Dokkan Battle

How come JP gets all the good shit while Global gets served a cold fist up the ass? Post pulls.

Not even a sorry, login reward

Hopefully they cover us tomorrow with something, even something like more tickets would cover for it.

>Shit Art Design [The Franchise]: The Game — Microtransactions Edition.



I had a mini heart attack when it appeared

Spent 150 stones and got nothing.

>First pull Frieza
>Second pull STR Gogeta
Pretty good for a third pull. Got INT Gogeta for my next free pull

I heard Global banner got fucked compared to JP?
So should I save for Christmas now?

I think INT Gogeta is worth it but if I were you I would probably save.

You can if you want, but it sure does suck that people have been warning us for half a year to save for this banner and we get the banners changed this much.

I was so pissed with the forever maitenance and shit banners when I pulled Gogeta i said to myself "finally" and it still didn't feel worth it

so is this some pay to win mobage shit?

You can play F2P, but be sure to enter at good times and reroll until you get a good unit.


SSR Buu on first 3 and SSR INT Gogeta on first 5.
Guess I'll save the rest of my stones for Ultra Instinct Goku during Christmas

at least you got him
8 multis for basically nothing here

Only the Gogeta banner is bad the Janemba banner is much better than japans.

>could've had a rainbowed (my first) phy gotenks on my fusion team but I used first two dupes months ago before knowing about hidden potential

>8 multis on each
>no gogeta or janemba
>2 stones left

Fuck this game. Did all the discounts and got nothing but R and SR. Why the fuck R's are on these banners I don't know. Money grubbing cheapskate company.

>1.3 mil crit on a phy unit with one ss4 gogeta undokkaned
not bad

Well what about your free multi

Literally no SSRs in 8 multis?

>UI Goku during Christmas
I kinda doubt it. We will probably get him when they release his dokkan.
No. The only thing you can compete with, other than who has the most LRs, is the World Tournament and you only really need one unit for that.

How do I get the japanese dokkan battle on ios

>you only really need one unit for that.
Which? You don't even need Broly, you can just piggy back off him.

Just play JP, Global is dog shit

>japanese dokkan battle on ios
>on ios

Jailbreak it or emulate it on bluestacks

Did JP get an update that shows you how many hours you logged in the app? I'd love to see how many hours I put in, I'm sure it's a gigantic amount(which is why I'd think Bamco wouldn't want us to know).

Jaco :^)

I just posted one of my shitty pull screenshots at random. I can post the one after but it's the same bullshit R and SR.

Nope nothing. I have a feeling the rates on these banners are really bad.

450 stones
Ssj4 gogeta, phy omega and str cell
Thats all I fucking got. The rest of the ssr's were useless.

You don't need him but adding Chaiotzu to my team last WT was a huge addition

Too bad Masked Saiyan's leader is perfect for the event but his passive fucks him over.

>Didn't get INT Gogeta
>Did get PHY FF Cooler
I'll take it at this point, I have a rainbow FP Frieza and a rainbow Omega.

What team do the whales use to get 1st? Broly lead +?

who is better
Chaiotzu or the alien dude

They are not really better than each other. Just take both.

Team of LRs I guess, I think the higher your team cost, the higher your score

Same unit basically, worthless as attack or defense but it doesn't matter since they stun everybody on the turn they show up.

>The compensation details will be updated in this announcement soon.
What is it going to be boys?

Few stones for a single summon and an elder kai if we're lucky because I want one badly


I hope it is at least two Kais. That would get my Gogeta to max. I say 25 stones or maybe 1 of each of the SSR tickets for the event

Good for you
I only got SS3 Goku

I literally was robbed of the second step summon for the Janemba banner, sure hope they know it, apparently a few lebbits said it happened to them too. Used my stones but instead skipped to the 3rd summon.

got 38 stones and story 13-24 left.
how much stones will i be able to get from doing all of it?

Damn, dem's some bangin titties

Any JP fag can answer?

a few hundred

Enough for the next banners

I guess I wasn't completely jewed

I pulled int gogeta, phy coora, a dupe buuhan, int trunks, my waifu mai, and ss4 gogeta in 8 multis. Not bad for 240 stones. I still have over 1000 stones left. Ftp btw

We better get something good, cause this whole banner has been a shitshow

I hope this game crashes and burn after what they did to this awesome dual dokkan fest

he isn't on the global banner though...

consider the fact that this dokkanfest came early and phy ss3 gotenks is still coming, I expect ss3 goku and vb to be on it

>got into gogeta

Only for the unlucky ones that didn't pull anything.

So SSJ4 Gogeta showed up 2 times on global so far? I don't believe he's shown up on JP again since his dokkan fest, has he?
Also I don't play Global, is the current fest really that much of a shit show?
(I need to get more stones so I can pull on the Heroes banner, didn't have much saved)

The shitshow was maintenance basically all day since the banners dropped. Gogeta's banner is worse than JP's but it has Omega on it.

> gacha on Sup Forums

you guys should go to /chg/ children gambling

mighty impressive spacing slugger

Best thing I got. But seriously, 5 multis on gogeta and not even a single banner SSR. I'm starting to thing shaftdai scamco is actually rigging the odds.

Dropped like 100 stones across both to get to the free pulls and got shit.

Dunno what else I expected from global.

3+1 on janemba's, got a Phy cooler, my second dupe for it, and 2 SSR vegetas and that's it

>mfw Bandai gives 1 stone compensation

Save your SR buff Buus, have a great Dokkan in the future

sheeit he's already dokkanable actually

Buff Buu has a dokkan already on GLB. Pretty good for Extreme STR

>got 4 str cells
>can 100% him
>no gogeta or janamba but got all the good cards form janambas banner plus ss3 angelgoku

give me gogeta not ss4 gogeta you fucks!

He came out with INT Kid Buu didn't he? Completely forgot, thought he came out today.

God her armpits make me hard

Rate my extreme STR. I'm not really who I should replace but I'm considering zamasu or 17.

Are you guys serious with this 'game'?

Zamasu is hot trash.

I'd take out zamasu, 17's passive is good for getting broly's 18 ki

they should have given him a good gimmick passive

I only "play" this game because I need my daily DB fix after the DBFZ announcement.

He should just not have the hp limit on the passive and he would be fantastic. Pushing himself out of his own damage buff is completely ridiculous.

>Only 20 free stones
It's better than nothing

3rd gogeta pull was awesome, gogeta and omega, janemba only good one was an cooler

The attack boost is dependent on the HP restriction?

>Using mono when categories exist


>INT Gogeta
>STR SS3 Vegeta
>STR Omega
>STR A18 (seriously)
Fuck this, atleast I got the card I wanted.

>tfw just spent unique levels of money trying to get gogeta and got shafted

Enough is enough im done with gacha shit

well ok then

but yea, don't spend anything. I have almost fully optimal super str/agl fusion and shadow dragon with multiple dupes in some and have never spent a penny, also have a bunch of story left

luck is different for everyone but you can get the most out of the stones you can attain freely if you know what you're doing and know when to back off

>got pretty much optimal super str/agl fusion and shadow dragon teams
>got 2 dupes on every str except bardock support
ss4 goku alone can do back to back 4 mil hits, also got 325kish HP

Remember, Super Battle Road only lets you use mono teams.

Just removed my card from my account. Its over Bandai my whaling days are over.

How much

>have 5 of those SSR vegeta blue, enough for rainbow
>get my ticket for a guaranteed featured one
>will it be janemba, will it be SS4 gogeta
>it's a 6th vegeta blue

have 2 accounts
>lr gohan and lr broly
>broly has everything but gogeta and janamba
>feel like going to gohan account
>broly is better and don't feel like it


>Did all the discounts and got nothing but R and SR.

welcome to the club of unlucky bastards.

>everyone kept telling me for fucking months to save stones and skip everything else for these banners
>it's this shit

well at least i sperged out and got lr black the other day on that rising dragon banner

All together 794.77USD

All time? Or just today

I've got a million of these AGL syn shenrons and fat janembas, i know they can be awakened for SA fodder, but now i have no box space for missions. Shit

All time. Only around 100 of that today.

>tfw got her yesterday trying to pull Gogeta
Should be a fine replacement for my AGL SSG Goku.

>tfw got that Goku
>dokkans into Golden Great Ape
>can't for the love of god beat Super Saiyan 4 Goku

I rolled on the rising dragon banner also
Got me a lr broly ss2 caulifla and fasha