I've got $40 eShop bux for Switch games. What do you all reccomend?

I've got $40 eShop bux for Switch games. What do you all reccomend?

stardew valley

stardew valley, sonic mania or golf story
all 3 are solid picks, depends on what you like


Save your money for Enter the Gungeon when it's released by the end of the year.

seconding voez, there's a demo though so I'd try it to see if it's the kind of game you'd like first plus it only works in handheld mode

Thirding Voez. If you have even a passing interest in rhythm games it has some great tracks. If not just fucking get Stardew Valley cause it's comfy as shit.

stardew valley and battle chef brigade

Have they patched it yet? I remember reading it had several bugs when it was released.

Already have Sonic Mania, Golf Story, and Voez. All three are pretty great.

I haven't really liked any top-down shooting roguelikes. Haven't played Enter the Gungeon though.

Actually, they're going to update it to have button controls when they release the physical version.

Why Voez instead of Deemo?

Rocket League

They're both great. Just youtube both and pick the one that looks more appealing I don't give a fuck.

Stardew runs fine. I dunno if they've patched it but I've been playing it for over 50 hours with the only bug I've experienced being skeletons will sometimes move around when they should be collapsed. But no major issues

>Haven't played Enter the Gungeon though.
It's a pretty good rougelite with a lot of bullet hell elements but fuck if it doesn't have autistic artificial difficulty with health drops once every 3rd full moon

I don't know if it got patched but the only issue I had with stardew on switch was that I had to restart the game whenever I switched between the dock and handheld because the sound would start fucking up, it wasn't game breaking but it was annoying so I hope they did wind up fixing it

Not OP, but what are fun games with people over. I have puyo puyo tetris so far.

That stupid switch demo game was pretty fun for people that don't own one. I can't remember what it's called.

>virtual console

F-Zero and F-Zero X,


I feel like this is something the system is lacking over the wii u so far, nintendo land was amazing to break out with guests esp since you could have 5 people play some of the games instead of the usual 4 for games
PPT, mario kart 8 and bomberman are the only real options for full groups atm
snipperclips is good for if you have just one other person, arms and pokken are okay if you like 1v1 stuff

Galaxy had the perfect balance for the casual observer joining in. Letting someone control Cappy is madness.

Golf Story or Neo Turf Masters of you have friends

Is I Am Setsuna worth $24?

Sniper clips and Mario kart

Gunbarich and Strikers
Fast RMX
Snake's Pass
Blazing Star
ON SALE RIGHT NOW - Puyo Puyo Tetris

Thumper is a must play

if you buy smart with region changes you can get a full aaa game or 3-4 indie games

Snipperclips looks fun if you have a bf...

Is Overcooked on the Switch any good? I'm trying to decide if I should buy it on my Switch or PS4.

I've played the demo, seems pretty entertaining, but it reminds me of phone games.

What the heck is overcooked lol?

I know but that MP looks lit

Too bad I have no friends

I tried it with my kid, so I'm not a really good authority on it. I ended up just yelling at her for not figuring out the controls.
>Was I this bad at games when I was 8?

Explain? Some games are cheaper on the Japan Eshop? Because others are expensive as shit (triple A titles mainly)

I... Is this a troll post? Don't yell at your woomy, user...


A local co-op cooking game. It looks like a lot of fun

Comfy thread

There's always good ol' Metal Slug

OP here. Figure I'll reccomend some games too.

Has-Been Heroes
An RPG/puzzle rougelike with shitloads of content and merciless difficulty. It made reviewers cry because of how "hard" it is. The game will slap you hard for fucking up, but it's almost always fair despite the RNG. Every boss requires a different strategy to defeat, and you'll often have to improvise based on the spells you've gotten on that run. It takes about 40 hours to beat the final boss and 150+ to 100% thanks to hundreds of spells and items and more than 30 characters to unlock. It recently got a big free update that probably adds another 50 hours for completion. It runs perfectly on Switch despite all the shit that can go on at once like in pic related.
Also, it's on sale right now for $10. Fucking buy it.

Steamworld Dig 2
Kind of a Metroidvania where you literally dig a path down. You can buy upgrades in addition to power ups you find. It's not as open as some Metroid games, but it has quite a bit of secrets and the hook shot is an amazingly fun item in this kind of game. It's about 10-15 hours long on a first playthrough to 100%. Could have used more bosses, but otherwise a great game.

Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Kind of a short Mega Man game with the gimmick of making your own weapons from weapon parts you find. The weapon customization options are pretty huge and lets you make some rediculously overpowered weapons if you have enough points to equip it. The stages could have been longer, but it's a good game overall.

It was an exaggeration user. The frustration is real. We bought a SNES mini a month or two ago and play like crazy on that.

I almost got it the other day. You think it's worth it?

is that touhou fighting game any good or is it trash?

>snes mini
Great parent :3

is stardew valley worth playing without mods?

Mario World is our favorite. I think it's Vanilla Secret 3 (on top of the hill) where you can get infinite gray coin lives. I load up on them and share with my little girl. Good bonding time.

If you have friends, yes

I know it's a port of a mobile game, but IMPLOSION: Never Lose Hope is really good. Probably one of the few quality titles released on mobile.

Do you own it? I watched the trailer the other day and almost bought it for family gaming. You think that might be worth it, or does it get pretty hard pretty quickly?

I haven't actually played it but I've watched tons of gameplay. The level design seems to be the best aspect, with lots of variety. It looks like it can get pretty tricky to be collaborative but I think that's what makes it so fun. I'd say to check out more gameplay/reviews if you're interested in buying it.

It's $20 and might end up being fun for the family. I'll probably get it tomorrow if I'm of a mood then. I watched a bunch of videos of it.


InVersus is fucking fun.There's also Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, NBA Playgrounds, Super Bomberman R, and Fast RMX.

Mighty Gunvolt Burst, WonderBoy, and The Mummy Demastered.

how do I get Disgaea 5 for $20 from Best Buy? it says its out of stock for some reason on their website

I thought my TV was fucking up or something. It happens to me when I set it to sleep mode, or click into a secondary app like the eShop and back into it. Usually quitting and restarting solved the issue, but it's a pain when it happens.

It's really fun if you have a good team. The levels have a lot of replayability, and the gimmicks keep things fresh. My only issue is that the frames drop hard on the Switch. I don't know how it's on the PS4, but read reviews, and if it runs better, get it on it instead.

Also, Mummy Demastered is on sale? I've seen some reviews and it looks good, but how long is it? I love Wayforward games, but they usually end before long.

yeah I was worried my switch speakers were giving out or something when I noticed it happening in handheld mode, but then I noticed it was there on my TV too

I only have Odyssey, Mario Kart, and Fire Emblem Musou right now

what are the best online multiplayer games on the Switch right now? just Splatoon?

>for some reason

maybe its because its a great deal and its actually out of stock now?

you're a great deal

You're better off checking your local Best Buys to see if they still have it in stock. It's a very slim chance but it's a lot more likely than them somehow restocking the game online

Golf Story

Took me 6 hours to finish it with 95%


>64GB SD card: $17
>128GB: $28.50
>200GB: $50

While getting the 200 and future proofing my switch for a while sounds nice, I'm not sure how many digital games I'd want to have on me at all times. The only one that I can think of that I don't already own is Kirby. I've never filled my Wii U with 32, 3DS with 32 or my phone which has 128. Conversely, I've already filled the storage on my Switch already.

help me decide Sup Forums. It's not terribly important, but it bothers me that I could use the price difference to buy another game with it.

They've submitted a patch to Nintendo for Stardew Valley. It runs fine except for some long loading times. The patch will address that and some other things they said which I can't remember.

only shitty ports are big enough to warrant an SD card bigger than 64

How much are you prioritizing buying games physically? Also are you buying badly ported games with extra downloads or mainly first party games? I've been buying physical whenever possible and I went with the 128gb card. It kinda feels like a lot of space for Switch games so I can't even imagine using a 200gb card. You can probably maybe get away with the 64gb card but bad ports with downloads might cause you to run out of space eventually. 200gb and over mainly seem for if you were going purely digital. I feel like 128gb is kind of a good middle ground with decent storage for games with mandatory downloads

not him but was Bethesda competent enough to get all of Skyrim on the card and you don't need to download anything? I might get it eventually but if there's extra shit you have to download I'm out. I'm already against buying DOOM and LA Noire for pulling that shit

Yeah Skyrim is entirely on the cartridge, there is a fairly small patch out at the moment however.

Skyrim is playable without downloading anything. There's a patch that's about 100-200MB (not required to play) and language packs besides English have to be downloaded if you want to use them.

i dont know what it is but i downloaded the puyopuyo demo just to have games back when i bought it. and my friends became obsessed. someoen bought it for me so we could all play at my house. it does not need to be so expensive my god

rocket league, bro! It's a lot of fun

128Gb makes sense to me too, but I guess the thing is that the 200GB is at the price that the 128GB one was originally. And I don't assume SD card prices will sink this low again anytime soon.

Mummy Demastered
KoF 98
Metal Slug

Jackbox is fucking great with a group of friends, especially when you're drinking.

Pic 100% related.


Consider this: what game would you buy with the $20 you could save with the 128GB one?

Does Stardew Valley ever go on sale?

>Don't have friends
>Don't have a phone that works with this shit
I just want a new YDKJ that isn't that episodic bullshit like the last one.

Just how old is your phone?

Anyone here played Kingdom? Wondering if it's worth the buy.

It's a flip phone. I don't want to upgrade because a phone should just be a phone.

Seconding Has-Been-Heroes. It's extremely addicting once you get the combat down.

There is no excuse not to get Bomberman for the Switch since it's on sale for black friday and how much FREE DLC they've released for the game.

Nintendo might be able to save Konami from Pachiko and the specter of Kojima's mismanagement.

binding of isaac

>out of stamina against final boss
>stack Doublestrike five times on Rogue
>attack the boss after stunning him
>enemies continue advancing during the 96 hits