damn, i would probably maybe buy at that price
So you could install about 5 modern games on it, nice.
I had the choice between this or just a 4k BD player today, and ended up picking the BD player as I already have a PC. Did I make the right choice?
Yes because xbox has no gaems
>Assassins Creed Origins is available for £30
>150EUR is roughly £132
so its a 4KBD player for £100? genuinely sounds a good price
If that
>mispeling "Console" on your Amazon listing
Only problem is that it's not a PS4 so it has nogaems
I think you did, Xbone S can play 4k blu rays, and regardless of the memes it does play games, especially if you're interested in backwards compatibility.
Well, I should say that the player was a fair bit cheaper than the Bone.
>misspelling mispeling
If it's cheaper then that's a different story. I've been getting more interested in the xbone lately, I'm just waiting for JSRF to be confirmed for backwards compatibility and I'm sold.
150 euros is actually not bad considering that PS4 is 250 euros.
We wuz konsoles
I want a Switch though, just for Zelda and Mario really.
I'm kind of done with video games, at least Nintendo still makes fun games.
Can it be hacked though as in can i play pirated games on it?
If not there is not much use to it.
What do you mean?
It's spelled korrectly.
Being this retarded must hurt
>Falling for that bait
You're not very clever.
You fell for my bait
still not worth it, who wants to play games at 810p and 23FPS???
Just buy a ps4 for 200 and youre good
If only it had more than Forza.
They'll soon be giving XBoxes away for free in Germany, and will still not be able to make people want to have them. The XBox brand failed horribly in Germanistan.
fucking kraut
Not worth it for 150€ to play Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive. Maybe at 100€ it would make a good 4k bluray player but who the fuck uses those anymore.
Its worf it if you want to play Lost Odyssey desu.
would buy if I could pirate games on it
Or you could get a refurbished 360 for under half that price.
>paying money for a 360
people are practically giving them away. why would you buy a dead console?
Nigga i bought a 360 for 40 dollars
>So you could install about 5 modern games on it, nice.
The Xbone doesn´t even have 5 games so you´re probably set for the entire gen.
how low can they go
how long until switch is this price? because thats all its worth.
Never, Nintendo are jews with a yellow make up.
5-6 years.
If only PS4 was at that price with Bloodborne or HZD
>install 10 games
Regardless, you're going to need an external hard drive if you want to put any significant amount of games on your system, so does 500gb vs. 1tb REALLY matter?
Would be hilarious if they offer it for 100 dollars
Gotta sell out the warehouses
Would buy the PS4 Lite or whatever at that price
Which is the better deal?
Is that even a question.
I would buy it at 150 but 200 I don't know
The Xbone was a okeyish deal with a game. In a 1v1 the PS4 has more games and is substancially more powerful, easily worth the 50€.
Ps4 user
>manly face
>no ass or tits
>awful hairline, will start balding in mid-30s.
so this is the master race...
>is a famale yet can run way faster than you
It truly is
Are there any Switch vidya sales?
I still need MK8, Odyssey, and FE Warriors.
>2/10 wouldn't bang
>buying a dead legacy system with no game library
for what purpose?
Those Amazon flash sales are such a giant mess
I don't even know why I got out of bed. Looks like American Amazon isn't doing Lightning deals this year.
>Want weeb games
>Bought AAA American games that were $14.99.
That's a great price. I might be tempted to buy one.
How's that any better regarding performance?
It doesn't have backwards compatibility and PSN is more expensive than XBL.
PS4 slim doesn't add much compared to the non slim PS4, whilst the Xbox One S adds 4K blu ray support and streams Nteflix and other streaming apps in 4k.
In terms of games however, PS4 if you like weebshit, Xbone if you like westshit.
I have Zero interest in the console but I fear I will get one once they go on sale next year for 99€ for some reason
>Xbone if you like westshit
Except the PS4 does those better too.
As well as PCs do by a long shot.
It literally misses out/gets it late on the biggest game this gen, pubg
Spend less time on this board
Oh shit.
But it doesn play games in 4k does it?
fucking kek
of course this 150e machine does. With 120FPS too
Has emulation come far enough that I can try it out on PC?
Just got a new rig and can finally run current day shit at good quality.
>Whistle blows
>Referee walks up to the camera guy
>"I'm calling the police!"
I am just wondering damn..
I dont want to throw down on the X if the S does the same thing.
Oh shit I didn't even think about the 4k Bluray drive and 4K streaming.
Maybe this thing is worth getting as a water cooler multi media device for 150€
Fucking hell, I almost never do this, but source?
USSR ya freak
Holy fuck
>controller that's not shit
>Backwards compatibility
>cross-platform games
>comes with a game
>150 yuros
The only thing it doesn't have is memebourne.
That's actually a really good deal if you can't afford a PC or don't feel like getting fucked over by Sony.
>xbox s
>muslim language
>no ass or tits on an olympic runner
No shit
No but seriously is it worth as a Bluray/Stream service player alone?
Or are you fucking around
If youre not into weeb games its a good deal
I use mine mostly for that purpose. Shit works fine. My dad likes watching old movies and shit, so that's what I primarily use it for. As for games, I play the odd exclusive, which are decent in my opinion, but very few.
Fuck might have to get one now
SO is it worth it to get the X over the S for HD games? Or will I be ok with the S?
Get a ps4
Already have one of those but due to the over heating problem it burned up the processor.
It's for the 4k Bluray, Streams and movies
Underrated post, got a genuine laugh out of me
Literally just look at a feature chart. Have a 4K tv and want to play games in native 4K? Get the X. If you don’t care about 4K games the S is fine.