Why are most video games so garbage nowadays? A decade ago every other game was great, now it's all low effort uninspired trash. What the fuck happened?
Why are most video games so garbage nowadays? A decade ago every other game was great...
Perhaps you just dont like video games anymore?
fuck off idiot
it all boils down to >muh grafix
Those games are still around with the same budget and same-size fanbase
Stop only looking at AAA
You have a trash taste, pick only bad games and then cry on Japanese image board.
develop good taste or get the fuck off my board
They were a lot of shit games back in the day too. The difference was that you knew it was gonna be shit because your mom got it off 5 dollar rack at Kmart.
>What the fuck happened?
Western dominance.
Shut the fuck you dumb Sup Forumsipster. You just fell for the hi/v/e most AAA video games are good and fun.
>still enjoy video games
I'm not the only one am I?
When you make up your own mind and have original opinions about video games you end realizing there's a lot of new games even AAA ones that are good. So no you're not the only one. Sup Forums is the minority.
>A decade ago every other game was great
The worst years for videogames were around 2006-2012. Overall, games have been getting better agian slowly recently.
>a lot of new games even AAA ones that are good
name 5
the last AAA game I enjoyed was Witcher 3
Most people do, especially since the last couple of years have been some of the best video game years in history.
A portion of Sup Forums are just longing for their nostalgic youth for all eternity, probably because it was the last time they themselves were happy and capable of enjoying things.
you grew up.
But I agree, 2010 was the last great year for video games.
I enjoy them again after a very long break. Anons tired of gaming should just play less or not all anymore for a while.
You have 10 seconds to name 10 games on the Xboner, PS4, Switch and PC that were released in the past year.
my favorites have changed, younger I was all into online shooters, and then online squad based games and then slowly but surely I just cant do it anymore. i'll enjoy it for the first few hours and then hate every minute after that
>just bought slime rancher yesterday and its rather fun and i dont know why
2016 was the best year in gaming history.
>a decade ago
Kek, try two decades ago.
>Name 5
Easy, hell i'll name 10 get ready to get fucking assblasted triggered neo Sup Forumsipster cuck.
To make it even better i'll even name games that came out in the last 3 years.
Dying Light
Assassin's Creed Origins
Fallout 4
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor
Just Cause 3
Any From Software Souls Like in the last 3 years
Nu Hitman
>A decade ago every other game was great
you're not the only one. it all comes down to personal taste anyway. also good tunnel doggo
This. We watched every single classic game series get slaughtered at the altar of casualization and neither crowfunding nor indie developing were there to ease the suffering.
That's all I can think of.
>Uncharted (I think that was over a year ago)
>That gay punching game
>Total Warhammer II
>Doom (because nobody plays it on console)
Meanwhile I can list off dozens of N64, PS1, PS2, Gamecube and Xbox games off the top of my head.
Goddamn, it's so stale now.
businesspeople making decisions, not game designers and developers.
You don't go where the good stuff is because it's "weeb" or "childish", so you're stuck with the AAA Western industry.
It's all I have left other than chinese cartoons
Ehhh. I stopped playing for about 3 years but picked it back up when I bought my PS4 a year ago. I honestly thought I grew out of videogames but it was just that I prefer console over PC, maybe it's because all of my friends are on console. Maybe it's because of life (girlfriend + work + other stressful shit) but gaming just isn't cutting it for me anymore. I haven't watched an anime in like 8-9 months. I don't enjoy movies and tv shows like I used to anymore. (I've been watching Punisher and Godless on Netflix, both are pretty good). The only thing I still have left and browsing random shit on the internet and music and even music is starting to seem dull to me.
I honestly thought I was over depression. It's not a mid-life crisis because I'm only 25. I honestly just don't know what it is that I just can't enjoy any of the hobbies or things I loved anymore.
I'm not even gonna bother refuting all the "OMG GIANT SANDBOX FILLED WITH COLLECTIBLES THIS IS GREAT" bullshit in this post
>Fallout 4
This deserves a special mention because of how fucking terrible it is. Somehow they managed to take a step down from Skyrim and make an even more boring game, which is an amazing achievement.
>Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor
Fuck off with this Bam Ham shit
>Just Cause 3
It's like JC2 but with a bigger number in the title! Boring as fuck
>Souls shit
I guess, though I'm getting tired of it. Glad they buried the series
>Nu Hitman
How underaged are you?
because games are too mainstream and companies are afraid of trying new ideas.
Indie games is where the innovation lies nowadays. Only small dev teams have the ability to actually innovate and try new things.
Fuck off shill
Because the quantity has increased greatly and the ratio of shit to good games has gotten worse. Check out steam, and on it alone are hundreds of thousands of shitty uninspired games.
what am I shilling again?
2017 is better even thought it had some really shitty releases
>Two decades ago
>What the fuck happened?
Japs being disincentivized to make/sell their off the wall but interesting games here in the states because gatekeepers kept telling them "this shit is old/looks too cartoonish/not real enough like [insert bland 'everything is basically brown' game here]"
Also "muh 3D, 2D a shit" mentality, but the above is more pervasive.
because too many people are literally too fucking dense to actually think about what they fucking buy. they get exploited into buying games by developers/publishers that literally shove their cock down your ass first and your throat next.
the worst thing is not that these people fell for these shit games in the first place. it's that these kind of people never learn. they get fucked and buy the same shit game again just because the marketing department of their developer told them over and over again they made it better this time. and the developers/publishers won't stop doing this shit because there are enough idiots that buy their crap.
the solution to all of this could be very simple: stop buying shit games by developers/publishers that shit on their customers.
the only problem with that is that, like i said, these people never learn. no matter what we say.
>literally too dense
>literally shove their cock down your ass first and your throat next
Stop it already
>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Fallout 4
>Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor
Resident Evil 7
Mario Odyssey
Breath Of The Wild
Persona 5
Yakuza 0
What games have you been playing recently OP?
You're probably just too old, or are falling for the "muh loli game" memes. Either have both or neither apply to you and you'll be fine.
>I'm not even gonna bother refuting all the "OMG GIANT SANDBOX FILLED WITH COLLECTIBLES THIS IS GREAT" bullshit in this post
That's because you're clearly a storyfag Sup Forumsipster uninterested in exploration or gameplay and more focused on fucking dialogue options as it shows in this and your original post.
>Fallout 4
>This deserves a special mention because of how fucking terrible it is. Somehow they managed to take a step down from Skyrim and make an even more boring game
I would agree that Fallout 4 is a step down from Skyrim however I have a feeling we'd probably disagree on why. I'd say its because the modding scene is tremendously worse and there's less locations and quests. You'd probably say its because of some Sup Forumsipster storyfag reason of it not having enough dialogue options.
>Shadow of Mordor
>Fuck off with this Bam Ham shit
How about actually saying why the combat is bad instead of "le BATMAN COMBAT TRIGGERED"
>Just Cause 3
>It's like JC2 but with a bigger number in the title! Boring as fuck
Too gameplay focused and not enough goosebumps tier CYOA choose your own adventure bore novels ay?
>Nu Hitman
>How Underaged are you?
Uh i've played every Hitman game since the first one PC? How the fuck is liking the New Hitman underaged?
Not an argument.
There are genuinely people on Sup Forums who think their loli games and fap material are actually quality products. I don't know how they became this delusional but it's hilarious either way.
>exploration or gameplay
>in modern open world games
Sure thing faggot. Let me just go to this point of copypasted content, maybe I'll find a pointless collectible on the way!
>How about actually saying why the combat is bad
Because there's already about 10 Batman games that do the exact same thing and pressing the same 2 keys over and over gets annoying
>Too gameplay focused and not enough goosebumps tier CYOA choose your own adventure bore novels ay?
Very epic retort my man. How many games of the exact same gameplay must I play and love before I'm allowed to get bored of doing the same thing over and over? I bet you love all modern Far Cry games
>it's hilarious either way.
I tend to agree with that, tbqh.
money makers took over the industry.
it's now all "style over substance"
>xbox 360 and PS3 brought normies into gaming, ruining gameplay and depth and stagnating graphics
>political correctness seeped into gaming culture and stifled creativity and made tokenism rampant
So yeah, basically the mainstream west got involved and ruined everything. Thanks faggots. Have some ancient memes.
It wasn't that every other game was great a decade ago, it was that every game that deserved to be forgotten from that time has been forgotten, leaving the gems that would be glorified to stand tall.
Because most of the great games a decade ago (I think you mean a little further back than that) didn't sell well enough to compete with braindead games for babies. In a highly competitive industry they were doomed to fail, despite not deserving such a fate/
More games are being made than a decade ago, meaning there's going to be an increase in shit and mediocrity
>Exploration or gameplay
>In Modern Open world games
But Modern Open world games are generally always exploration and gameplay focused.
How aren't they?
>Because there's already about 10 Batman games that do the exact same thing and pressing the same 2 keys over and over gets annoying
Batman games in particular are meant to be easy to a degree because you're meant to feel like Batman but a nerfed soyboy who got teleported into his body and has no idea what to do.
While yes there are games similar to Batmans Combat not ALL of them are as easy. Shadow of Mordor especially the early game is definitely not as baby spoonfed as Batman is, however funnily enough Witcher 3 is even on Hard. I'm not saying Witcher 3 is a bad game but I play games for the gameplay which is why i'd like them both.
>Very epic retort my man.
Haha, epic thank you my dude
>How many games of the exact same gameplay must I play and love before I'm allowed to get bored of doing the same thing over and over?
I don't know? Up to you I guess? But games when you boil them down to just gameplay generally involve doing the same thing over and over and over. Its about how fun doing that thing is tho to make it worth doing it over and over and over or having new locations to do it in, against a variety of enemies, or with new weapons and tools and abilities.
I get it I play GAMES for the GAMEplay and you don't.
>I bet you love all modern Far Cry games
Hell I love the Old Ones too because its always been a gameplay focused franchise
You grew up user
You can't ask me why I think a game is shit and then respond with "well I play GAMES for the GAMEplay" when I say that the gameplay is shit
>What the fuck happened?
You grew older and became less impressionable, this results in you enjoying games less, which you confuse to games getting worse
In fact today we have exposure to much larger selection of games than anytime in history, in terms of variety and type - from small indie to AAA, from arcadey/story driven cinematic games to simulators.
My advice: stop forcing yourself playing games if you don't enjoy them anymore, and go do something else.
Fixed it for you user.
How can two games be enemies? They aren't sentient
Don't you remember the whole horizon vs botw shit flinging? Like that.
>Wii and PS2 brought normies into gaming, ruining gameplay and depth and stagnating graphics
Idk ask the Sup Forumsipsters who prefer FNV over Fallout 4, Dark Souls 1 over Dark Souls 2, Witcher 3 over Skyrim, Nintendo bing bing wahoo idorts vs Sony, you can even go back in time and see the same phenomenon of people who simply liked Battlefield more than Call of Duty because Call of Duty at the time was considered more fun and popular.
These people are a blight on the gaming industry because the games that they like might actually be better than the games that they're against but they're only against those games for arbitrary hi/v/emind thinking which usually is a perceived underdog game vs its perceived more popular enemy.
Its the most common form of Brainlet on this board aswell.
>not using the proper Sup Forums scale
Don't know, but dedication by indie devs is through the roof. Just look at something like Cup Souls or Phantom Forces (yes I know it's a Roblox game, go fuck yourself)
If u think fallout 4 isn't a piece of shit you are a tasteless nigger. Your trolling is weak. Please go be a faggot contrarian at another website before you go back to your worthless and miserable life as some worthless degenerate.
It's honestly this. Games are patterns and it gets recycled. It'd be great if you could forget games. Most games I play nowadays (pve wise) are just bland since there isn't much you can do and developers don't want to frustrate the gamers to the point where you don't want to play it.
The real challenge is PvP games.. well at least for me.
The only contrarian here is you my friend. I'll stay on the board i've used for years whether you neo Sup Forumsipsters took over or not.
saying this during the best year in fucking ages lol but in general I agree spend a lot more time emulating games than playing new ones
>A decade ago every other game was great
ABSOLUTE bullshit. Every era has had huge amounts of shovelware. You're just more connected now and more likely to know about all the shitty games.
there can't be good games without bad games shithead
That. Not saying we don't get decent games here and there, but the last golden era was the 90's. When we shifted from pixel to polygon era we slowly started to sink into general mediocrity. Also devs trying to appeal to mainstream, thus alienating niche audiences. Niches only left to shitty indie devs.
Indie's don't have enough of a budget, AAA has too much.
Play Darkwood.
Indie market is oversaturated
AAA market keeps pushing out the same old, uninspired and unfinished shit every time since normies will buy it
user try indie games, not even meming also keep a look out on rom hacks every now and than a romhack pops up that just really bring all the fun memories back without being repetitive. commercial games are not the only games, I also don't play aaa games not because I hate them, but because I can't, indie games are genuinely fun all AAA games go for experience instead of mindless fun or games in which you have to get good to get past levels (the actual point of games) indie games really have them.
Have fun user
guess again, i remember haze
I was thinking the other day, and this probably already exists, but what if the scores on a site like IGN were averaged out? Meaning if most games have an average of 7.5 that would be scaled to be 5. What is an average like that called?
>what the fuck happened?
The industry grew beyond white and Asian male nerds. The (projected) appeal grew yet the quality dropped.
Also to all those people name dropping good modern games: they all came out over a fivish year span, 1999 alone had more great games than modern times.
Remove Just Cause you fucking casual it's nothing more than an explosion simulator
Probably owns an xbox
i dunno man, by the looks of it, i'm really having a hard time detecting ACTUAL bad games. you shoulda been around 20 some years ago. even THEN there wasn't alot of obectively BAD games. just games that were different or same-ish to what was poopoolar
Because you only pay attention to AAA garbage which arent aimed at you to begin with. Play indie and japanese games.
All ganes gave been trash for sime time now. Divinity 2 and mnt nd bld 2 will be exceptions
>What the fuck happened?
Games got too big. Then the coin counters started barking directions instead of the people who like games. Now you have an industry aimed at making money first because "fun" is subjective anyway right?
>make up my own mind and have original opinions
>still think most new games are trash
Wut now?
>Wut now
Stop lying?
Seems like begging the question.
The passion is gone. Both in consumers and developers. Realizing an artistic vision isn't one of the industry's priorities. Back then the "industry" started out as nerds having fun coding cool shit together in their basement offices. Then capitalism happened.
Seems like a fallacy fallacy.
what passion when everyone in this pic is a piece of shit
only world war can fix capitalism
like it did last time....
You can be a highly skilled piece of shit.
>Only people who don't think hate modern games.
>I think, and I hate modern games.
>You're lying.
>No I'm not.
Who was in the wrong here?
The developer's focus shifted from trying to become someone's favorite game to the game someone played the most.