>zombie boss
>"I'm gonna take a bite out of you!"
Zombie boss
Other urls found in this thread:
>zombie boss
>dies with a reviving item
>Burger Boss
>"I've finally mustard the courage to ketchup to you! Now I'll relish in your defeat! Not to patty myself on the back, but you're cooked, sweet buns!"
tfw even though build is pretty good it doesnt hold a candle to the glory that was ex-aid
>Sexy Boss
>"I'm gonna make you SWEAT!"
Eh, I wouldn't say that. This whole theory about Sento being Katsuragi got me so excited.
But sure, nothing beats Dan the Man himself though. The Rogue guy acting all crazy just doesn't seem to work as well as Dan
>Father Gascoigne boss
>"They don't call me GAScoigne for nothing, kid!"
I still think it's too early to say but at the very least I hope at the in of this build will have a seperate glory that rivals Ex-aid and other great riders. I hope climax fighters is gonna be dope too.
I've only seen the first episode of Build. I dropped it because I didn't really feel anything for the main character. He was kinda all over the place in terms of his character. And I just recently finished Ex-Aid, so I might pick that back up.
Personally though, Gaim is one of my personal favorite Rider shows.
>orange boss
>"Orange you glad I didn't say Banana?"
>Post yfw that entire fucking debut scene
Build's got a weird start. It's not just Sento that's all over, it's everything that's all over the place so it's those first 3 or four episodes you gotta get past then things start calm down just to enough to the were the pacing is fast yet it's easy to follow.
>Space Boss
> "I'll send you blasting off!"
Build is great so far, though Banjo feels more like a protagonist than Build.
I'll probably wait until it's half way through before I pick it up. I was thinking about starting up either Ghost or Drive next. I'm leaning more towards Drive since I heard it's basically "What if Hikawa from Agito was the main Rider"
And on a side note, I wanna say that Gentarou is my personal favorite protag. He's very simple but I find that really charming too. I'm also a sucker for japanese delinquents.
>god complex boss
Trust me, stay the FUCK away from Ghost, by far the worst KR show I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Also Drive is okay but Tomari can't hold a fucking candle to Hikawa, I don't know who told you that but he's wrong.
>Party member betrays you
Just rewatch Agito. Hikawa basically is the main rider for half the show.
>burger boss
Fighting Trump would be boring user
I'd go with Drive, it's a pretty strong series, and Shinnosuke is a fucking great rider main rider easily my favorite. With ghost that's abit of a love hate kinda deal because of how dumb the writing can get although ghost is pretty standard with about everything else. If you end up watching ghost and find yourself losing interest in it, at the very least watch it for Specter, Caring for him really helped me get threw it. He's a good secondary.
>haven't watched rider since Gaim
have I missed anything worth while?
to add on to this, like he say, Shinnosuke's next to nothing like Hikawa so that comparison makes little since apart from them both being cops. Shinnosuke's great in his own way.
So like Kabuto?
Agito was fucking amazing. Saw that right after watching Kuuga and it really showed me just how much the series has evolved. While I do like Shouichi more because I love goofballs, I do think Hikawa is the better character. Ryo was pretty great, too. Why do biological Riders have to suffer so much though?
Hell, Shouichi and Hikawa are essentially more developed versions of Godai and Ichijou. Not to say that Kuuga was bad. It's flawed, but I like it.
You missed Vidya Rider, for starters.
>stag beetle boss
>his karada goes boroboro da
did he just suddenly start bleeding through the eyes of that armor?
>Vidya Rider
was it actually good? did drive turn out good? /m/ seems to think ghost is wizard 2.0 so I'll steer clear
Good to know. I only got a vague idea of his character from the Ex-Aid Pac-Man movie. To be fair though, Hikawa is pretty Chad so comparing Drive's protag to him is pretty unfair.
Drive is okay, kind of a slow start but once it gets into gear at the halfway point it's a smooth ride until the end, I have a feeling they purposefully made the show that way so it's easy to make car puns when describing it
Ghost is honestly one of the worst Rider series I've ever watched and the only one I started but couldn't muster enough fucks to actually finish.
Ex-Aid is amazing. Again, kind of an iffy start, but takes shorter than Drive to get going, Dan is the best Rider villain of the decade and the entire Kamen Rider Chronicles saga is one of the best long story-arcs I've seen in a Rider show.
Build so far's been one hell of a frantic ride, the start is way faster to get going on plot shit than most recent series and it's honestly a great change of pace. It's a bit too early to see if the new formula works out in the long run but so far I've been thoroughly entertained.
I would recommend Drive. I just finished recently, and even though I wasn't too into it at first, it really grew on me, to the point where it might be one of my favorites thus far.
I've heard nothing good about Ghost.
Ex-aid was fun, but it wasn't exceptional.
Just finished Ex-Aid. Personally I think it's great. Not as good as Gaim but still really great. It's fast-pasted for a Rider show though and every episode is important. Especially the Christmas episode.
>Machine boss
I would think so too. I think it's more like slow start, picked up middle, fast end, and smooth the whole way.
Build's shaping up to be in my top 3 post-Decade rider series. Definitely pick it up and give it another shot if you're willing.
Sorry m8 thread has been derailed by sweaty anime losers
I've been curious about this. Which Rider is considered the strongest? I've been assuming Kuuga due to his Golden Power Rider Kick having the destructive power of a fucking nuke, but there's been a lot of Riders since then.
On the topic of Build, is there any theme to the combinations of his vial things? Rabbit + Tank? Gorilla + Diamond? I know it's Kamen Rider but that's just silly.
I was gonna say something about this not being anime but KR is essentially live-action anime.
Alright boys. Let's get them best openings. In no particular order;
It's gotta be Ex-Aid. How the fuck do you beat actual, literal invincibility?
or stronger, because no matter how strong you are, he will always be stronger
>thread derailed by"anime losers" when it was starterd by "anime losers"
Blade was fucking kino
>is there any theme to the combinations of his vial things?
Not really, it's generally been a "organic + inorganic" thing, but kind of vague and not particularly consistent either. The "best" matches make sense in terms of imagining what bottles have synergy with each other I guess (i.e. hawk + gatling for flight + ranged combat).
Ex-Aid has one of the strong points of Gaim in common. Even though Ex-Aid starts out as monster of the week, by the halfway point it becomes one continuous story like how Gaim handled it.
Gaim was still a better series overall though.
What are some KR-related vidya?
Actually Yes I thought i was the only one who that this. Tendou is pretty much a glorified secondary, while it's proven time and time again the the actual MC should have been Kagami
Strongest Rider is definitely Kouta, because he's become a literal God to the point where he's become the movies' Deus Ex Machina where he pops out of nowhere for no reason because I'm fruitJesus lol and gives any Rider that retired/lost their powers after their series (Drive, Ghost, etc.) their powers back for the movie because I'm fruitJesus, lol.
>mfw I prefer both Sentou and Tendou for w/e reason
Unironically Ghost's, it's one of the few points it as going for it
Ahhh i love thinly vialed Kamen Rider threads
My brethren.
Brains face was one of Drives strong points
Nothing wrong with it, My only problem with Tendou is that he kept cucking Kagami out of being a rider for like half of show before Gattack came in. if Gattack was introduce much earlier it would made Kabuto much better and did wonders for Kagami's character
I'll take every opportunity I have to talk about my favourite Japanese childrens' television show.
I've only wached Ex-aid,W,Os,and Fourze and some build so...
so that's where this came from
>ryuki ripoff
Yeah but he only gotten it after his show's final battle. Ex-aid got his 3/4 of the way in and just curbed stomp everythinf to the point where the only way there was even a plot going is to find ways to depower him from Muteki form.
Fuck you Banjou is making Shinji proud.
He really did have some of the best reaction faces.
Didn't mean to quote woops
>implying humanity won't power up themselves and fuck up their gods
>implying Agito won't just kick him suddenly, too
Doesn't change the fact that Gaim is ultimately stronger than Ex-Aid. All he has to do to beat Muteki is zip open a portal to deep space, Muteki's flaw is that it doesn't grant any special powers BESIDE invincibility. No teleportation, no superspeed, no flight, just basic Rider functionalities like a kick finisher and stuff, so teleporting him ten thousand lightyears away basically gets rid of him forever.
Nah, Gaim was the pinnacle of kamen rider. The new ones are shitty plastic toys commercials.
Where do I start with the riders series?
if you want a more serious tone, start with Kuuga
if you want a more silly tone, start with Fourze
if you want edgy and gory as shit, watch the first season of Amazons (the new one)
Decade :^)
You don't. Watch western superheroes shows instead. Even the worst one has better effect than tokushits.
Could do with more punching.
Why not both?
That said
CWverse a shit
Is this when we're supposed to post that embarrassing Justice League webm?
Personally I would start with any of the neo heisei era Kamen Riders and by that I mean W,OOO,Fourze,Wizard,Gaim,Drive,Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build(ongoing). Personally either W, OOO, or Fourze are great starts.
If you like even one of those then I highly recommend you check out some Heisei era shows.
Agito's ending was botched but if it showed one thing is that Shouichi is a fucking godslayer.
A goofy godslayer with a green thumb and Ramsey-tier cooking talents.
All of them are pretty much standalone (except for the obvious sequel, Black -> Black RX, and Decade, which explores alternate universes based on the past decade's worth of Rider shows) and most of them are good (except Wizard and Ghost)
Where you start is pretty much up to you, though Kuuga and W are the most commonly recommended starting points as they kind of set up the tone and formula used by most shows following them, so if you end up liking Kuuga, you can start watching the series chronologically from there, and if you like W, you can start watching from there as well.
This is my most up to date KR rec list, though it's pretty outdated at this point, it's missing Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid and Build, all of which are worth watching except for Ghost.
I forgot to mention that you should avoid shows like Hibiki, Wizard, and Ghost like the plague until you really start to get into Kamen Rider. The are arguably the worst 3 and only should be watched for completion sakes.
>Agito Kick
If I only had the one .webm.......
Pick anything that looks cool
Woah whats going on in this thread...
I love this meme.
Shouichi and Hikawa were great, but I still prefer the Godai and Ichijou combo. Their friendship seemed natural, and I'm still jealous of them. Kuuga also had the best cops, on that note. Teaming up with the entire police force is something I wish they'd do more. Agito was okay with it, but it felt more localized on just a few cops.
Why won't they give Leangle a jack form?
Also this guy made Shouichi/Hikawa combo like 50 times better. He was such a perfect addition.
Because Leangle's already a jackass.
Only the best intro in franchise
It's kino
this already out?
The cops in Kuuga were competent as hell. Even if it took the entire series for them to develop exploding bullets and they became obsolete by Agito, the fact that they got to that point proves that they knew what they were doing.
Houjou was the Dan of the early Heisei era. I was always looking forward to seeing what scumbag thing he was gonna do next.
>Houjou was the Dan of the early Heisei era