Just purchased mine can't wait to support this based and hilarious youtuber.
Just purchased mine can't wait to support this based and hilarious youtuber
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Hey cool another h3h3 fan
Ethan looks pretty badass in that art.
Have there ever been any other YouTubers that have been such transparent jews?
>hilda sfm porn will be real thing
its like autistic non-english speaking jew boy sfm
this seems kinda cringe imo
I this post everytime we have this thread
Also literally thought she was a man in that thumbnail. I mean, she's not exactly easy on the eyes IRL but she's not some fat neck tranny weirdo, at least.
Are you guys ready for the 29th?
>just came to the realization that Zach possibly took this pic
I guess Youtubers are now literally video games. You have no use to not talk about them now.
>whats it like being an e-celeb ball worshiper that has probably literally less than 1% of the skills of the one hit wonder losers you idolize?
>This was made for the 2013 Christmas livestreams
Fuuuuuuuuuck. Time really has gone by. I'll watch the livestreams this year. See if they've changed for the better or worse.
what game could they put sodapoppin in?
not him but Zach is the one guy of the group who actually has some respectable talent, both in his animation and his sense of humor
From the thumbnail I couldn't tell that was supposed to be Hila
Even now that I recognize her it still doesn't look right
H3H3 is still pretty ok, the podcast gets really insincere at points though, especially when it comes to youtube drama characters.
Why is Joji so aesthetic
>Ethan SFM porn will be a real thing
I wish he made the old styled reaction videos he used to make.
Now it just seems like he's using his fame to hang out with famous people and make a low effort, uninteresting podcast.
western game devs are so used to be making manly dykes for female characters that they can't even match real female references. hila's chin and neck aren't that wide and masculine.
The left is overreacting this year, but their platform and everything they stood for last year was still cool. Right kids?
Fuck this fat kike, I haven't watched a single fucking video of his ever since he sperged about Felix.
same but with when he sperged on keemstar
And his partner reverted too making lets plays on youtube quoting sonichu randomly and making simpsons voice jokes
He barely said something to cover his own ass. Felix doesnt give a shit and neither should you
>"nigger faggot nigger faggot nigger faggot"
>"it's NEVER ok to say the n word"
You deserve every bit of shit you get in your life when people backstab you.
He only does that as a hobby so he can fund his other projects. The only real crime is the company he currently hangs out with.
>want more female heisters because the existing ones are fucking hideous
>buying this pack would support some Literally Who piece of shit Youtuber and also reward Overkill for adding more paid DLC even after compiling all their DLC into one overpriced collective pack and promising no more paid DLC
>tfw go look up oney on youtube
>tfw last video 2 years ago
>even longer than that since his last substantial video
Why did Oney go the path of Egoraptor by becoming a lazy fucking nigger?
I know Hellbenders blah blah, but that was done over a year ago on their part, he's being a lazy shit about it
Forget Felix. I don't like Keemstar but the way Ethan unnecessarily reacted to him to score victim points was a kike move. Worse, they were actually friends. And not once did Ethan acknowledge that he was in the wrong.
>muh based pewds
>All Ethan does is complain how he's not getting enough money from youtube using other people's content
>Lives in the most expensive city making almost 500k a year
Fuck this jew kike.
Hello Ethan, fed on any baby foreskin lately?
Butthurt that they're infinitely more successful and talented than you? HAHAHAHA
Now you know why people don't like jews, I used to at least like to think that "not all jews" thinking of him as one of the exceptions, but that shows a deep moral flaw on him. As soon as he got sponsors he stopped doing the kind of content that made him famous.
Good goy.
anything4views BTFO of this cunt the other day
>Butthurt that they're infinitely more successful and talented than you? HAHAHAHA
This is Sup Forums you dumb kike, nobody cares about "success" or """""talent"""""
The dude literally lives on a hilltop with a nice as fuck house. He gets sponsors for Bethesda now and receives money from Twitch as well. He is friends with the creator of Rick and Morty, Pewdiepie, and the creator of Gravity Falls. This guy never had a real problem in his life.
That insult was weak sauce, kike.
>sense of humor
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