Is this the comfiest city building game?

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pharaoh was better imo desu, but the entire series is great. little young me would be blown away at the idea of playing this in 1080p and seeing more than just a fraction of your city at once.

I'm by no means good at these games, I just play some Pharaoh on and off. But I tried Emperor recently, and it seemed a bit oversimplified.

Thats not Simcity 2000

all of these old builders are splendid. really wish someone would make a new one in nice high res 2d with great music.

Sim city rome

the battles/fighting sucked, rest was comfy

Children of the Nile
super comfy, can leave on all night while you sleep
but it does get boring after a while.

at least in children of the nile you can spend you time putting in aesthetic fountains and shit.

banished sorely needs more content but I had lots of fun with it when it came out nonetheless. nowadays only dorf fort scratches that itch...

i'd love a new builder game like this where you build an enormous resort island with stuff like water attractions, fancy restaurants, beaches, giant casinos, hotel towers, golf courses, etc. everything would be ultra customizable and it would have an asset editor and map maker.

have you tried Tropico 4?

play banished with colonial charter if you haven't already. turns a 6/10 game into a 10/10game

yes i have 3 and 4 complete editions, but what i mean is less focus on city management and something more like rct or planet coaster on a bit of a larger scale.

Personally, I found out that I tend to move from city-builders to logistic games. I had a massive itch for a what I thought was a City-building game, eventually to find out that Factorio and Transport Fever scratched it better than any city-building game proper in existence.

I can see a new model of simulation game.
I see it already with that LogisTICAL or whatever.

Imagine a citybuilding game- that adds tycoon type DLC

so you have the base city building game
then you have the hospitals addon
maybe the business industry addon
the theme park addon
the tavern addon

thanks, I'll check it out

Comfiest is Anno 1404.


I still have no idea why they decided to include combat in these games. Even Anno has it.

>Anno 1404

I completely skipped 1404. How does it compare to 2070?

factorio is pure kino

Imagine 2070 but remove Uplay faggotry, take out the ecobalance and power mechanics, replace underwater colonies with "The Orient" and add some really fucking awful land combat and then you'll have a fairly accurate idea.


Anyone tried this?
Its apparently some open source remake thats free on steam, but the reviews were terrible so i didnt bother trying it.Is it really that bad?


Welp, thats disappointing

How's Northgard? Its just 15 bucks now and it looks pretty interesting.

You posted it.
Pharaoh just turns retarded after a while.
Also, fuck you I'm reinstalling

I bought 2205, it sucks not having ai to actually work with. theres no reason to over produce but to have overhang for expansion as you cant sell any of it

yeah it sucks and is buggy as hell sadly, I didn't play more than a few hours of it

Get a better taste.
Pharaoh gives you six months to fulfill his request.