*presses Q*
are you mad boba faggot?
your backpack doesnt
mean shit soyboy fett.
*presses Q*
are you mad boba faggot?
your backpack doesnt
mean shit soyboy fett.
>playing this game
Nobody here is actually playing this trash. Try another internet community.
should i buy this
i dont really care about the lootbox shit i just need a fun shooter and i like star wars. i thought the first one was a lot of fun but lacked serious content
hi boba faggot
game is 10/10
Fett feels really underpowered since he can’t zoom. You’re basically just waiting for your rocket barage and concussion missile collide s to end so you can fly around the corner and attack the chokepointbefore going back to hiding
>chain lightnings you
>does shit ton of damage to you and get health back from dead grunts because of star card
>shoulder bash darth vader off a ledge
>cuck lando, stealing his kills and white girl
reddit hates this game because reddit mains lando.
>chokes you
nuthin personnel kid
I am going to FUCKING LOVE IT when they turn the lootboxes back on.
easily the best and most under rated and under played hero on the dark side.
*presses alt-left to commit treason*
>force fucks you
proper training you lack
to bad acutal lightsaber combat in this is weaker than a 15 year old game.
and it'll all be cosmetic
The game is fun. However, the starcards thing can make a match unfair. Imagine going up against a guy who is at the same skill level as you, except he has a starcard that gives him more health and more damage, all because he got lucky in lootboxes. Hell, not sure if they patched it out, but there is a starcard for boba fett that makes him, basically immune, to all attacks when doing a rocket jump.
Flying is a big improvement form the first game, but you can now mow down a bunch of people on the ground, doesn't help the fact that there will be objectives where you capture points with a small area, so all you have to do is aim at and objective and shoot, provided that there is no other players flying, its free easy xp and points.
soyboy fett checking in
playing on pc? has weird rubber banding and fps issues. I'm having fun though.
I'm not buying this shit until I get a confirmation on Anakin or Ahsoka. They don't even have Obi-wan, what the fuck.
Maul and Greivous are cool but the Clone Wars are retardedly underrepresented, even though that era had the best full scale conflict.
Starcards for galactic assault don’t feel that bad. At worse, the wookie or super battledroid you’re shooting at has like 20% extra health or the hero has faster cooldowns but it’s not huge differences.
Starfighter assault on the other hand really pisses me off because all the starcards are straight upgrades with more damage, more health, faster rate of fire, longer time until overheating, etc.
>Maul and Greivous are cool but the Clone Wars are retardedly underrepresented, even though that era had the best full scale conflict.
I thought Grievous wasn't in this? Which is funny because they hyped how much they were adding prequel content to this game but the only prequel exclusive hero character is Darth Maul, they can't even beat the OG Battlefront 2 in that.
the game is directed like a literal disneyland attraction like startours. It'll happen.
why play han when you can play leia
There was a “leak” that said some small details like vader’s force choke being controllable which ended up being true, but also said that Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Dooku, Grievous, and Jango would be added to the game.
I've actually done much better in SA without good starcards, but I also suck at FPS, so.
But I should also add that Grievous and Obi are confirmed coming soon, and Grievous model was discovered in the files, but nothing found for the other characters mentioned. So far, anyways.
Apparently their plan was shit loads of free DLC because they'd be making money off of mtx, which would make stuff not being present at launch a huge deal, but then those got axed, so I don't know what's going to happen now.
that may be why. Try playing in third person.
what will obi wans abilities be
Maybe they could just do what every other fucking developer does and release the characters as paid DLC so the people that want them can get them
Random loot boxes is always retarded. If I know what I want and am willing to pay, why gate it behind loot boxes?
The mtx doesn’t fund free DLC, for any developers for that matter. Devs get a DLC budget and work with that, they’re retooling the mtx anyways. They’ll come back as cosmetics or something which is still just as cancerous.
pool party Rey when
>Over Ahsoka
Sounds fake to me. Even if they have a female character quota to fill there are way better characters. If not Ahsoka, you have characters like Ventress or Aurra Sing. Padme fired a blaster in the movies like twice and they want to make her a hero? Please.
Well they will want to balance out the saber characters and blaster characters like how right now its 3 saber characters for both sides, so I imagine Padme and Jango would be packaged together in a content drop. Plus we don't know how much the DLC is gong to be half assed as blaster heroes are always easier to make
Same leak said there’s a couple devs pushing for Ahsoka and Rex to appear so if they do come it will be at the end.
I don’t really believe either desu but it got a few things right and was deleted. We’ll just have to see what happens after Grievous and Obi-wan release. It also said Jyn, Krennic, and Scariff would be returning at a later point.
they need to buff heavys
And Jango would be reused assets from Boba. Just change his concussion missile to the instakill dart and the rocket barrage to an ability that lets him lock onto the two closest targets and shoot at them simultaneously
I think I just suck at this game. I cannot get anywhere. I've been playing for 3 hours and am more frustrated as I go.,
we should petition to bring back paid lootboxes
so all you have to do is aim at and objective and shoot, provided that there is no other players flying, its free easy xp and points.
so basically air superiority actually means something? isn't that a good thing?
i haven't actually been triggered in a while
are you actually retarded? all they have to do is use their shield ability and they've automatically won any 1v1 if the other person doesn't have cover.
its a good thing if you're the one in the air
their guns are garbage. who cares about 1v1s in an objective game
The spawns are terrible in some maps for attackers like Jakku and Hoth so if the rebels get air superiority first, you’re fucked.
Also whoever gets air superiority first can just spawnkill any incoming fighters so more oftgrn than not it’s wasted points.
obviously, but that seems like it would create a focal point for gameplay. the other team has to address you pinning the point down before they can cap. that sounds interesting to me. mini objectives are generally good things for multiplayer games unless your playerbase is just made up of a bunch of retarded peruvians
this is sounding more and more like star wars war thunder. shit why am I not playing this game? I want to hate it and EA but it looks so fun
if they removed their shields I would be fine with them. And it does matter, you have to kill the enemy to win objectives. Also there are more gamemodes than gallactic assault
>paying this game
The game is a disaster. 20vs20 players in Battlefront? LMAO. You can't even get out of your ship still in space mode. Also no Galactic Conquest and if the game is short and you become a hero you're shit out of luck, the game ends and you barely even play it.
Edit: holy shit guys thanks for the gold
>should i buy this
Play in third person and try to land those headshots, eventually you should get the muscle memory to land them consistently. Since its a DICE game make sure you are abusing your abilities as much as possible and craft star cards you know you can abuse hard like the boost ability for the Officer that gives yourself extra health when used regardless of any team mates you also boost. Rolling is also pretty powerful and gives you insane invincibility against light sabers and even fucking force abilities
if i play heavy on ga i just use super sentry and ion turret and get 3-4k pts every time i shoot at the mtt
It's all flash no substance. It's designed to look and sound good but once you play it it becomes frustrating and just boring. There are also a shit load of bugs, how it was approved for launch is beyond me, lol. Wait till it's in the bargain bin. Lootboxes aren't even the worst of it's problems.
You're trying too hard to fit in here
right on thanks for the input. I'll wait for a sale then
>try to use Flash Pistol as Assault
>doesnt do damage so even if I blind someone who dies I get no assist
What the fuck is the point, even the Stinger Pistol is more useful than this
>Why would greedy fucks make you spend an unnecessary amount of money to maybe get what you want making you spend even more when you get something else
Don't know
why did liberals have to rape star wars to death just to get at the hwhite man?
>This bug filled game was approved for release
only bug ive encountered is getting dumped in midair spawning in as an LAAT and its only happened once
try harder next time
There's no way those $3 lootboxes make enough money over regular dlc to justify pissing off the entire fanbase
Apparently they do considering Overwatch has made over like 2 mil off of crates alone
It's something like 10% of the userbase where each user will spend a few thousand on them, then a few percent of the real whales who outstrip the rest a few times over.
No, they don't want to piss off their regular userbase, but they really want that lootbox cash since it basically doubles their revenue stream.
every time the enemy team has Boba Fett I try to convince one of the saber fuckers to switch to Lando or Leia and help me shoot that OP fuck down.
>pulls you
nice try gramps
Boba sucks though. Han is the best non force character to play. That blaster/grenade combo is deadly.
(((They))) wont stop until absolutely everything is rotted.
Or until they are killed.
I hate that little fucker.
Just got to epic out his rocket barrage cards and he wrecks
Boba can stay in the air forever and shoot you from places you can't get to/shoot at. Also his barrage is insane if you have upgraded it at all and his concussion mine is annoying as fuck.
>not wanting to pay 5x the console price on a single game
What are you, poor or something?
How the fuck do you craft? I know starcards but what the hell are crafting parts I still don't know how that shit works.
This, Palpatine is fucking busted in the right hands. His chain lightning comes out instantly, has decent range and does huge damage while also having staggering effects I believe. Using his ground lighting to stick a hero in place is a death sentence in most cases. His force storm ability makes it so easy to sweep through objectives since it can go through walls, while also being an ability that regenerates fairly quickly. His mobility might be the best in the game, while having a very fast jump that launches him high into the air giving him easy pickings while also avoiding damage (also taking into account that fact that nobody looks up in vidya). All this but he barely gets picked because most people get turned off by his primary lightning and not knowing that using both the attack and block buttons launches a devastating charge of lightning with bullshit long range that will go through a lot of objects
There are ways to get Boba down
>get crafting parts from completing challenges or from opening crates
>go to the collection tab in the main menu
>pick the class or hero or ship you want to craft a card for
>use 40 crafting parts to unlock one basic tier card
>you can upgrade that card more if you have enough crafting parts
I didn't know force moves reached that high up.
>buying an EA game
>retarded euroblubbers singlehandedly fund other games with their soccer shit
I'm playing do not speak for me you piece of shit.
"""""WE"""" community.
I really wish the maps for Heroes Vs Villains were bigger. Such a shame. This map would also have been cool to play even though it'd be smaller.
>actually buying a lootbox gambling progresion game
Neo-Sup Forums everyone
The funny thing is, Trump looks kind of like Sheev without the hood here.
I didn't had a single bug through campaign.
>This bug filled game was approved for release
Han has no fuggin health though bro
people are this jealous of the battlefronters in the house party that they come into the thread to let us know
He's the only gun hero that isn't force faggot food in the shittiest gamemode so he's got that going for him. Especially since each side only has 3 lightsaber guys I can't remember if the senate actually has a saber in this game or not, you can always at least point and laugh at Lando/Han/Leia/Cheewy while they get eaten alive while the good guy saberfags chase you around like retards trying to catch a pigeon.
>the first reboot game was polished turd and was only shilled on Sup Forums via grafics
>dude how about i buy the second game to piss reddit off lmao
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
I got it because I like star wars and it looked fun. I don't give a fuck what reddit or Sup Forums thinks.
but this is soyboys: the game
I literally don't give a fuck. While reddit and everyone else boycotts it and if it gets EA DICE to remove the p2w, I'll have already been playing it for awhile.
What happened to his head?
Yes, it's pretty fun.
God I hope this whole mess leads to the industry being heavily regulated. I'd love for violent games to be censored or banned from sale.
the model is proven, user
4% of your users, the ones who will buy a fuckton of boxes impulsively, make up half of your average F2P game's profit.
He took a lightsaber to the forehead.
gg well payed!
forgot pic
>giving EA money