What are your thoughs on this new champ?
What are your thoughs on this new champ?
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People still play LoL?
she's from LoL?
the image says "LEAGUE OF LEGENDS", fuckstick.
Bottom left of the image, brainlet.
soft warm loli feets
All the previews that show her model make her mouth look like jello
What the fuck is wrong with her I feel like I'm going to puke
Highly fuckable. Unfortunately the game is highly unplayable.
>Heeeey! I'm gonna have new friends, new friends here! And it's gonna be awesome cuz they are awesome and we'll have an awesome party with cake and stuff!
I love her.
Good taste
Like something a woman would come up with, annoying.
When your game has a decade old engine that can't have decent models but you still have to make closeup shots
But they managed to make darius have facial animations that didnt look like ass
Makes me glad I left just after that faggot Aurellion came out
>stopped playing league because they kept removing champions I liked playing from the game and replacing them with entirely different champions with the same name
>casually destroy any interesting parts of the game's lore, and replace it with boring generic shit
Who cares.
This isn't a real line. It can't be.
>only the most popular game in the world
>Haha, I'll be contrarian. maybe I'll finally fit in with Sup Forums
she is literally randumb little valley girl plus minus sass
half her lines is about holding hands with ezreal and being jealous and shit
nuke this game
How is Zoe be so lewd?
the only people that claim this are the rabid fanboys and the people who would financially gain from this claim
This skin is neat!
a bunch of shitty gooks play it. Your point?
She's voiced by Erica Lindbeck. Anthony Burch writes for this game. This era could have been prevented.
oh right I'm blind. she really doesn't look like the kind of character that would be in LoL. more like a fan character.
>pointless weird half-socks
yeah they knew what they were doing
wtf is happening to her hair
so...pink horse from /mlp/?
Is she Futaba?
>the most populated country in the world plays it
>b-b-but they shouldn't count!
Move your goalposts faster, retard. All I said was that it's the most played game in the world and that's what it is.
>believing tencent
Close enough, same voice actor
kind of looks like a knock off futaba.
>Enemy team picks Zoe
>Easy win because the playerbase is too retarded to play her right
Yes please keep thinking because you sub to Sneaky that you suddenly have skill.
you should move your goal to play better games
>Erica Lindbeck
I liked her as Celica in Fire Emblem.
>Enemy team picks Zoe
>Easy loss because the playerbase is too retarded to play around her right
>enemy picks zoe
>pick lee and camp mid
>easy win
>play LoL
>be a cancerous fuckwit
Fucking kill yourselves.
>be a cancerous fuckwit
>Game only popular in China
Dead game.
>killing someone calls them noobs
it's the best skin to piss people off
I bet you alt-f4'd instead of clicking I understand
>click I understand
>game closes
same shit desu
>back when the game was good barely anybody played it
>when they made the game shit suddenly it became the most popular game ever
I'll never understand normies.
footfag pandering is getting more and more implemented into character design by big companies recently and i love it
she is really bad. good burst on squishies but no consitant damge vs tanks, trash team fight, no escapes, terrible lategame.
She is a pretty good support.
Design wise I gotta give it to the league designers. They aced the "annoying little girl" trope with Zoe.
Cute toes.
>Es you
>1.5 second cc
>Qs behind her
>ults towards you
>the q goes to you
>instakills you
fuck this champ
i want to put my penis in it
So they basically stole from Ming and Chromie kit and put D.VA personality on it?
The problem is that she's broken as fuck conceptually, sort of like Kalista (designed by the same person).
That's a she?