Tfw you missed out on the golden age of videogames

>tfw you missed out on the golden age of videogames

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I got to live through it, was good shit man.

>tfw you were there for the golden age
>tfw you watched it all slip away
>tfw you will never go back to that time when games were good

>missed out
Is there some reason these games you missed out on can't be played anymore?

europoor here
never could afford WoW subscription
played only FFVII on PS2
most games i played in my childhood were on PC and few years old
even now i can't afford PS4 because everything related to electronics is expensive as fuck here
Switch costs as much as the average salary

yeah but you're in the PLATINUM age of gaming now, enjoy yourself FRIEND

imagine if you were a human and you died in the snes era, never experiencing fifth and sixth gen

What do you think the golden age was?

PLATINUM age of gaming where you pay for PLATINUM lootboxes with your PLATINUM credit card. Also PLATINUM Games is bankrupt


You have two choices:
>97-2004 online gaming returns and is eternally popular.
>Relive highschool as Chad getting prime teenage pussy every day
Choose wisely.

>putting pussy on a pedestal

Does the Chad option mean my life continues from that trajectory? Or do I go back to being a fat, worthless loser after?

>online gaming
No thanks.

Based Nintendo is singlehandedly creating another golden age of gaming

>thinking the best age of gaming isn't right now
Too bad you can't see beyond the trash to see the gems.
Take off your nostalgia goggles, the NES had a terrible library, you just never knew about those games because information was harder to obtain back then.
Video games have consistently gotten better with every generation.

I wish someone put my boipussy on a pedestal

name at least 15 games (great) from them after 2015

Absolutely. Community, people talking about it online, all that stuff adds something to a game.
For example Diablo 2 isn't fun anymore.


Fair enough


Second option. Video games have been shit since '94 anyway.

Can I be Stacy?

Is there something stopping you from talking about these games online with other fans now?

Can't you avoid these games? Kind of like how I avoided bad games back in the day.

I want to go back to 2011 Sup Forums.

>not being alive in '05
>being this fucking underage

I did? So the Atari was the golden age? Because I'm 35. I lived NES and Sierra right through to today. I didn't miss anything. And you can go play any of it. Nothing is stopping you. Personally I still love games and think they're as good as ever. There was no peak even if a legendary game came out at some point in the past. Was SNES it because of Chrono Trigger? PC in the late 90s because of Half Life? I don't see it. It was all great and still is. Stop being younger than me and twice as jaded. It's a bad look.

What country ?

I might've deluded myself into this because of my loneliness, but I don't give a shit about sex. A real relationship would be nice, but it's not too important either.
1st option all the way

No, but that specific feeling is gone. The feeling when you were younger and everyone you knew was talking about a game and playing it. Surely you must know what I'm talking about? Look up Zeitgeist and make it 1000x smaller and apply it to gaming. It's like there is magic in the air feeling.
Launch of WoW - making MMORPG popular
Everyone who played video games through-out their childhood had atleast one of these moments.

You could always just play them now.

fuck no, it's 85-05 if anything. 94 was basically the end of 16 bit already

>all those non-vidya lol so random shit
>Sup Forums was literally Sup Forums2
>random threads get completely derailed because of dubs
Thank fucking God those times are over

Yeah I had those moments too but that's how it is when you're younger and experiencing shit you enjoy. If that's all there is to the 'golden age of gaming', then any period of the industry can be the 'golden age of gaming' as long as you're at the right age of your childhood to enjoy it so much. Going back to what the OP was talking about, he didn't really miss out on the golden age of gaming, he only missed out on playing games during his childhood.

C'mere qt, I hope your boipussy is very elastic.

You are most likely correct.

You don't exist yet, or something?

To add, the reason people say the mid-nineties to early 00's was the golden era was because for the first time gaming started to get really popular and we started to get more full experiences and magical moments. I'm sure you could have magical moments with Atari and NES but it doesn't compare to playing Morrowind when you were young.

>tfw no mommygf (male)

And when was that?

If the second option meant literally just erasing the years of my life since highschool, and having a re-do, then the second option is definitely more valuable. If it's just like a temporary bubble that doesn't really change anything real then nah.

kill yourself wojak I hate you

It used to be the good games were popular and sold, while the bad ones were doomed to obscurity and mockery.
These days it's the other way around, and has been that way for at least a decade.


Contrary to
>political shit everywhere
>shitposting rampant
>cuck, manlet, brainlet, wojaks, console warrior as an sport
Wow what an improvement.
Kill yourself.

>I will never get the feeling of being exhausted from a good AoE / War3 lan parties again
>Video game now is all about paying items to steamroll kids over the internet.

>>Sup Forums was literally Sup Forums2

I'd honestly rather have Sup Forums 2.0 than the Sup Forums 2.0 that we have now.

Just play those video games right now you fucking idiot.

This won't happen for much longer.
Look at the state of Steam.
It'll crash before long.

The latter obviously, what even is the point of the first one
As a Chad you're a dumbfuck obsessed with social media but at least you've got a shitton of confidence and attention

I had both. Mates with fellow nerds and geeks but still cool enough to talk to girls.

no you are not come there

You forgot the new sensation hitting the shitposting nation: Soyboy

Chad obviously
If I was a Chad I could enjoy video games AND life

Golden age was when 1978 - 1997?

>Be lactose intolerant so have to drink soy milk
>Still eat meat
I destroy their fucking meme hence why they don't reply to me

You can't miss out on the golden age, because all games stay.

But they have bad graphics and bad controls.... Alteast devs had fun making games back then....

More like the middle market will crash and the industry will be literally nothing BUT Hollywood lootboxes and pixelsoy shovelware for years to come. That hardcore Nippon scene you love is sinking into the mobile ether as we speak and the western market giants don't show any intention on lifting it out any time soon.

okay there Soyboy, keep drinking your "milk" :)

Isn't the point of the soyboy meme that the ones that drink it are vegetarian cucks?

Second one
The fact that I wasn't a Chad was the reason I started playing video games in the first place.

Real life is the best video game, shame I suck so hard at it.

Not if they're multiplayer.

you fags always make me jealous of missing out on PSO and RO peak

no, it's that it's high in estrogen-likes

from what I've gathered, it's mainly about men who are effeminate/wish to be girls, they usually drink/eat heavy amounts of Soy cause it has estrogen in it.
That, and it has a link to Neanderthalic DNA, which implies that if you have that DNA, you are less likely to have lactose intolerance.
that and some shit about being immune to HIV, but that's not been thoroughly studied

i think it has to do with turning them into traps or something

Estrogen (soy) and testosterone (meat) don't cancel each other out, you can't simply eat a lot of meat to unsoy yourself.

So the golden age wasn't in general populi. But its more that you are now and old fart, and like all old farts you deserve sadness and grim reality.

Nah man, old games are still there. You can get to experience that.

>That feeling when you begin to catch on that you had not enjoyed a new game in years

Fuck I think it sunk in by 2010 that the direction that gaming was going was largely opposed to my tastes, felt bad man


allow me to awaken you to almond milk. much better tasting


>literally drinking nut milk
lmao what a fag

Costs an arm and a leg
But from what they say, maybe I should just drop milk altogether if their estrogen bullshit is true.

technically nut juice but man it's tasty.

You cut the I came here to lol part like the pussy you are didn't you
Fuck off faggot

>regular milk has estrogen

>there is no peak
A cigar for this gentleman, the only guy here who got it right

No, soy milk does. Hence the "soyboy" meme.

when you say "just drop milk altogether" you kinda implied all milk hence my question

>relieve highschool
Fuck that

Ironic how he keeps posting that like some sort of statement against so-called "cancer memes" when what he posts actually came from places like 9gag but conveniently edited to remove that incriminating detail.

I agree with this

I am lactose intolerant.

I’d say the golden age ended when the last good ps2 game released.

And when was that?

I'm surprised. I really thought this site was just getting worse and worse every year but this board is definitely better than it was even if still half the people are still retarded.

>Also PLATINUM Games is bankrupt

The golden age of videogames was 1978-1984. This is an indisputable fact.

It's not the shitty videogames you lads grew up but the ones that intruduced all the mechanics later games copied.

Me on the left

So if you are like 50 then what the hell are you even doing here


you understand there are decently sized fringe discords dedicated to these things right? It's amazing how fun older games have remained or how much better they've become because of these.


>get dreamcast right after family moves
>get own room and phone line
>old family computer gets moved into my room
>PSO, downloading music and porn all day

Those were good times.