WoW Classic: Retail Babies BTFO Edition

Daily Reminder Classic WoW is real and happening.

daily reminder that reddit and blizzards forums are campaigning together to change classic and make it more retailcuck friendly, effectively destroying the entire point of classic

>make it more retailcuck friendly
Changes to what exactly?

People trying to argue for like lfd/lfr and flying isn't going to happen though.

I played a human paladin from vanilla to WotLK. I don't know what new class and race to try out in classic.

Play Warrior. Everyone should play Warrior.

>playing warrior as your first character
holy moly enjoy that endless and merciless grind my friend

You either pick Warrior, mages, Rogue or Priest

Everything else is shit and useless.

mage in vanilla is the best
lock is best if you want to gank the fuck out of everything that moves
rogue is good if you want to compete with literally everyone on the server for a dps spot
priest is good because you heal and dont do anything else

I'm picking shaman because it is my favorite hearthstone class. Also doesn't every group need at least 1 for buffs?

Ill be rolling a warrior as I have on private servers, GL trying to get ironfoe, HoJ, Felstriker from UBRS or the key fragments from LBRS because ill be reserving those.... Oh yea once Dire Maul comes out ill be reserve my thorium nodes at the end of DM:E :^)

Non tanks BTFO

cant wait for 1.1 talents!

>priest is good because you heal and dont do anything else

What the fuck are you on about? You fags always get btfo by retail at some point in these threads then go full autistic damage control.

>implying its ever planned to be vanilla

can't wait buds. taking a week off work and no lifing it like i'm 15 again

yes. also while resto is preferred, enh can be brought in raids aswell as it can provide its own buff and do decent damage but the only way that's happening is if the raid already has a resto and you have good gear

>1,12 balance and talents
The only people classic servers "BTFO" were people who actually wanted classic experience and not nost style fun server

Why do nostalgiafags constantly have to rationalize their decision to play a 12 year old game

There's nothing wrong with wanting to replay an old game for nostalgia's sake.

What I don't fucking understand is how the fuck do people think that a static, unchanging game without any content updates can possibly hold their attention for more than half a year.

As someone who hasn't played since Cataclysm's launch, what I would like to see someday in the distant future is a server type that progresses through the entire series from Vanilla to current retail at an accelerated pace, patch by patch, expansion by expansion, in the span of a year or so, so that you have a constant stream of new content to play through every month, before it eventually boots you out onto a regular server once you catch up.

>Wow Classic: Shitposting instead of comfy edition
No thanks

When is WoW Classic releasing?

Are there fun activities like fishing and crafting? Are they fun to do?

If they were to make it retail friendly they should make it one time pay instead of monthly subscription based for classic I wouldn't mind jumping in since I never tried any mmo yet

They could do what OSRS does, by having players vote for what new content they'd like to see added

>implying im not playing vanilla already
>Giving blizzard money

the biggest change that could realistically happen is people calling for "balance", when they really just want a version that isn't balanced to classic standards (assuming 1.12 which most private servers run)

they also call for things like transmog (which i don't support simply because it wasn't a part of the game back then), stuff like reagent banks and profession reworks (like including Inscription, archaeology, etc...)

some casuals are even begging for things like flying and LFR/LFD, although they seem to be shunned by most anyway.

Threadly reminder that these threads are going to die out long before classic actually launches

Are they going to make druids good or are we still going to be just heal + battle rez whores