I'm a huge retard who never played a pc game in my life. I just bought this from Wal-Mart...

I'm a huge retard who never played a pc game in my life. I just bought this from Wal-Mart. Did I do good or did I fuck up?


eh its better than my pc

Soy is disgusting you double nigger. I just want to play some vidya on steam.

It's trash. You swap out that hard drive for a flash drive and you're all set

this is the most newfag thing in this fucking site

this site is completing dead

Not bad to be honest
The worst part about it is 8GB of memory and the W10

You can probably deal with 8GB
Should be fine for gaming in 95% of cases. Seriously a good price for those specs

this pretty much, honestly a good deal though OP

replace the PSU and switch to windows 8.1 and you're good

It's fine. Probably better than most the people on steam.

You fucked up thinking pc is for gaming when really it's for office work,should've got a ps4 for gaming.

1 terabyte isn't enough? How much do I need?

>inb4 there's never enough

Good deal. The only thing you need to worry about is the PSU. Seriously doubt it's any good.


Have fun replacing parts in the future

>1060 3GB

Pajeet, my son...

Actually pretty good for 500$, nice jahb op

He means a Solid State Drive

What do you intend on doing with it
CPU is prett weak
GPU is pretty weak
PSU is always china nuke tier
HDD gonna have about 3200 RPM
Gonna regret having less than 16gb of ram soon

Honestly better than I expected given the price. I dislike the 3GB 1060 but that's still a decent deal.

>1 terabyte isn't enough? How much do I need?
Depends, modern games are fucking massive on PC, PS4, and Xbox One so 1TB isn't enough if you plan on playing most multiplatform games on PC. I use a 1TB SSD and a 2TB SSHD for games, I tried to just use the SSD for a while but it wasn't enough.

just make sure you wipe the hard drive and install win 7 on it

It will probably run most things you're interested in. It will play a lot of shit decently well. It's sort of a good deal. Like others said it probably has a shit PSU and may have some other subpar components like the mobo and/or ram (like the clockspeed). Depending on what sort of shit you want to play, it could last you a couple years. If that's the case then you'll definitely get your money's worth.

is that 3GB graphics supposed to be the VRAM?
You got fucking jewed if so.

thats a good price for a business mans computer
if anything just add more ram when you can afford it and upgrade the graphics card

I'm pretty sure you're good for 1080p60hz, but not much more. Ya did good. Hopefully you have room for expansion when you want to go crazy and upgrade or something.


sorry for my ESLing

CPU - Okay
GPU - Below Average, switch to 1080 or at least 1070
Memory - Okay but 16gb is where it's at
Space - halfway there, add a 250gb SSD for your games
OS - shit, downgrade to Win7

>GPU - Below Average, switch to 1080 or at least 1070
do not liten to this guy

Ignore all these fags OP, that's not bad for $500.
You did good.


Keep suffering your buyer's remorse 1060fag

Nigga I own a 1070 and even I admit it's overkill for 1080p/60fps

>live in Canada where computer parts are 2x as expensive for no fucking reason
>have a i5-4k, a 960, 8 gigs of ram, and a 1TB SSD
>cost 3x that OP paid for when i bought it 2ish years ago

Part of the reason mainly I don't want to upgrade would be because going from a 960 to a 1060 is pointless and a 1980 costs like 900$.

I'll just wait for the 1160 or whatever it's called.


>1060 THREE GB

So what's the first thing I should do for improvement? Bump the memory to 16gb? A lot of people are saying to replace the HDD with an SDD, what makes the SDD better if they're both the same size?

SSDs load your vidya faster than a HDD since there's no moving parts. SSDs are kind of a meme and totally unnecessary unless you're playing super competitive multiplayer

>buying a PC when the new generation of processors was just released and the next generation of GPUs is around the corner

>came expecting $300 parts marked up to $1200 as usual
>pleasantly surprised

It's not the best PC, and you could've done the same or slightly better for $50 or so cheaper, but you'd have to build it, and I understand that if you're new to it it's a pretty daunting task.

To be totally honest that's not a terrible deal OP. Only notable downside is Win10.

>buying a prebuilt
You fucked up.

SDDs read/write much faster. 16GB should be your next priority, then you should get a GPU with 8GB of VRAM.

It would be good if you didn't get a shitty power supply, but they probably gave you the worst one out there, so replace it for a decent one before even turning the thing on.
Solid state drive is a luxury thing, so if you are on a budget don't get that until you have the psu thing fixed first.

>SSDs are kind of a meme and totally unnecessary
Going from HDD to SSD is one of the most noticable difference a computer upgrade can make.

It's OK. Not anything amazing but pretty good, especially for that price.
>CPU is pretty weak
it is ok for anything but Wii U emulation attempts.
>GPU is pretty weak
it is 3gig model but 6gig model could absolutely max and stay 100+fps on newest doom. That is anything but "pretty weak" - it is current midrange card and those always have been good for while for anyone not looking to absolute max.

PSU is a tossup always.
They have not made 3200rpm hard drives like ever. it is 5400 most likely, which will not fucking hurt gaming. Just boot times.

Ram lack may become a problem but it is mostly OK especi-fucking-ally for "never touched PC game in my life" man.

Very good 500usd box and I hope in finland my cousing wouldn't have had to pay 600€ for GTX1030 prebuilt by fucking acer.

If you felt confident in building and using your own PC, thats why consoles exist


Go back to 2010, everyone is 1440p/60fps minimum here.

And you can suck a feminist's strapon-dildo you soYBoy

>Go back to 2010, everyone is 1440p/60fps minimum here.
lol faggot

In all honesty, the last time I owned a pc, Windows Vista was the most recent OS so I probably won't even know how bad 10 is because I'll have no basis for comparison.

Ricers say that anything but 1070 is garbage, pay them no mind.

I am not.
I am 1080p/144 or 1080p/60, depending, can you guess on what?

>lol faggot

This is an 18+ board, you niggerdick.
Go back to your PS2

>can you guess on what?

Intel HD graphics right?

Solid State Drives SIGNIFICANTLY improve load times. You want to put your OS install on it ASAP. You can keep the 1TB drive since it makes a decent place to put random shit but you'll be installing games to the SSD.

What monitor do you have? This is a big factor in how much you need to upgrade your GPU. 1080p at 60fps is very doable with the current but you're not gonna max out anything.

I have a console but I'm looking to upgrade. Everyone tells me how much better pc is, and a lot of my friend also play pc games so it just seemed like time to stop being a dinosaur. Only problem is I'm a retard when it comes to computers and don't understand most things and have no confidence. But I'm trying.

Minimum should be 1080p/144 or 1440p/60.

Recommended should be 1440p/144 or 4K/30

If you're overkill, you're 4K/60

My monitor is old af. It's a hand me down from my brothers WoW days.

Yeah, I am the midrange PC gamer. Most of my parts are old parts from friend who builds THE BEST once a year, year and a half or so. He does it for fun of it or "cuz I can" too, he agrees that he isn't really using all that POWER for anything.

I got a 4790K build from him last time, 2444Mhz RAM, CPU and Maximux VII motherboard. I was already on a i5 but, whatever, it is OK.

I upgraded to 1060 from a 760 and aside EDF running just about the same, I was absolutely amazed by 1060. It is truly amazing midranger and bang for buck sort of meme.

HDD is ancient technology at this point. Might as well get a fucking floppy. SSD is the best upgrade you can make to you PC period.

Could have done worse.

It's a good deal.

>having expensive and new PC
>when all new games are shit
I have toaster-tier machine from six or seven years before and I'm having fun with actual good games. Jesus Christ anons.

I play on both my TV and monitor that was cheap removal sale one, some asus 144hz sort of meme. I will make you mad and tell I got it to play Daikatana and Overwatch at 144, and it is amazing for those.

>HDD is ancient technology at this point
SDD is still stupidly expensive. You can't reliably afford 1 tb without spending a ridiculous amount for it, and less than 1 tb is almost useless. A tech is not outdated until the price is reliable and accessible for most budgets.

Yeah sure.
Just tell me how much does 5TB in SSD storage cost?

Love: 500Gb SSD, 1tb SSHDD, 2TB and 2x 1TB HDD's

You gotta have space for them games and anime porn.

>friend wants laptop for Streaming
>His dad asks me to help find one to surprise him with
>Shows me a laptop with a fucking 960m and Laptop CPU and he tells me that "It can play the most demanding of Triple A titles" when I repeatedly say that a desktop is far more worthwhile

You got a good deal there OP just get yourself an SSD and it's a suitable gaming rig for the time being.


Graphics card>SDD>ram. Ram is a meme, 8gb is going to be good enough for 95% of games.

To be completely honest that's not bad at all. a 1060 alone is $220. Makes me wonder if they're selling that at a loss, either that or just an extremely cheap hard drive and memory.

For the price, a more than decent starter rig OP.

>buying pre-built
ya fucked up

>1060 3gb
It's trash

>telling someone with a 7400, 8gb of shit-tier ram and no ssd to get a goddamn 1080 that costs more than the rest of his china rig

The 3gb and 6gb versions of the 1060 aren't really the same thing, it's more of a TI deal

I work at this shit heap and I scanned one of these and it's only a 2% markup.

Good time to quit. I sure wish I can.

>8gig memory
only semi decent thing about the rig is the gpu. hopefully you don't play a lot of new releases

It's fine. It'll run pretty much everything you actually play at decent settings, but it's not future proof.

OP if you're still in this thread, you're gonna be fine with that PC. Listen to the other peeps about the ram and shit like that, and that thing should last you a good while before upgrading.

1tb is fine. its like ~20ish big games. good comp for the price, will last you 2 years on many games then you will feel like you wanna upgrade

It's not bad at all, just needs an SSD and 16gb of ram.

>take like $300
>spend $100 on gas and drive to usa
>buy all computer parts or have them shipped to somewhere you can pick them up
>spend $100 on hotel
>spend $100 on food
>drive back to canada

problem solved.

>And get raped when they pass through the customs
Forgot that part, dumb burger.

Pre-built garbage, you fucked up. The whole point was building it yourself. You could have saved more money and built a more powerful PC. Anyone who thinks this is fine is a console cucked redditor. Shut this shitboard down already

Its bretty gud
Like other said get another ram stick and your set
If you play games with long load times you might want to differently get a ssd
Their pretty cheap now 256 gb go for like 100$ on amazon i think

>want gaming pc
>cba learning how to build and take care of a pc
>too much of a jew to overpay to have it pre built
What do?

>1060 3GB
>3 GB

Holy shit.

What motherboard it has OP? post the full specs

>greedy cunts that run the country slap $200 in taxes on top when you go back

this. cheap psus give out all the time frying your other shit. get a decent one and u can upgrade later aswell.

Yeah that's a great deal, user. As always Sup Forums is full of fucking retards baiting and spreading lies but the card alone is worth like 200 bucks. The mobo, CPU and RAM is another 200-300 so it would have been impossible to put it together for less, nevermind the hard drive and windows license. The only real upgrade you could use would be 8 more gigs of RAM and maybe a SSD if you want to be really fancy.

Other than that it's pretty much perfect for 1080p. It should last you at least a couple years without big upgrades, probably twice more if you are ok playing games at low settings.

Get some extra RAM and another HD and it's serviceable.

I mean, you're not going to be playing games at 4K or on maxed out settings, but there is nothing you should struggle with right now.

Though in a year or twos time that may not be the case.

pay a computer shop to build it?

Buy the parts and pay some faggot to build it and install the OS for you.

Fuck off retard.

It literally costs more to buy the parts individually for the PC then it was to buy it, and that PC can literally play all current gen games 60 FPS at 1080p, and even 1440p 60 fps if you lower the settings to high or medium. Sup Forums is so fucking retarded

Nope, you did good OP. Had I not already had a PC after seeing this at Walmart tonight I probably would have purchased one too. The card is kinda meh but that's easily fixable down the road. For $500 though, this is a steal.

Yes it is. With the miners rising the prices so much, the pc was cheaper, but these people don't even check their prices.

Its honestly fine. I personally dont see any issue with it just dont expect to run new games on max settings but with a few tweaks everything will look good.

Next time just save up and build your own computer though.

Damn that's a pretty good deal


your customs being niggers isn't our problem, hatling

Nah that's decent OP. 8gb of ram may not be enough for long though. And an SSD for the bootdrive would be nice later down the road.

>hahaha my plan was perfect
>no it wasn't

You could have done much worse.