What's with all the BOTW threads on Sup Forums? And they are all along the same lines of

What's with all the BOTW threads on Sup Forums? And they are all along the same lines of
>I played BOTW and I its shit!/overhyped/etc.
Is it one shitposter or something that was organized on the Sony Discord?

Other urls found in this thread:


I doubt it's some conspiracy, probably just 1 or 2 autists fishing for (You)s. I don't really mind as they give me a place to dump my screenshots.

Its been literally the same copypasta and pics for weeks now. Obviously a desperate shit-on campaign arranged by salty Sonygerians, who literally have no GOTY titles this year.

It won't change anything.

More free marketing for BOTW.

>Its been literally the same copypasta and pics for weeks now
Actually it's been closer to 8 months

what's are you favorite regions?
Mine's faron, shame it's impossible to get a good landscape shot of it.

>no GOTY titles
Have you not seen Horizon Zero Dawn webm's, can anything in Breath of Hot Burning Trash or Super Mario Garbage I See, compete?

I think it's most likely just PC gamers filtering in now that BotW runs great on a non-super computer.

I'm one of them. The game is a solid 7/10 at best.

>people post legitimate gripes with the game


You're only lying to yourselves
Now go ahead and tell me I haven't played it, since that's the only other defense mechanism you've got

Why do these videos never show gameplay, only graphics?

I'm a sucker for the Gerudo Desert along with Akkala. It's a shame my favorite regions can't be closer.

akkala is nice too, I don't have any pics of gerudo though yet. Only started taking screenshots in my 2nd playthrough so they wouldn't have a wall of hearts in them.

Beautiful 2004 graphics

No I'm just going to call you a ledditor because you can't format your posts properly.

well meme'd, my friend.

Is this supposed to look good?

It's not a meme. World of Warcraft looked better at launch than this.

I can't believe people paid $600 to play this game.

both of these are me




I got the game free at first, liked it so much I went to get a wii u and pirated it there instead.

>u didn't do it my way therefore reddit

t. autistic

Do you have any of Guardians?

I played the game at launch and found it to be a disappointment. I don't make non-stop threads arguing over it but I have been critical of the game's flaws. Honestly I think the reason there's so much shitposting (on both "sides") is because of CEMU, master race ruins every fanbase.

youtube.com/watch?v=kkpxh7Zd9LI Oh hi!

>do a stealthy suicide run through a part of hyrule castle
>get a ton of good weapons, bows, and shields
>narrowly escape

Wew lads, that shit was so worth it. Any tips for dealing with guardians? I'm tired of parrying their lazers, it's breaking my shields. Fuck this game is so much fun but so god damn tedious. The guardians are so fucking annoying AND they respawn every blood moon. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

There's so much shitposting because it's a game people feel very passionate about both ways so no matter what you say you'll get a lot of (You)s

It's probably IRC or some faggotry.

Probably Akkala, the whole autumn thing is so beautiful.

What the fuck were they thinking with this room? Did they test this shit on Master Mode? Did they actually expect people to sneak attack chain or light campfires under the lizalfos?


sure thing, this one's one of my favs

and here's a pic of a guardian on the northern-most akkala beach that I only recently discovered.


>What's with all the BOTW threads on Sup Forums?
>he asks, while creating a BOTW thread on Sup Forums

Every Horizon webm is super cinematic and shows no actual gameplay, just the robots and pretty graphics which is all the game has to offer

Did you read the rest of the OP or were you trying to make yourself look stupid?

anyone have any webms of guardians wrecking themselves?


>Normal Guardian battle theme doesn't transition into the Decayed Guardian theme when all its legs are severed

Missed opportunity, tb h.

now I want this to happen

learn to parry, its the best way to deal with guardians

I'm shit at parrying so the next best thing is hacking all of their legs off with the Master Sword.

>That feel when getting a Guardian to target a Stone Talus or bomb arrow wielding enemy

For a few brief moments it actually feels like the Guardian is protecting me.

what said. If you keep fucking up and breaking shields, get the hylian shield and practice with that instead. I need to take a better pic of parrying as the angle in this one is hella awkward
until the guardian gets punched in the face and goes flying for miles. By the way, where is it easiest to do this? I'll snag some pics if I can.

This, HZD is a modern day masterpiece.

The Guardian and Stone Talus on Mable Ridge.

thanks I'll grab some pics later

I've been itching to replay it, but theres no reason. They flubbed master mode too, just more bigger enemies with more bigger health.

I'm replaying it right now on Master Mode. It's still just as good. Implementation's kind of annoying, but it does change some things, mostly in how you end up approaching where to go and what to get. Barbarian set is a must.

>but theres no reason
disagree, I didn't even bother getting the DLC yet and I'm still finding new things in my second playthrough, despite having done all the shrines+quests the first time around. There's so much attention to detail in this game.

How does someone talk for so long and say so many words, while not actually making any real argument towards their side? He literally just says Zelda sucks the entire video without giving a real reason why.

so what's the WORST region?
pic semi-related

>What's with all the BOTW threads on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums just can't let it go. This isn't about BotW being a 10/10 game or whatever. It runs deeper than that.

This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Sup Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.

You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Sup Forums's psyche like BotW.

They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past NINE FUCKING MONTHS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

Hit the parry button when you hear the beep they all have audio clues for when to do it.

It's not so bad but I feel like I'm missing a stable on that mountain. I saw a screencap from a snow stable with a woman who gets made if you talk to her nude and I can't fucking find her.

>competing in graphics with a peasant box
Man your existence must be miserable.

>Any tips for dealing with guardians?
Use your shield to parry their lazer back them. Stay fairly close to them, as soon as you see the blue flash of their eye, that's your cue to use your shield. You can do it with a pot lid. Once you get it, the guardians are a cake walk.

daily reminder that this game was made for the wii u

It's a real shame that HZD has a decent premise and some pretty neat robutts, but is held back by a garbage plot, shitty protagonist and bland combat.

Worst is gerudo desert, theres fuck all there and exploring it is so tedious due to those stupisd walruses.

I like the stun with arrow to the eye, chop of limbs, attack underside when they flip over strategy. It's really fun and you get more parts.

Hey what's the non pussy way of dealing with flying Guardians? I always blow up their routers and then just wail on them on the ground, is there a different way?

>we're excited to bring you more details soon about the DLC later this year.

It's almost 2018 ffs!

there's a stable near the road entrance iirc
disagree, there's a lot more to gerudo than meets the eye.

>Hey what's the non pussy way of dealing with flying Guardians?

Perfect shielding their lasers. I just shoot them in the eye with an ancient arrow though because fuck Guardian Skywatchers.

>hurrr durr I'm going to wobble around in the air like a massive autist then promptly forget I was targeting you

Don't be too hard on HZD. The developer was pretty new. You need to remember that its not as if Breath Of Wild was Nintendo's first attempt at a 3D open world game... oh wait.


in fact you can see it from hebra tower in this shot

So(n)yboys btfo, lmfao

I got the obvious stables near the giant flying robot bird and the one next to the Ice Bowling Minigame. Is there a third one on that mountain?

They give out the best Guardian parts though. So if you need shafts blowing up their routers is the quickest way.

It looks pretty, but it has no real soul to it

>They give out the best Guardian parts though. So if you need shafts blowing up their routers is the quickest way.

I maxed out on all Guardian parts except Giant Ancient Cores forever ago.

>Obviously a desperate shit-on campaign arranged by salty Sonygerians

It's more like obvious baits followed by 500 posts of fanatic BotW retards and reasonable people with

Yeah just follow the trail east from Hebra Tower.

dude it's literally in that pic you replied to, look to the left.

The game is amazing.

>some sad person wrote this with the intention of performing epic btfo on the sonytards on Sup Forums

Must be sad to wage a one-sided war over opinions about a video game.

he's kinda right though, also who mentioned sony?

Are they good

That's the one near the Ice Bowling Minigame

Autists, 12 year olds, and foreign shitposters are mad that a game that came out in March is a strong contender for GOTY.

Sometimes shitposters, sometimes people who just don't like the game and yet feel the need to voice their dislike for it.
So, you know, average Sup Forums shenanigans.

Not him but it's probably the most truthful thing on this board. The utter fucking salt over this game and the resulting success of the Switch absolutely anally ravaged this this board. Nobody even mentioned S-Sony.

It's just sony fanboys.

What are these mask?

The new ones from the Champion Amiibos
And shitposters. Not everyone is an irate fan for an opposing system.

Shitposters, sure. But there's a ton of sony fanboys out there that just hates Nintendo. It's completely absurd why anyone would be so devoted towards any company.

Just how things are. Fans of anything are generally the worst.

>people say this game is good? many people, and game reviewers and game awards also? i will play this game and see
>I, the intelligent Anonymous, have a quibble with the game's design, an oversight that the developers did not notice (but I, the intelligent Anonymous, did notice!)
>I will make a post on Sup Forums - video games on Sup Forums and share my wisdom!!
Rinse and repeat. Most of the criticism that could be said about the game has been, so other than how obnoxious the OP is about expressing them there's not much difference between BotW threads. Not that the game doesn't have flaws, it does. But you probably already know what they are.

it might be because this game which is supposedly literal perfection is really fucking boring and samey

Too bad Sup Forums is incapable of just disagreeing on things and discussing compromise for said disagreements. Nope, it's always "I'm right, you're wrong" and any variation of such statements as people bicker about a game.

not an argument

Well that's a matter of opinion. What did you not like about it, exactly?

Just picked up Switch yesterday for Thanksgiving. Got Mario Kart and BotW. Having a great time. BotW really IS as good as everyone says. I went into it fairly blind not having spoiled much at all. I'm absolutely bowled over by the sheer amount of freedom. There's so many different ways to approach different situations. Just got the sail cloth to parachute down from the start area and the whole gamee world has now opened for me. The weapon system seems a bit weird at first but there's weapons lying around everywhere so I don't seem to be in danger of running out. Overall, amazing game. The excitement to just go out and explore and do my own thing feels great. And on a secondary note, the switch itself is cool as fuck. Call me a shill all you want I also own a PS4.

here's the same scene but at a different time of day.

Damn thats nice.

Early on, weapons and their durability can be a bit daunting, but once you figure how to cook up meals that can boost your attack, and learn where to get the good weapons that respawn, you'll be have little trouble keeping a selection of gear on hand deal with enemies.

>learn where to get the good weapons that respawn
Weapons respawn?

>nothing of substance to talk about because game is korok seeds and shrines only with two dimensional quests
>thread dead after 100 posts soon

Really nice screenshots guys, really nice discussion.

>make video about things X has that Y doesn't have
That road goes both ways.

Some do. There's always a hammer near the magnesis shrine, on a little ledge you can climb up to. And of course the rusty gear lying in the ruins across the land respawn. If you get to Death Mountain, drop the weapon near an octorok and it'll suck up the weapon, clean it up, and spit it out the restored weapon