldn't get banned for that, but you're autistic and retarded so good luck becoming part of it.
garrys mod
Is Lifeweb a replacement for ss13?
You're retarded. Where in these two post did I ever say I just make myself an antag. As an antag I get banned for doing what an antag should do. Go back to the ss13 sub reddit with the rest of the badmins.
No, lifeweb is intentionally badly designed and has no resources on how to play to try to keep new people from playing. Lifeweb is like if you took the most close-nit group of autistic elitists in any SS13 server ever magnified by 1000
Already banned : ^ )
>some fucking waifu goes around trying to get her valids, I think her name was 'ashley'
>rips a guy out of interrogation that she never talked to and is about to execute him without the captain knowing or anyone else, but he fucking bolts
>straight out of prison and into cargo
>the waifu does her mating call of "hey fat sweaty men, come help me find my valids!"
>entire stationwide search initiated
>guy hides in a locker
>literally no one finds him for thirty minutes
>captain (I love you captain rambling maniac) accidentally finds him while stumbling around cargo
>ties him up and throws him back in the locker
>too late, someone mentioned that they saw him
>ashley immediately rushes to cargo, shoots a guy, pries open a door, and drags him out of the locker
>literally says "I'm not going to kill him" to the captain.
>'I don't believe you bitch, put him back in the locker, you're forbidden from killing him'
>drags him off anyway
>straight to perma
>executes him on the spot
>gibs the body and the brain
>decide that she's a bitch and deserves her comeuppance
>report it on the forum
>admins clearly suctioned-cupped to her manpenis step forward
>Try to log on next day
>Forum account suspended for a year
and that's why you should never play on a server that has a cult of personality.
unban 2hotdogs
this, but unironically
Well friend, where in my post calling someone a shitter for murdering people as nonantag imply that I support antags being boring?
Are you okay?
If you're having a stroke I recommend lying down.
>Get Wizard round for once
>Decide to spawn guns and magic and wait for a few moments
>Objective is to steal the blueprints
>Warp into the engine room
>Greyshit has already broken in
>He thinks I'm the chaplain or something cause I'm wearing Magus armor
>He asks what I want
>Just ask for the blueprints
>Dumbass gives it to me
>Can't believe my luck
>I get found out later
>Try to be friendly to the crew
>Amazingly, they let me live
>Leave the station in a pod
>Easiest Greentext ever
Now I remember why I stopped playing ss13
okay, user. I'll lay down.
Post the thread fuck boi, so we can laugh at you
Reminder that I have complete sprites for Spurdos somewhere and I know C now.
/vg/'s code isn't safe.
>/vg/'s code that anyone can download at any time isn't safe
I am going to make a PR until they can't refuse
Spurdos when, spurdos NOW
What are your favorite things to do as an antagonist in goon?
>Metaclub (fuck you and fuck this map)
>Some clown called 'Count Honkula' actually got vampire
>Literal vampire clown on station called Count honkula
>People willingly giving themselves to the honk.
>He has no less than two dozen wards
>Some dumb asshole fucked over power and engineering couldn't fix it
>Shuttle called thirty minutes in
>Chaplain decides he's had enough
>Two extinguishers filled with holy water
>Beaker of holy water
>syringe of holy water
>bulletproof vest
>energy gun he got SOMEHOW
>bartender's shotgun
>Walks straight into escape where Honky Clown and the funky bunch were chilling
>Tries to shoot gun
>Forgot to load it
>Tries to use extinguisher
>Fucked up and shot too short
>Slipped himself trying to walk forward
>drops everything
>Air lock opens at this very second
>He slips right past the clown and out the airlock
>Throws shit around in space in an attempt to get back to escape
>Hits the singularity containment and explodes
>Entire chat is stitches
>Clown got his greentext anyway
I haven't played SS13 in like a year but I miss you, Honkula.
is the server still alive? i should come back
I love honkula. I was his borer on metaclub once.
People who give a shitton of useless laws are the worst kind of assholes because you can get sili-banned for not following them.
worse than just giving you a dumb law that makes you do a dumb thing. 40 different laws but a minor sub-clause that you didn't read because why the fuck would you read all that is not a fun experience, especially when they go crying to the admins because their ebin ruse didn't work because no one read their laws.
also yes, I know that's woody got wood, but my point still stands. don't shit up the AI rules.
>Playing AI on /vg/station
>Check manifest
>Want to die IRL
Guaranteed to law 2 into AI upload so he can make a bunch of dumb laws like "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" or "communication is harmful"
Why do people see other player's chararcters as waifus? that's pretty wierd and it sucks when those "waifu" characters can get away with pretty shitty things because they're "waifus".
muh virtual gf
Because if you're the kind of person who plays SS13, chances are you're thirsty as fuck.
See: every time anarchy day happens on /vg/station and it's filled with unironic ERPing.
I had a battle brother on /tg/station, a lizard, who rode with me on mechs on a clockcult raid.
Our names were Urist and Jon-Ka, Mechwarriors.
>ctrl+f barotrauma
>0 results
I personally enjoy validhunting the snowflakes
tfw always wanted to get into ss13 but keep hearing how admins are gestapo tier so never bothered
How do you do that without pissing off all the waifufags and getting banned because the snowflake faggot cried on the forum?
It's better they are hitlers than lazy fucks, the game really deteriorates without rules to abide by
Are there any other servers like FTL?
I tried playing it but I'm in a different timezone so when I join it's just lowpop and nothing happens because there's no bridge or engine crew.
Try reading
if YOU would read my post you would see i ctrl f'd so that user's post didn't ping
It's the fucking Discord crowd with their metaclubs
Depends on where you go and what you do.
The problem with SS13, to me, is that roleplay that falls 'outside the bounds' is met with bans and warnings.
It basically demands that you're in character all the time and even then you only act as if you're the model citizen and would never do something like break open someone's skull in a barfight or rob the ATM machines. Those are 'fun' things that you're only allowed to do if you're an antagonist.
Even if you're not an antagonist that has anything to do with what you want to do. Antagonist = Go have fun mode. You could be a vampire whose job is to gather blood from a target and spend the entire round running people over with a car that you stole from cargo. Nothing to do with your job, but you have the 'Go have fun' mode turned on, so it's all legal.
Meanwhile when you don't have go have fun mode turned on, you can get banned for not doing your job fast enough or flat-out ignoring your job. Two things that have in-game ways to be dealt with that are promptly ignored because other people typically don't do their jobs, either.
>Discord crowd with their metaclubs
As someone who went on a lizard discord in /tg/, there actually is no metagaming and all we do is shoot the shit on various topics.
basically posts like this are what discourage me from trying it out because it's like everyone's already played this game for years and if i just don't know what i'm doing i don't want to risk a ban. its not like i dunno counterstrike or starcraft where you can derp around in a casual mode while you get your bearings.
serb when
i like going mechanic so i can make harpoon guns in case somebody tries to fuck with me
the thing is: if you try to play but make a sincere effort, that's looked at as being better than someone who is playing but fucks around for lols.
The best suggestion is to join a server and spectate for about a month. Watch a specific job and how that job acts, and then mimic it in-game.
He who stands with me shall be my brother
>go on /vg/station to see how it is compared to /tg/
>its a straight downgrade full of furries, beta orbiters and the shitty pre-console xenobiology
>slip someone as clown
>get fucking executed by security
>ahelp it
>get told to fuck off newfag
>never go back
theres a reason /tg/ is the most popular i guess
Well, until you get killed by Badperson McMurder and get hidden somewhere.
>The best suggestion is to join a server and spectate for about a month.
i hope that's a joke
>just say slip as if you did it with a banana or your pda
Lube makes you valid, maybe you shouldn't try to do shtiter things if you're not robust enough to avoid punishment for them.
>complain about furries when /tg/ has scalies and cat people
/tg/ fucked up R&D recently and some faggot mod keeps trying to buff their pet project antag
You couldn't pick a better time to quit SS13 than now
>faggot mod keeps trying to buff their pet project antag
they got removed though
>no ss13 server like the good old days where fun actually happened on a roundly basis
>play lizard/catperson
>not human and can thus be fucked up by borgs/AI
>are constantly discriminated against and lauded for being degenerates
theyre third-rate citizens
>/tg/ fucked up R&D
Are you implying that vox aren't like that on /vg/?
Clock Cult is still going strong and keeps getting worse
It was redesigned in such a way that it benefits everyone except Science, and the UI for the research console is hot garbage.
>mfw waifu character gets antag role and delays the round for two hours so she can fuck around with her fuckboys
>mfw one of the fuckboys is the captain and declares her a defect and helpful to the corporation and she shouldn't be killed.
I swear to god some of these fucks are metagaming,that could be the only reason why the captain just fucking gave her the blueprints.
This happened over a year ago and I'm sure things have changed but jesus fuck I only remember this because the whole fucking round was boring.
>sciencing as the science man
>tater faggots are being boring as hell, shuttle got called anyways
>casually file on with a bomb in my backpack
>shout ALOHA SNACKBAR and hit it just before arrival
>I gib but nothing else happens
>OOC Nigger: nice bomb faggot
>OOC Admin: That actually hit the bomb cap.
>a solid eight seconds later the deafening sound of all the glass breaking fills my ears
>all taters failed because I killed everyone
>You wanna put a banging donk on it.
>banned for 7 days and jobbanned from scientist
>remove secborgs because they're too powerful and used by validhunters
>what do you mean just siliconban the validhunters that takes effort
>Replace secborgs with Peacekeepers, which are totally fucking useless
Do the coders not actually play?
that's kinda wierd if true.
It's not.
I'm sorry to say but lurking for a while is the absolute best way to learn how the game works. You have to learn how all the roles interact with one another and what someone is expected to do when someone with a certain job walks up to you and asks you for something.
If you're playing as Janitor, and a doctor walks up to you and says "There's a mess in medbay, come clean it up when you get a chance". If you don't know where Medbay is or who he is or why he wants it, you may just stand there frozen in place like a deer in the headlights. To him, that's very specific instruction, so specific that you probably won't even be given an instruction like that when playing your job. Most of the time instructions for you come through your radio over the common channel, usually garbled and filled with memes so it's hard to understand what they're asking even if you know exactly how to play your job.
I know it seems daunting, but that's really the only way to break into it if you don't get started with a group of friends who dick around or with someone willing to mentor you. I know there exist lots of mentors on vgstation if you're willing to put yourself out there and be known as the 'new guy'. In which case you'll get bullied and probably told to do things that instantly kill you, but you'll learn. You'll learn quickly that way and people will tell you how to play the game at the base level.
Holy fuck spacestation 13 sounds really autistic judging by this thread. Are there really no other alternatives?
Epic Mafia, but that's about it.
>go on /tg/
>all rounds end in 30 minutes because greytiding faggots can't stop breaking the station
>this is somehow better than other servers.