Unforgivable scenes in Video games you couldn't let go


what is this scene suppose to mean and why do people seem to hate it so much?

Basically the squad went to the bathhouse to chill. Guys were hanging out and then the reception called to tell them that it's their time to bath.
They went only to find girls bathing there and they obviously went full REEE over it and kicked them out, calling them pervs.
After they kicked the guys out, Yukiko (the girl whose family owns the inn and the bathhouse) realized that they made a mistake and it was actually the guys turn. So Rise (girl on the picture and the squad's token slut) told what you see on the scren.
In anime it's even worse because they kicked them out AGAIN and behaved like bitches when called out on it.
But my Yu won anyway because he banged all of them.

Rise is not a slut

The main girls really pissed me off in this game when they'ere together like this.

Who cares? Jesus fuck are you a fucking girl getting all worked up over petty shit?

t.white knight

Most people are mad at this shit because the gang get away with much worse shit completely unscathed, but the one time they really dindu nuthin they get treated like shit

The girls even continu to antagonize them after they realise the mistake, so their civet won't get blown up

Not even once

t.fucking autistic crybaby

What is with P4 and all these scenes that serve to do nothing except waste days you could use to do more productive things? At least when P5 did it, it was plot-related

P5 girls are superior because they're not retarded assholes like the ones in 4.

That's just unrealistic

Ann was a better slut than Rise too.

No it's real life, retard.

>that serve to do nothing except waste days you could use to do more productive things?
They build your relationships and attachment to the characters - something P5 forgot to do.
Not to mention this bathhouse event gives you a hint/foreshadowing about what will happen with Nanako.

>can catch guys as the FeMC
>can be a bro and keep their secret


>what's essentially supposed to be a comedic scene and a homage lifted straight from every classic harem manga
>user gets genuinely mad because his anime self-insert was treated a little bad

She's only a slut if you play her as one

>p4 girls

not even once

if you're familiar with anime, this shit happens all the time

the japs think its funny shit because of the timid unassertive mice they seem to be

Rise is a dumb slut.


Rise is the best Persona girl though

Just like Ann and Futaba


you know this to be true

>my P5 wife only comes in like the last month of the game and you have to do her events at every opportunity or you'll miss some
This was the real crime of p5

look at that 5head lmao

she looks like a fucking ayylien

>At least when P5 did it, it was plot-related
I sure did love that long cutscene of the gang standing under a building while Haru who doesn't show up again for 30-40 hours hops out of a car and barely any info is given about anything.
Absolutely riveting.

Why can't she be canon?
She's clearly the superior MC

I don't get this. Why is the male protag based and a pimp for fucking all the girls, but the female protag is considered a slut for doing the exact same thing with the boys?

>being a faggot


Naoto isn't either of those things.

Because men have to put effort into getting laid while women can literally sell it on the streets

But this is a video game and FeMC has to work just as hard as MC to finish a social link.

Can you? I thought you can only either catch them together with Yukari and have Mitsuru "execute" them, or you can deliberately miss them.

Is there a third way where you can catch them alone and keep quiet about it?

do u get to see bagjna

>haha perverts are the worse xddd

japanese humour

can't believe P5 doesn't have this scene

don't perverts usually get off on being called perverts?

Never forget and never forgive.
Justice will always be served

>teens are horny
Whoa that's a great revelation. Thank you Japan

>playing as a girl

FeMC is better than MC.

Only if you're degenerate.

Doctor Gothlegs

>Being this insecure

Yukiko proving she's best girl once again.

>told girl my futa fetish once
>Didn't even care
Yes, that indeed disappointed me. Not even kidding.

I wish I can be like the other le4chinners that won't let words on the Anonymous Image Board anger me, but hot damn if I can control myself from telling you THAT'S NOT HOW YOU SPELL MAYA AMANO

P4fags my man


So much this.
I had less than half the feelings for the P5 squad than the P4 squad for this reason alone.

The "morgana acting like a bitch" arc says otherwise.

A key that can open any lock is a master key.
A lock that can be opened by any key is a shitty lock

Thing is, it happens over and over. Guys get shit at almost every social event from the beginning of a game. Campout? Check. School festival? Check. Sleepover at inn? Check. Summer festival? Check fuck you Teddie. This was kind of the last straw.

It's the counterbalance to all the seriously good fortune he gets.

In contrast, P3-kun doesn't get quite as many unfortunate events, but he does die for humanity's sins.

My man.



>Girl's name
>Girl's voice
I don't care about cognition bullshit, this cat is definitely female.

Guys who sleep around are Chads and have a higher societal status, apparently. Girls are sluts because their vagina stretches and assimilates the DNA of a Chad, cucking those poor Incels even when women need Beta bucks. But of course it isn't the guy's fault because he was sleeping around to impress other men, while women were being hedonistic bitches ignoring the 'nice guys' like Elliot Rogers. Never mind the double standards and lack of self awareness.

It's a weird Incel thing. But I still play fempc as a ho.

Please legit kill yourself
>people will think iam gay if i masturbate to this male cartoon cat :(
>ill just tell myself he is female that will make it ok again :)

I'm not masturbating on it, jesus dude, get a grip. It's just jarring that thay never even explained why Philemon deicided to create something like that, to have a laugh or something?

To give me hot fapping material exactly

Also when it comes to general discussions on characters online please leave your headcannon out of during future discussions when it comes to facts

If enough people believe Morg's a girl then that's true. It's canon.

cognitive world no longer exists after the ending so its doesnt work anymore.

She is. All "the lovers"-arcanas are sluts.

Because main values of a woman are a purity and loyalty, while main values of a man are power and will.

But it's not true. It's said a couple of times in game, both in the localized and japan version that he is a buy. Saying Morgana is a girl is simple unfounded blind headcanon.

I don''t get it, what's wrong with this?

He's also not a cat and not a car.

It'd be okay if he didn't have a girl's name. I can't believe it's never actually brought up in the game. Maybe the gooks didn't actually know? It's like calling a female character Frederick or something, makes no sense.

You know girls can have male names and guys can have female names? Its a thing
Nigga just go fap to male porn of morgana if you want to nobody is judging here

Yukiko best girl


You mean blandest girl. Chie is most abusive girl. Rise is the sluttiest girl. Naoto is the coldest girl.

Why are all the P4 girls so shit?

Imagine being so autistic that basic anime cliches make you angry.
I M A G I N E being a weeb so autistic that weeb shit makes you mad.

truly the most realistic game out there
once a group of otherwise tolerable females congregates without an external moral compass, things immediately and drastically devolve

How does that prove she's best girl?

Ai was the only good girl desu.

Yukiko looks too Asian to be best girl.

That's one of the reasons she is best girl.

Dude, if you just wanted a Persona 4 thread you could have just said so.

Also Naoto is best girl, but you Yukiko-fags are alright too.

>Hates the stupid slut girls with passion enough to repetitively bitch about them on Sup Forums
>romances them all anyway

this is the correct opinion

If MC wanted to save the world, he literally had no choice but to fuck every woman he could.

FeMC can stay celibate and still save the world, so if she fucks every guy she can then it's just because of her disgusting feminine urges.

I don't agree with you, but that's still a pretty good list.

Girls overreacting and calling the guy a perv over an honest mistake is the oldest trope in the book.

These girls are just like the people who play this shitty game, then. Garbage.

P5 also has the easiest social links to max out.

Yes, obviously.

This is the antithesis of the correct opinion.

I'm still mad there's no good friendzone/bros before holes scene in P5

As said, it's just this really tired old gag used in the worst way since it was totally the girls' faults, but they don't get any sort of comeuppance. They never do in fact. The guys get abused by them repeatedly for the sake of 'gags', but nothing ever happens to the girls except for one time where Yukiko eats some of their bad cooking and is knocked out.

And really this isn't the most extreme example. Worse is when Chie and Yukiko push the guys off a cliff for complimenting them on their swimsuits, or when Chie steals Yosuke's credit card to buy the most expensive clothes she can find for Teddie.

>The guys get abused by them repeatedly for the sake of 'gags', but nothing ever happens to the girls
Welcome to haremshit.


>meet the personification of Death
>fuck it


Of course you'd want to bathe. But it's also pretty understandable that they'd have something of a hard time admitting to their mistake. Thus being somewhat unwilling to do it.

Sure it's kind of bitchy but at the same time it's hardly a big deal. They'd own up to it eventually and then they'd owe you one for how they screwed you out of your bath. Life goes on.

>women fucking up and pretending they did nothing wrong and men getting the blame

See nkthing wrong here. It's a very realistic scenario that happens all the time

She the canon slut tho'. She's an idol after all.