ARMS Thread

ARMS Thread.

The Party Crash Event ends in roughly 40 minutes.

Did everyone get their 30 levels?


Favorite Character:
Favorite Stage:
Favorite Arms:
Favorite Stage song:

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Just hit level 30 with Spring Man. But dude, FUCK the grab spammers.

It's easy to get them down and stuff but there's always those few matches where I just completely fuck up and get off my groove.

Oh yea I forgot:
>That Sweet Candy Stage for Lola Pop
>Whammer and that huge fucking boulder one
>Probably Mechanica's since it's sounds so fucking stupid

I made it to level 30, but I don't see why that would be special when it keeps going. Is that when there's no more prizes?

It's ogre.
What were the ribbon girl reward badges?

62 to 38% win for Spring Man. We did it Spring boys

Hoping to snag this tomorrow on sale wish me luck.

>This game's theme song

It has no right to be this bangin'.

Hit 30 earlier. Hope the badges are worth it. It was fun overall. Lots of incentive to try a wide variety of weapons. I expected there to be more annoying Ribbons, but it looks like Spring Man was overwhelmingly popular.

So am I crazy or is the Biffler top tier? I was fucking people left and right with it the whole event. I haven't played online since before the Lola Pop update, so I have no idea what the consensus is, but I love this weapon. Really catches those jumpers.

Ribbonista here, fuck you people. Also my fault for not having played the game before but whatev.

So what were the rewards past 10?

For the next event I wonder if they could do something to make you feel less compelled to play the bonus characters. I was for Ribbon Girl and am thoroughly worn out from playing her. Trying out different arms for their bonuses was fun though even though I'm sure some weird combinations caused me to lose more often than I should've.

"you got a badge for"

just random non-unique badges commemorating each tier. only the level 5 and 10 badges are unique.

Goddamn, right??

Shit is so goddamn hype

Really annoyed by all the non spring/ribbon players, why even show up? I'm glad the event really seems to have boosted the in game population though.

Min Min event when?

I guess for the people who just want to play regular party mode, they're not forced to use the bonus characters or arms, but if you like the game then why wouldn't you at least try to take part in the event? I'm not the best with Ribbon Girl, but I still wanted her to win. Even when I was stuck in a lobby with players better than me and I lost pretty much every 1v1 match for a while, I still never gave up.

The event kinda sucks if you don't care about playing either of the characters involved.

Level 45.

Varies depending on if I want to be aggressive or not
Buffs, slaps, and seekies. Parasols too
RIBBON, MM, Mechanica, Misango

Hydras are bifflers but better.

>tfw got over 3000 credits from this one event

I'll definitely be hiting the next one too!

Maybe for the events it should be separate from the regular party mode and everyone must play as one of the two characters. The bonus arms could still be optional. But I'm sure they're worried about certain events not being as popular for certain characters. Like I don't mind playing characters that I don't normally play. The event is fun anyway. People shouldn't be married to their mains so much. I never understood that in games. I have characters who I prefer, but playing the same ones over and over again gets boring.

WHy is Max brass so good?

May be true on paper, but the Biffler has slightly increased projectile speed on the top projectiles, which I find to be more effective at catching jumping opponents. It feels like it's just faster overall, though I might just be imagining it. Also, charged Hydras always cause a knockdown, resetting the opponent to neutral, whereas the charged Biffler leaves a grounded opponent standing blind, which is beneficial if you want to continue pressure. I find people make a lot of mistakes in this state, and you can often get an even better followup than if you had knocked them down with a Hydra. Just feels better to me.


>Favorite Character: Mechanica
>Favorite Stage:Misango's Stage
>Favorite Arms:Blorb
>Favorite Stage song:Lola Pop's Stage music

played a few hours and got to level 30

>Favorite Character:
Min Min

Favorite Stage:
i guess min min or spring man's stage

>Favorite Arms:

>Favorite Stage song:
ribbon girl's theme

Made it to 35. Who won, Springaling or Ribbonista?

>Fav character
Spring Man or Misango
Ancient Temple
Toasters or the poison fuckers
>Stage song
Ancient Temple has the best music in the game.

I don't think I saw a single Master Mummy during this whole event.


same here

I saw two.
But most of the people who weren't playing either Spring Man or Ribbon Girl were the people who had already hit level 30.

Springman won

a bit surprising but ok