Bought EDF4.1 and I've unlocked some decent gear. Anyone up for multiplayer?

Bought EDF4.1 and I've unlocked some decent gear. Anyone up for multiplayer?

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To save our mother earth from any alien attack Its too late for me OP but have a bump

What platform?

Bump, I hope the greatest EDF squad ever comes about from this thread

I just finished a two week bender through hardest but I hope you get a fucking great group going user.

Damn how did you do it? Doing Hardest online with randos feels impossible

Add me up maybe, I might reinstall to help randoms.

I did hardest with some buds. Our secret was to have a fencer who could dash cancel do all the work while everyone else focused on killing one type of thing.

will do senpai

I figured. Trying to get all medals on hardest without someone going Fencer is suffering.
Even with fencer some randos just cant pull their weight

Damn, I'm on PS4.

Wow, just under 400 currently playing. I love that this game found a home on PC.

5 for PC when?

Considering how long 4.1 stayed in the steam top seller list I'm hoping it gets a simultaneous release for pc when it gets localized.

I couldn't even imagine trying to do the underground missions without a semi organized group. We spent probably a good 3 days on them alone.

Its even worse when everyone leaves after one or 2 failed attempts

OP here, my Steam ID is if anyone wants to join in
Probably should have done that to begin with

You'd probably have better luck just making a room and dropping the name here

Good call. The room name is Sup Forumsirgins of fortune and the phrases are speedy friendly fire and errors permitted

EDF 4.1 is 40% off on the humble store if anyone's interested. That's the cheapest I've seen it

Will it run on my FX-6300 shitbox?

Fuck, I'd love to play but I really have to run some errands. I'll drop in if you're still playing after an hour from now.

It's on sale on Steam as well.

Probably, I've got a GTX 660 and an i3-2100 and the game runs fine until godzilla crashes through a few buildings at a time

Welp, it disconnected me. I've seen this glitch before and it's unfixable until you wait a while so I guess i'll pass.

The one where you're stuck in the matching screen? That's connected to idling in the lobby, in my experience opening up a menu and closing it before readying up prevents it from happening.

The one where you get disconnected immediately when the game starts after an abnormally long load time.

Yeah happened to multiple people when I was hosting. I thought it might be a problem on my end since only one guy out of three people didn't seem to have a problem with it.

How's the public side of this game? I haven't really tried it, most of my playtime was spent with mates.

From my experience you'll usually get the casual players who dont really know what they're doing often, which are fine for hard and early hardest but after a while will sink you

Generally gives zero shits about friendly fire in my experience, especially in tunnels

>it's a WD strafes behind you while firing an Idunn episode

Just bought the dlc. Jesus Christ armor farming silver spooders is so fucking fast.

Anyone still up for some Sup ForumsDF?

Haven't played in a few months and I would be all over your shit for a coop game if I weren't at work OP. I haven't really played enough to understand all the nuances yet, only ever finished the game once on normal/hard and I only played Fencer. Heavy armor and dual miniguns are the absolute fucking best.

you are out of luck nigga.
my 970 decided to crap out yesterday and im waiting to rma that shit.

Shameless bump to try and get a coop game going.

weapon and armor grinding is the worst

I'm alright with weapon grinding but armor grinding is real shitty. Unless you spend way too much time on old missions you're gonna get oneshotted in the harder ones.

Armour grinding cost me my playing buddy. It's not the kind of game he'd play by himself and he just doesn't have enough armour to survive.

Armor isn't too much of an issue if you start at hard and naturally progress through all the missions before moving onto hardest and inferno.

I'll play with you user, if you're still trying

Do we know anything about EDF 5 yet? Everything new is all fine and dandy but I really want that they do something about armor grinding and/or make online coop a bit easier.

there's a website, user
it really baffles me how little fans of this series actually know about 5