This is the power of 500$ machine

>this is the power of 500$ machine

Other urls found in this thread:

you do know that dark souls 1 is locked to 30fps, right?


This is not real life. It's taken from an Xbox console.

you do also know that every port of dark souls in existence has a major fps issue in blighttown, right?




not pc

nm, this one's better

>paying $500+tip for an extra 13 fps in a 7 year old game


yes in pc

you even NEED a fan made patch to fix it

so, not pc

yeah, thats one of the benefits of PC, you get fan patches and shit to fix issues devs might not bother to address

Wait who the fuck uses Dark Souls 1 as a benchmark for anything

Anyone else getting Monster Hunter on this beast?


i mean, at least i get to play it on the xbox without having to buy another 360. the one s is going for £169 on amazon right now with a free game.

And why is this a detractor for the Xbone one? They would never be allowed to use a fan made fix for a game. This would also happen with the ps4 and switch

Having to rely on other users to fix your games to make them playable (and even work in some cases) is NOT point in pc gaming's favour no matter how hard you try to push it. All games should work as they are.


More proof why you should reject all products touched by poo in loo. Death to the poobox vidya consoles. Flush your pooboxes down the toilet.

Say it with me, "shoo shoo poo in loo box, the day of toilet flush is coming upon you"

Sick horse armour
Hope I unlock it in a lootbox

Ouch, sucks Blighttown is still horrible on consoles.

It has to be. Removing the framecap breaks various things about the game, e.g. collision detection, jump distance, slope tolerances, etc.

stable 30fps is absolutely fine and not a detriment (key word is stable)

damn, extra cinematic

Seriously though, why would anyone buy an XB1 or XB1X at this point?

>you even NEED a fan made patch to fix it
console tards will never understand the freedom of PC
nor the glory of PC gaming wiki
god damm these peasants are pitiable fools

And PC gamers will never know the freedom of running an older game and have it work as soon as you start it without finagling with patches and "fixes" that might not even work.

Oh boy what a world

Because the Pro is obsolete?

I just want the rare replay bundle

They're too stupid to play PC games.

??? yes it is. All games should work as they are but that's not real life is it? being able to get a fan made fix vs. not being able to get a fan mafe fix is undeniably a benefit. I don't understand how someone can br so stupid.

>This is the power of 400$ machine

at the time of that video it wasn't $400, it was $300 or $350.

The vast, vast majority of older games work just fine on new systems, but good luck putting a PS1 or PS2 disk in a PS4, I'll wait
This console war shit is dumb. t. idort

i would prefer applying a 40 seconds patch instead of permanently playing at 14 fps

star retarded, consolebro

The point is that consoles 99.99% of the time never need any such fixes while PC gamers consistently rely on them to fix things and even RUN some games.

thts just blatantly wrong lmao
are you a paid shill? be honest

Xbox gamers will never know what 60fps in every game feels like, or even having the ability to play every last-gen game. You get a list of supported titles curated based on the tastes of the masses, meaning there's 10 AssCreed and CoD games supported but shit like Max Payne 3 isn't. Not that I'd want to play Max Payne 3 on the Xbox One.

Enjoy waiting for patches that will never come, on PC almost any game can run at 4K even if it's more than 10 years old.

Try running Gothic 2 from steam on modern systems without relying on a fan patch.

That's implying that the fix you need is even available

i hate xboxtards but that screenshot is supposed to be impressive? at least post some of gta redux

The same reason people buy new iphones / galaxy phones every year

They're paid shills. I have tons of old games that haven't been patched in more than a decade that work fine at 4K.

>xbox owners will never play GTA V at 4K60 or even 4K at all

>another mustard in a console thread

Why do you torture yourselves? You're clearly unhappy here.

it will be always available, retarded consolebro
and hey, listen, i don't care about your poor investment in that crappy machine, just don't tell me about it and we're fine. i don't care and you wouldn't make me buy one


Not supposed to be impressive, more the point that ANY game on PC can run at higher resolutions. Most of the Xbox One library isn't going to be patched to run at 4K (read: 1800p checkerboarding)

>it will be always available

Oh yeah? Where do I find the fix to Doom 64 EX where I can properly mouselook without having it only move a few centimeters before snapping back to the center of the screen like a fucking joystick on windows 10.


one game is equal to 99.9% of games? Try running dark souls without fps issues on console.
I can do that too, retard.

I'm not unhappy at all, these threads crack me up. Imagine defending a console with no games just because it can render at a higher resolution than other consoles.

This one is especially funny, not even locked 60 on a sub-4K game using medium settings.

>another thread where people still don't understand why console games are locked at 30fps
Those same people will probably tell you just to hook a PC up to your huge living room TV too.

the original game isn't supposed to support mouselook, retarded consolebro

is a gamebreaking error from the designer, you can't blame the entire platform for a shitty retro game from the era when pc was considered a dead platform

>Imagine defending a console with no games just because it can render at a higher resolution than other consoles

Yeah, well, what else are you going to compare it to? A $700+ build? Use that noggin', user.

What's funny? One is running a higher resolution than the other....

>Those same people will probably tell you just to hook a PC up to your huge living room TV too.
Yeah don't do that, you'll never be able to enjoy consoles again if you experience every game at 60fps.

it worked on windows 7 fine tho

>Yeah, well, what else are you going to compare it to? A $700+ build? Use that noggin', user.
That would be more than fair given you're paying $40-60 a year for the privilege of going online with the Xbox.

>what is steamlink
>what are ATX cases
>what are fucking hdmis
>how i use my fucking brain for connecting the pc to the tv

Jeez, pointing brainletism on consolebros is really tiring

i can run games in ultra that the xbox one x cant with a 2014 graphic card of 200 usd, the complete setup is around of 600 bucks, just a couple dollars more than the shitty console but at least you don't pay for the online

>gtx 970 ssc

You don't even need a new 4k tv to see the improvements in games. Does the Pro supersample the same way? I'm sure Horizon looks really good if so.

probably not, but some games are locked at 30 fps like the new asassins creed origins

for what porpoise someone would like to pay 500 dollaroos for playing multiplat's at 30 fps

Sweet. What's the point in shitting up the thread, though? I'm sure many people share your sentiments, but not everyone is into PC gaming.

>15fps in blighttown
Holy shit my intel core 2 duo and radeon hd7XXX could even stay above that lmao.

The is how a console refresh cycle works:

Frame 1 Created
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 1 sent to monitor
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 1 sent to monitor
Frame 2 Created
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 2 sent to monitor
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 2 sent to monitor

Rinse and repeat. 30 Frames over 60 seconds, with one frame ideally being sent to the monitor twice in a row to maintain a steady 30 FPS.

Now lets look at a PC that's getting 60+ FPS:

Frame 1 Created
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 1 sent to monitor
Frame 2 Created
Frame 3 Created
Frame 4 Created
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 4 sent to monitor
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 4 sent to monitor
Frame 5 Created
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 5 sent to monitor
Frame 6 created
Frame 7 created
Frame 8 created
Monitor requests new frame
Frame 8 sent to monitor

If you're using a tv with your PC you're retarded and getting the same fps as a console with more stuttering.

I just get a little buthurt from all this xbox shilling in Sup Forums. Found it very hypocrital when they got an entire generation of semi sub-hd games in the first revision

>Running at a higher res
>Only two frames below

Sonyfag can't even post bait that helps him out

I'm using a tv and I'm getting 60fps

I can't. I give up

my tv is 60hz and can display 60 fps....

>actually believing this
>actually being this stupid and having absolute no knowledge about tech

gheez, what's next, i wonder when you would point that 60 fps aren't even real

so, in terms, are you seriously pointing that you prefer playing at 30 fps instead 60 fps because some autism theories about input lag?

Consoles for sure provokes brain damage

To be fair, the reason xbonex doesn't see much benefit in Dark Souls is because of the game's vsync solution. Basically if the game drops below 30 the game will halve itself down to 15 fps even if it could handle e.g. 28 fps. On PC you can disable that crap with the framerate unlock but still set your max fps to 30 if you want.

ive been using a tv with my pc for years and the only pc monitor I have is a 1920x1080p one I got back in 2013, would I be better off using that?

I don't usually make this sort of post, but this is exquisitely crafted bait and you should be very proud of it.

Refresh rate is key when you're getting 60+ fps. Most TVs have a low refresh rate and you won't benefit from the extra fps.

who cares about how a 2011 game runs on it? let's see some footage of new games.

All this tells me is that Dark Souls is a piece of unoptimized garbage, made my a company who seems to be trying to outdo Bethesda in the jank department, they have a long way to go but they are well on their way.

I just checked and its a 2011 led monitor with 60hz refresh rate. should I use it? my tv also has a 60hz refresh rate

>Most TVs have a low refresh rate and you won't benefit from the extra fps.

Since like the 50s TVs have been 60Hz. 50Hz if you are PAL.

They look exactly the same.

They never updated DS1. Nice b8 tho. Got all these dumbasses


in none demanding areas the xbox hits natibe 4k so the differences between the two will be pretty much negligible

>Monitor requests new frame

I'm having headache just looking at the vid with 30FPS, not even counting sub-30. How can people even deal with it?

Looks good.

>Disappointed by Skyrim
>Traded in for Dark Souls on 360
>mfw 12fps
>mfw going through that game offline with no cooperative help

The gameplay didn't bothered me it was mostly the fucking framerate

Halo 5 is an especially bad example though given it practically runs at 720p on the regular Xbox One. Many PS4 Pro games supersample but it's not implemented across the board like on Xbox One.

I'm just surprised how well these games look on a 1080p set.

Sure, they're rendering at a higher resolution now and unpatched games are getting anisotropic filtering for the first time.

I'd be more interested in the X if Sunset Overdrive was getting patched. Gonna wait for RDR2 to come out before deciding anything for sure. I'm an idort and there wasn't a single Xbox One game released in 2017 I wanted. I was close to buying Forza 7 but I still enjoy Horizon 3 and am not thrilled by the lootcrate shit.

wow that one part which always runs like shit

Because it doesn't apply to PC since you can actually fucking do it

I actually went back and messed around on the first Horizon and it still holds up. I never played a Monster Hunter game or Black Desert but I will probably get both for the Xbox.

>blighttown continues to destroy all systems

I'd never play Black Desert, might get Monster Hunter but I'm not sure. I don't have a shortage of weeb games since I can play those on PS4 and Switch already. Just feel like spending $500 on an XboneX is a waste since I never use my current one. I also skipped the Pro.

Maybe RDR2 will change my mind if it's like RDR1 was on 360 vs PS3

Literally how. I played it on PC with the 60 fps mod and didn't get any drops in Blighttown. How is this brand new system not getting any better performance than the original platform? Is its CPU still that shit?