How are them Tempest Trials coming along? Ready to unload some stamina potions for double SP weekend in a couple hours?
How are them Tempest Trials coming along? Ready to unload some stamina potions for double SP weekend in a couple hours?
Around 60k now, i can't resist CD seal and autoing too far ahead. I will just do dailies on the lowest difficulties if i breach 100k sooner than expected
25k auto no stamina pots. There's like 11 days to go.
Great. Pretty damn easy other than not having a direct BIke counter on my main squad. And even when I do if the enemy layout on that last map is bad, then it might take a 2nd team. Otherwise EZPZ, just got done leveling my 5* Joshua. Enjoying his tankyness.
Coming along great. at 55,000.
I already fed my 5* Joshua to Tana. Not sure who I want to give my 2nd CD to.
Is the wiki fucked up again? Seems to be happening more often
>get BIke for free brave unit because I have no idea what I'm doing
>bummed that I didn't pick BLyn after getting a +ATK Rein
>BIke is 40% on new TT
>BLyn is on the 8% banner
Feels pretty alright. I also pulled a +SPD Cordelia that I'm dumping 60k feathers in to. One day I'll have enough good teams for squad rush.
Friday already? Damn.
Just got Joshua, but I guess I can wait until tomorrow to level him up.
Brave Ike's bonus stats are incredible.
Im still waiting for rinkah.
How's 2cd working for you? I am still debating whether to go with steady stance or close defense.
I spend about 8 orbs on the new banner because I really wanted another Nephenee. I've been filled with regret ever since. Got a +Atk -Spd Nowi though.
I have so many units that need SP for the Weapon Refinery next week. Gonna start with the summer weapons.
Like this, he reaches 45 def., and he is fast enough to double nearly anything with a hone. Very good alt to Fury.
About to touch 40k, I got carried away trying animal crossing today.
I usually don't go too crazy until after 99,000 when people give up, I just sit around the top 20k and then leap up to the top 5k at the end for muh rewards.
22,000. 42 orbs. this was my free summon. I can't make any progress in lunatic chain challenge main story past 6 and 7.
Close Defense applies to dragons, Steady stance applies to bows. Steady breath is way better than both if the person can use it.
> Nephenee eludes me yet again
31k right now. This team usually does a good job of making it to the final map so Cav memes can clean it up.
Managed to snag a +HP/-DEF Nephenee out of the free roll
is she any good or is she just wrath fodder?
if so who makes good use of wrath
I gave my first Wrath to vanilla Lyn since she keeps Desperation with her Prf.
>Joshua with both CDs hits 40+ in both def and Res
>on top of natural 1 CD Moonbow
Shit's cash
can i play this on pc?
Sounds neat
I'd level her up but I think I'm good on blue units right now
Just need to figure out who to pass wrath too
Is -atk +res good for Maria since she never uses weapons anyway?
Yeah i am trying to move on from fury for most of my units, looks like you value encounters against dragons more,thanks for the input
Now that i think about it steady breath is better, guess i need to get a spare bike if i have leftover orbs from 8% banner. Thanks man
Give it to someone who can go ham at low Health like well, Lyn
worth the 20k feathers
-Atk is the safest dump stat, since only Elise can use Wrathful Staff effectively. After V1.9.0 and the staff buffs, -4 Atk will hurt her Physic+ healing (Atk/2), but she mage tanks harder.
IVs on healers matter little.
Who's ready for the 3 week long Michalis GHB?
how many orbs you got saved up for the upcoming banner
i got almost 200 now.
Remember, only melee infantry and armors can use steady breath
>THREE WEEKS of michalis
Not like it matters either way, but just why?
>try out feh cause theyre giving out top tier 5*, don't really have time to play though so I just auto battle
>brave lyn and lucina hit people for 20-30+ twice right off the bat and move 3 tiles and can hit people from long range
>my other shitstain chars like gentle giant and mage bitch and whatever move like 1 tile per turn and hit for 5-6 damage
The fuck is with the power disparity in this shit?
Wow never even noticed that. The hell does it have to last so long for?
And do we have any insight to what's different about the Berkut thing?
It better come with an easy way to obtain 20K feathers. I like Michalis, but I've got other characters ahead of him in line for promoting.
Yeah it's pretty awful desu. I just kill everything with Lyn and Rein usually because they're so OP.
Michalis's Hauteclare is getting buffed, so he'll stay longer for Weapon Refinery. He's also getting an Infernal.
Berkut runs secondary to the GHBs without an Infernal, and is thus shorter.
I managed to get a Mia, and she eats anything that BLyn doesn't kill.
1-Battling BIke is satisfying.
I spent 80,000 on mine and it was completely worth it.
Probably because they want everybody to be able to try out that unique weapon forging thing that's releasing in the next update. I remember hauteclare was one of the ones able to be forged.
I'm being lazy and just autoing hard. This team wins 99% of the time. Around 40k points and just a few stam pots used.
There's usually a significant difference between 5* characters and 4* or lower characters
Also Draug is fucking trash and you should switch him out for some one less shit
How rude.
When did they add Radiant stuff? I sort of have been ignoring this game. Is Marcia there?
Best Mage.
Draug's great but requires a lot of investment to be super good compared to characters like BK or Arden who are good right out of the box.
Not yet. I'm waiting for her too. She's a cutie.
So far the only PoR/RD units in game are
>black knight
Ok then
when does 8% start
Three or four more days I think.
well that's not bad to start.
Give up on Henry and settle with Jakob or keep trying?
I have 58 orbs.
Black Knight was a tempest trial award. His exclusive special Black Luna is stupid good (Same cooldown as luna, but def/res -80% instead of 50%)
I just unlocked 5* Josh. Gonna try and maintain a 10k per day rate. No point going faster unless you want to tryhard the overall rankings, it's just a waste of time and potions. Not that there's anyone who doesn't have potions to waste at this point, but still.
>Michalis and a friend got flier formation
Question. I never played Heroes before but I heard that some characters are outright awful, so I was wondering if it's possible to make characters that are considered terrible good like Fir, Odin, Camilla, etc. Just want to know before I start playing.
Simple enough
I also use BLyn and Rein, but with Xander and Cecilia.
Final stage BIke is a joke when going against my 46 total defense Bonfire Xander.
You can make anyone viable with enough time/luck/money. It's just that some characters require a lot of effort to make good and even then they end up inferior to similar units who require less investment.
If you want to have someone like Fir on your main team and still do well that's certainly possible, but it'll never be optimal. The one advantage is that you'll get more copies of Fir than someone superior like Ayra, so she's much easier to get a fully merged version of.
With enough skill inheritance and summoner support, fir and camilla become a good mage killer, for a steep price that is. Odin is a lost cause though
I tried.
Kinda works.
Odin is probably the only unit in the game that is absolutely worthless after skill inheritance hit.
Owain when?
>Odin is a lost cause though
Eh. With a Blade tome and someone like Eirika on support, any mage is salvageable.
>accidentally did an auto-battle run when the new day hit
I hate
Summoner support can help a lot and there's some gimmicky movesets you can try to run.
Worst case scenario you could just go gem weapon/distant counter or raven/triangle adept to make a unit a hard counter to specific types of units.
You can make them good/usable but through the same methods you can take already good units and make them amazing, so it's up to you whether or not you like that idea. At this point you can pick 1 unit to support with and give them a nice stat boost, support them with another unit for another boost, use good ol skill inherits to give them lots of toys, then use the new seal slot to add in another skill of your choosing.
The upcoming weapon forge will once again give you a way to make the lesser used units good, I'm just hoping it'll help fix my Seth who sucks horribly.
>Bride Charlotte isn't coming back
Why is Spring Xander even on the banner
>so I was wondering if it's possible to make characters that are considered terrible good like Fir, Odin, Camilla, etc
You can make them usable, generally speaking. Good is debatable, but you'll be able to use virtually any unit with enough SI work and stat spread minmaxing. Wether or not that's worth the steep cost is up to you.
>Blow dozens of orbs trying to get Halloween Nowi
>Eventually give up
>Say that I'll save up orbs for next banner
>Give into the compulsion and roll again
>Get a 5*
>It's Ayra with +Atk -Res
I'm at 47k BIke and Joshua are best autofriends.
>Not +Spd -Res
Just kidding. Nice pickup. I got a Mia that I've been trying for and wasted way too many orbs. She's +hp -res which I really shouldn't be upset with but I'd kill for a +atk/spd -res.
Damn this was way easier now that I got better units.