So at dinner tonight my younger relatives told me to download this and join their clan. What are some interesting things I can do with this game anons?
>inb4 stupid phone game and microtransactions
I don't want to spend any money but I want to kick their asses.
Stupid pay for play phone game
>I don't want to spend any money but I want to kick their asses.
That's the thing though, you can't the game is all about who's been playing the longest, the only way to out progress them is to pay.
Well that's unfortunate. I tried to tell them about Rise of Nations, Age of Empires, C&C and all of the other great RTS games but they won't budge off of this stupid game. It would be so much better to play on the computer, but everything I've read says I'll be banned if I try that.
They're too far gone. Write them out of your will. Cut all contact. Delete them on Facebook. Slash their tires when they get their first vehicle. Smash their windows. Leave threatening voice messages with a voice modifying program.
That all sounds like boring garbage
>I don't want to spend any money but I want to kick their asses.
Not going to happen. Literally impossible to get ahead of someone that has been playing for longer
Then don't play RTS games.
>being this triggered
My initial impression is that this is a money grab trying to get you to buy things? I'm assuming I'm right?
Why? If you don't like RTS don't play RTS.
>i like these games
>k don't play them
fuck off newfag
Don't bother. Mobile games are shit. I spent $800 on one and have nothing to show for it. Clash is one of the worst.
It's a game made to suck all your money in microtransactions
You seem stupid enough so you should definetly play it
which game? hearthstone?
I like regular RTS games, not phone ones. You know this genre has existed for 30 years, right?
Is it something I can play without paying or is it pretty much a lost cause? I didn't even know it existed until tonight.
You can play most mobile games without paying but it's going to irritate the fuck out of you when you see you could just pay to skip a lot of bullshit
I'm not gonna say. I literally don't want people to get sucked into mobile shit. It's nothing you know.
You'll play till you hit a wall. Don't ever, ever, fucking ever spend money. You will 100% regret it.
So it's a cash grab, then. I figured. I didn't know if there was some strategy or way to play without having to end up paying, but why would they let that happen. Back to my PC then.
Good man. Phone games are a shit meme. Even F2P PC/console games are usually two tiers above.
Phone games are fucking vampiric. They make shit as frustrating as possible. They want you to spend cash. A lot of cash.
>I'm not gonna say. I literally don't want people to get sucked into mobile shit.
cmon stop being so paranoid. Sup Forumsirgins know better than to fall for that.
I've found that I never do anything but emulators on my phone. It's been like that for a while.
I play a Japanese mobile game and have been watching some Japanese "ecelebs" play the game and spend money on it's gatcha. There's one guy who spent like $3000 on it in a week or so
Wow, that's pretty retarded
>trusting the northern Jew
fucking fingols with their microtransaction ridden mobile games
Well he is probably making bank on his youtube and working for the publisher of the game but he did go full retard this time