The Punisher is shit

The Punisher is shit.

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But not as shit as Penny Arcade.

I think the joke is that polygon sucks, not that games shouldn't be criticized

They're talking about a tv show dude.

It's a clear dogwhistle against "SJW" criticism. Sup Forums are the only people who hate on Polygon anyway.

At least far funnier people are calling them out:

This, maybe if you could read, OP, you wouldn't cock shit up so bad.


That's a pretty epic strawman, but Polygon's wacky progressive lens of analysis is a waste of time for everyone.

Most of what Polygon covers is games and the only reason they're attacking them is the Sup Forums logic of, games shouldn't have (ugh) "SJW" criticism. Or other "nerd" media, like The Punisher.

I really don't think you understand-- the joke is just that polygon sucks

Not this shit again. Video games are not fucking art. They're games. Is Parcheesi an art? Is Clue?

What was this comic called again? I'll be honest, I am going to look for some rule 34.

Artstyle is still shit but this comic feels a bit more like old penny arcade

Even their example of why it sucks was their political commentary, though.

>video games are srs bzness
>far funnier
Also, polygon just sucks. Even as an SJW, it 100% just sucks.

>there are now people on Sup Forums who are either baiting so hard or are so contrarian they are now defending polygon
that is too fucking far, even as a joke
just stop

>Sup Forums are the only people who hate on Polygon anyway.
No, everyone hates Polygon. Except maybe neogaf, but they're dead now anyway. Hating Polygon has nothing to do with Sup Forums. Now get the fuck out you neogaf reject.

had a thread last night where contrarians defended repealing net neutrality too, I think the contrarians are just going to stop breathing air one day once they realize people they don't like breathe it as well

All the good people at Polygon have left. Crecente, Pitts, Gies. The minute they hired an entertainment editor and started posting articles about fucking Fraggle Rock I fragged it from my bookmarks

PA Twitter: 41K followers
Polygon: 801K followers

Also, compare the notes on the OP to the notes on the posts mocking them:

Only antiSJW kekistan idiots have a problem with Polygon.

Wow a penny arcade skit past 2009 that isn't pure garbage.

OP is a grass fed USDA approved faggot but this ""contrarian"" memeword horseshit is just a slippery slope for dissing FAKE opinions unlike your REAL opinions. OP is just a third-rate troll


I dunno who the other person is but those guys are absolutely terrible.

Redd iirc. Most of the porn is from someone on Sup Forums commissioning the artist.

I remember defending that guy when he got dogpiled on Tumblr by saying "the guy has a weird fetish, who cares, he's not harming anyone". His response to my defense was to say that the comic is actually a satire of fetishistic super hero objectification and anyone finding it hot is purely incidental.

A few months later he started drawing porn.

>our site
You're a neogaf refugee. How the fuck is this your site? Also Moot cucked out and sold Sup Forums. One could even argue he was never in control. Remember, he tried to nuke Sup Forums once, but got cucked so hard that he had to put it back.

Wasn't he drawing porn before that comic? Some crazy brothel comic with both straight and gay sex?

>guy claiming to be here first just got post deleted

Looks like you won that one pretty much forever senpai. Good job.

Porn is basically guaranteed money, especially for a talented artist nowadays. Drawn porn is actually getting really popular, a lot of artists make bank on patreon and stuff. It's basically the ultimate fantasy, and no one gets hurt and the limits are your imagination. Some of the artists post here sometimes.

No, it's that they bring nothing of value to the table. If I made a thread that said "Polygon just said that Red Light Green Light promotes police brutality against blacks" You would have to take a moment to think if that is bullshit or a real article. If you don't see why that is a problem you may suffer from a severe case of lobotomized retardation. Polygon should be talking about games, by making gameplay, the main differing factor between games and other entertainment, the main talking point.
Let me out it another way. If I used polygon for my gaming news I would know if the game coming out is racist, sexist, supports nazis, has multiple genders in it and some vague hints to what the story might be. Notice the problem. I don't know shit all about the gameplay, the one thing that matters most in games due to it being what sets them apart from other entertainment. If they want to be seen as a serious journalism site about videogames they'd be telling us about the games and letting us know about how they play, how the game feels to play, etc.

tl;dr Their superflous shit should be the footnote, not the gameplay if they want to be taken seriously and not be attacked.

I think that was after.

>wahh wahh s-jews taking my games away!

You might be right for that one. exhentai has it up from late 2014 and Redd went on hiatus in 2014 according to tvtropes. However, Alice and some of his other short porn comics were uploaded in 2011.

Sorry you got baited into writing this user.
I enjoyed it at least.

If you're not antisjw you really don't belong here, cuck. Polygon is a dogshit site and always has been, SJW garbage or no. It's filled with fucking morons who can't play games and have shit opinions, and it was started with MS's money so they're on the Xbawks payroll to boot.

Just an absolute shit site and anyone who visits it should be gassed and/or shot.

The Punisher punished what's not to like

>If you're not antisjw you really don't belong here, cuck
Moot left because of Goobergate. Your kind should be banned on sight.

get the fuck off my board you snowflake cunt

Do you think a film can be art?

>Is Clue?

Fucking right it is.

He left because of the Fappening if anything, retard. Now die like a good SJW cuck should.

>call others snowflakes
>want Sup Forums to be a kekistan antisjw sargon skeptic logician safe space
Liberal goons were the first 4channers, but you wouldn't know that. You've never even heard of ADTRW.

plz go neogaffaggot
nobody likes you

Just because Polygon is says stupid shit with surprising regularity doesn't mean we need to instantly believe in the exact opposite without thinking for ourselves.

>Sup Forums will suck penny arcade cock but it took an incredibly lame, family guy-tier explain-the-joke and drag-it-out-too-long, potshot at Polygon that literally nobody else liked or thought was even remotely funny
>all because muh gobbygate

heres an idea: you dont need penny arcade to tell you that polygon is shit or verify that opinion

The fappening was one half of the reason, Gamergate was the other. Forums-founder-moot-to-leave-the-site

Moot fucking hates you.

99% of the time, its actually safe to do this, though. The 1% where Polygon actually has a fucking point can simply be chalked up to a statistical anomaly. Even a blind squirrel will find nuts once in a while.

Found Sup Forums through the Raspberry Heaven IRC, been here since 2003. Try harder.

I'm not talking about about how often they have a point, I'm saying that not all issues are binary. Just because Polygon loves shit, doesn't mean we need to love piss just to spite them.

Nobody gives a fuck about that nu-male faggot. He can go hump transgenders at Google with the other blue haired dykes. Remember that Moot himself was also kicked out of the SomethingAwful forums because he would never shut up about his feefees. Moot may have made Sup Forums to be his safespace, but its entirely his fault for losing control of that safespace.

You're not even reading your own shit articles you retard. Also, getting your Sup Forums "knowledge" from online "news" sites, what a joke you are.

> Implying moot left for any reason other than the t h i n k i n g m a n s f e t i s h



That's a monumental leap in logic. Your parents must be proud.

Respond to a single post in this thread "suck[ing] penny arcades dick"

>Only nazis hate Polygon


Go to bed, Patrick. Klepek, Gill, don't matter.

Nothing should be defended for receiving sjw criticism because sjw shit is retarded

Does anyone else ever think haha in just going with women because that is normal haha that's normal, right?

>abloobloo women and poc trigger me


You faggots so obsessed with video games being art are cancer