Final boss is DLC

>final boss is DLC

Other urls found in this thread:

name one game

Asura's Wrath

Not op but checkm8

>name one game

Came here to post this, but also that this is probably the only time it ever happened.

why are you posting a picture of a murder teen that was forced to ware that dress

Oh it's not the only time.


sounds like Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.

Lords of Shadow

Picture was taken by her murderer.

Don't care what anyone says, that picture is fake and staged as fuck, nobody would stand there hoping their tiny wrists could stop them from being murdered, they'd be fucking running

>running in high heels
>try to take high heels off before running and you get grabbed and overpowered by the rapist
>implying you're not just a contrarian shit lord


>underage faggots dont know what this is

delete this

>dude wtf im alpha as fuck i could disarm him in a fight and kill him with my bare hands


how hard is it to take off high heels? they're not strapped in or anything

Yeah, the best part of the ruse is when they killed her and left her body for the police to find. It was hilarious.

When you've got a literal murderer in arms length and you're trying to reach down and take them off?
Bretty difficult my man

>open field with houses behind her
are women so dumb they dont know running is the best form of defense?

You know it was on a farm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, running wouldn't have done much you'd get tired eventually especially since you're still worn out from all the beatings and rapes and lack of food, oh and the general fear that's drained all your adrenaline.

Go get yourself raped constantly for weeks and left without food, then see how far you can run.

bit hard to outrun a bullet

>Final boss becomes your father

Would you?

must've not had pumped up kicks.

>not kicking off high heels to avoid dying

yeah you got murdered standing there like a retard and I'm somehow a moron. Adorable.

Except I literally suggested running away, you illiterate

>le story actually happened so le picture must be real, I mean who would go on the internet and just tell lies?

You neckbeards are pathetic, enjoy your blatantly staged photo

As I said, you're a contrarian shit lord and I'm not going to bother arguing with you
GL being a special snowflake user :')

>final boss is a ally that turns on you

>enjoy your blatantly staged photo
It's not the first nor is it the last photo of a person before a murderer killed them. You could just google the truck stop killer and find all the information yourself.

But no I guess it's impossible for a killer to take a picture of someone. That makes so much more sense.

>tfw forgot to pump up kicks to get that sick 1250ft/sec speed boost before the shooter opened fire in the classroom

hey asshole you're fucking wrong

Git gud loser, next time learn to outrun his gun.

>Being this new.
Photo is a victim of murder that happened just after this photo was taken.



>I'd rather wear high heels than live

Stay dumb roastie

>Countless news reports are fake news!
I bet you think this whole thread is fake and you're just having a fever dream right now.

>not trusting Sup Forums posts
Lmaoing at your life boi

looks like a tranny to me

I can only imagine being so schizophrenic that I doubt even a photo of a girl before she was killed, that was released after being used as evidence.
Like does someone this skeptical question whether water is really made from hydrogen and oxygen, and whether they even had a childhood?
Couldn't their memories be implants?

>its on the internet m8 from decades ago, it has to be true!!!


Most 14 year old girls with short hair look male.

>replying to posts that never even happened.

Actually the more I think about it you're right, the girl was clearly just a moron and therefore deserved it

It's real you faggot.

>wtf cameras aren't real, the picture is fake news!

>believing photos that never happened

Dark souls 3

She was a 14 year old girl in shock and the guy had a weapon. Her only hope at that point was doing as he says and hope he won't kill you. Obviously it didn't work this time.

Ah, the good old, my go to for news

Ebaumsworld has some good news too I hear

All Dark Souls.

Just admit you're dumb and fell for a staged photo on the internet because you're 15

>Sup Forums is suddenly defending a roasty
this fucking board i swear

It had a dlc? I don't see anything in steam.

Glad I wasn't the only one who saw this.

Dead Space 3
Mass Effect 3

Imagine being so poor you don't think cameras are real. lmao, go back to the call centre pajeet.

Full denial mode. Absolutely adorable

Am I the only one who doesn't find high heels sexy at all? I don't understand.

Bitch I fucking dare you to try wearing heels sometime, especially when a guy is trying to kill you. Christ you guys can be unbearable sometimes.

>you have to pay to play online

How are you posting on the internet when the internet isn't real? Are you a wizard?

A terrifying and violent screamer could flash on your computer screen at any moment.

Who cares if she died or not. Good for nothing roasties gets what they deserve.

you might be gay

You are either an edgy prepubescent teen
or an autistic incel. Cmon son, no one is impressed by this level of faggotry.

how horrifying

Mind if I save this?

Naruto Storm 3 and 4

Except for 4 it's not DLC, but you have to rebuy the fucking game for the "deluxe edition".

>t. soyboy



What are you replying to?
My post never happened!

The position of the feet using heels help to reshape the ass, thats all.
Its just another trick.

Dragon's Dogma

Did killer fuck her ? If not what a faggot.

>n-nothing bad in the world ever happens!!

Get out of your bubble.

Many times. It was gud.

dark souls

Fallout:New Vegas

He kidnapped both her and her boyfriend. Killed him pretty soon. Kept her in his truck turned rape dungeon and repeatedly raped her for many days. Made her cut her hair and wear that dress then killed her in that abandoned shed.

Nah, I don't either.
It's like make-up, another tool to lie about what they look like.