Where were you when PS3 got cracked (again)? Also works on latest software (recently updated 4.82), but only on consoles that had factory software below 3.56.
Where were you when PS3 got cracked (again)? Also works on latest software (recently updated 4.82)...
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Does that mean I can do this on a super slim ps3?
Though they'll be working on temporary hack, like Henkaku for Vita, for other models from now on.
Big if true
Is it actually out yet, or are you just several weeks late on the news?
It's out. There are instructions and a dl link
It's the latest news and actual release. They were aiming for Christmas, but are a month before deadline.
Cool, I can't wait to play all the PS3 masterpieces like.... um.......... uh................
demon's souls it's just like dark souls
Infamous and... Infamous 2
Would going out and buying a used ps3 be worth it? there arent many exclusives I want to play besides demon souls persona 5. It's $80 where I live
About to run minverchk to see if my Slim is compatible. 25xx model so good chance that it is. Never tried any PS3 modding before, will post pics and let you boys know how it goes if successful.
Fuck, this means I gotta spend money on a bigger HDD now.
those aren't masterpieces, or even good
Lol I updated to 4.82 because I wanted to play online, but instantly regreted it because I can't renew my psn licences.
Just get it. Don't you wanna play Siren Blood Curse and Tokyo JUNGLE?
tokyo jungle
People can finally play Scott Pilgrim on PS3 now too if they missed out on it
can I do this to my 60gb launch PS3 and install PS2 isos?
Well, I already CFW'd my old ps3 with some chink flasher a year ago, but it's nice to see we finally have some software exploit available.
>DO NOT USE ON PS3 Models 3xxx/4xxx (aka SuperSlims / Late Slim models) you will brick those console.
Any FAT will work.
wow its fucking nothing
It's better
I don't really care, it's not worth it for the ~5 games it has, especially with how cheap they are now.
Does it mean i can at least update?
Digital games go really cheap
I want to play:
Heavy Rain
God of War
Red Dead Redemption
Dj Hero 1+2
Guitar Hero series
And umm can't think of anything else...
How is Skyrim/Fallout on it?
Might as well ask here, can you hack pstv's yet on the current firmware?
is the pic op posted fat or slim
>at least 10$ each
you could probably find new hackable PSTVs for cheap
Yeah, it needs 4.82 to work
Why buy when can pirate?
That is cheap Pedro.
lol poorfags
Because i'm on the super slim train
>Tfw i can finally make use of my PS3 slim sitting around
>Don't have to buy a flasher
>How is Skyrim/Fallout on it?
literally the worst versions but playable if you can deal with some real bullshit
Will my legal games be deleted if I install the cfw?
>buy one of the first slims back in 2010
>never got around to taking it out of the box(a boring story, unimportant)
>have been able to hack it for years if I ever did
>most every game I even slightly gave a shit about on the system was released on PC and I bought them all for a couple bucks each during sales
>the box remains sealed
I have a sort of frankensteined ps3 made from other ps3s and some computer parts. Will this work?
No. CFW is just a firmware update like any other.
no, you should download them from PSN beforehand so you won't lose them because you won't be able to access it for a while
>mfw I have 3xxx model
don't give me hope, then destory it
don't you want to play puyo puyo tetarisu?
What's the difference between all this shit?
If you install CFW you shouldn't access PSN as much as possible on that device, otherwise they ban your ass
Why can't you crack slim/super slim models, what's the difference?
>work 7 hours at MickyDoughs
>can only afford 5 games after tax
it's heavily dependent on which OFW the console shipped with. Anything that shipped past 3.56 OFW won't work.
is it impossible to do or will it be crackable someday?
Literally second post
So how do you set up the web server?
The more I think about it the more I don't wanna do it. I already have like 100+ PS3 games, and if I upgrade now and swap HDDs (which will be a necessity) I won't be able to just easily download my digital stuff again from PSN.
If I've played everything I already wanted to on the console with only a handful of outliers I actually do want and don't wanna pay for, is there any reason to install CFW? I'm not interested in installing another OS or anything and homebrew games are generally terrible, literally who gives a shit about those. Give me a reason to CFW.
>but only on consoles that had factory software below 3.56.
Is there some accurate way of knowing this? I might just buy this stupid crap just to play Demon's Souls. Fuck Sony for not remastering that shit for the PS4, because I do own a Bloodborne Machine.
>is there some accurate way of knowing this?
Check the link. Use minverchk.pup
Read the article, dipshit.
>How is Skyrim/Fallout on it?
Why would you even think about playing them on a PS3? Those games run on toasters by now, and probably at way better quality.
there's a model number under it, if it's 3xxx or 4xxx you can't crack
There is only one reason I want to install CFW on my PS3 and that's so I can play the Vesperia translation patch
Literally unplayable within hours because of save bloat.
Thanks for nothing
t. CECH-3008B
>he doesnt buy consoles late in their lifetime when they are cheap and have a strong library
>can finally play Vesperia
>not buying mid gen to get the console at reasonable price, with decent library, cheap games, upcoming games and bigger possibility of having cracked console in the future
Nice. My model is CECH-2104B which ships with 3.21. Can't believe I found this ps3 in a dump container.
These days you have to jump in once an exploit is out. Buying that Slim PS3 in 2010 was probably the best purchase I ever made.
>1. Setup a small Web server on pc or smartphone.
I'm too retarded for this step lol. Good someone already made one you can use.
Which CFW do I use though?
Someone should make a stupid proof guide to ps3 hacking for me.
What's in it for me?
They will likely crack those in the future, along with super slims.
absolutely nothing.
Upboats and ad revenue. Also completely controlling which CFW gets mass usage while killing the ones you don't like.
Le upboats xD
the real question is, where do we get free games?
I wish I kept my original geohot jailbroken ps3 :( really kicking myself for trading it in
So what can you do with PS3 CFW?
Just download games, or is there any good software?
Is online safe or do they ban you?
Does that mean I still need to downgrade it first the hard way.
Too tired to read it
This exploit is for 4.82
The current latest OFW is 4.82
However, it only works on consoles which had a factory software lower than 3.56, meaning super slim owners and most slim owners are fucked. all fat owners are good.
How do I tell what my console's original factory software was? I've got a slim so I don't know what my chances are of being below 3.56
This actually lets you downgrade without needing a NAND/NOR writer or any of that shit
Fuck I'm in college
All fucked up
Guess I'm fucked I got mine in 2011
>tfw bought slim just before the 3.6 update and modded it 3 days later
>tfw latest rebug still just werks
Kinda want to go play something multiplayer again but I'd don't know what people still play other than assassin's creed
>but only on consoles that had factory software below 3.56
so nothing's changed since 2012
are you that garbage man on twitch? because he found a ps3 on the trash live
>1. Setup a small Web server on pc or smartphone. A custom miniweb application has been created by Aldo, and supplied to host files if you would like to use it. Don't come to us for explanations about how to run a http server though. Google it.
well this is too complicated for me
Got the CFW installed, got some games from PS3ISO, but how do I install them? Is there a backup loader?
Is this the lastest exploit that was found a few week back? It's finally released?
Thanks. I see it on wololo too.
Fucking hell literally read what's in the link
>but only on consoles that had factory software below 3.56
what does that mean
Isn't it from torrents? Multiman etc...
>doesn't work on superslims
When you bought the console, the firmware it had was 3.56 or below it
>waiting for it to install
>it's been about 10 minutes
Can anyone explain this to us retards? I understand how to set up the web server but what's this about Aldo's miniweb app?
pic related, me
You could buy demon's souls for like $5 on psn since forever m9.