>I like playing girl characters because I like staring at their butts
But what about a top down 2D game like Pokemon where they're a tiny sprite? Why play a girl character then?
I like playing girl characters because I like staring at their butts
Because I'm a massive faggot.
Because they're fucking cute, that's why faggot.
you caught me user... my greatest shame... i am attracted to women...
user you see their butts when you throw the Pokeball.
>what about a top down 2D game
Then it doesn't make a difference.
RE is a bad example since the game changes quite a bit between Chris and Jill (and especially Claire and Leon in 2).
As far as Pokemon or other games, eh. I will sometimes choose a female character for variety sake. I did a female character in Ultra Moon after being a male character in vanilla moon mostly due to the different clothing options. In Fallout NV, I played as a female after playing as a dude in Fallout 3 for variety, and it worked pretty well with the Black Widow trait.
Who are you trying to defend your choice from?
I've played plenty of co-op games with friends, never been asked why I picked X character.
Cause I identify as a virtual Girl silly :3
Cause yall a bunch of faggots. the real reason is this
FBI knocking your door down in three, two, one...
>Not playing as a man
What are you gay?
because I am not so insecure that I need to play a male character to not feel emasculated.
I just play what I find better. When I was playing wow, I had an undead male, a female human (males were horrible) and a female blood elf because I could undress her and masturbate.
I sometimes play as a girl because fuck it, why not? Makes it more interesting, especially on second playthroughs.
I mean, I would love to have been born a girl, but that has nothing to do with how I play vidya.
A lot of my favourite games seem to have female leads, and I do tend to choose female if it gives me the choice.
One possible explanation I've come up with is that women (at least in fiction) express a wider range of emotion in a more obvious way than you can get away with in male characters. That is, a male action hero would usually be depicted keeping a macho poker face in perilous situations, while his female equivalent may be more likely to express her fear vocally or with facial expression/body language. Combined with advancements in animation and performance capture, this might explain why many of us find female protagonists (or companions) compelling.
I don't know whether any of that can extend to top-down 2D pokemon games, though. I don't play those. I also don't think it matters in any way or implies anything else about the player.
Presumably the better dress up options in new Pokemon games.
The prevalence between female character players and trannies in the gaming community is no coincidence. It's the modern version of little boys playing with girl dolls. Since there is no "gay" gene, this is simply fags in the making.
What if the girl has better voice acting, like Fallout 4?
>hur mass effect 2 femshep better becuz muh voice acting
Is there any game you faggots don't say this about?
can't say anything about pokemon but in summon night swordcraft story I am glad I picked the girl she was really fun and cute and her dialogue were also quite immersive I unconsciously went for the male teacher ending instead of female rival one.
Meer was fucking flat in those games and anyone who says otherwise is in denial.
I like girls.
Same thread, different day.
This argument is just as stupid as those who say all western games are bad. I guess this kind of discussion only can happen when you have no life and there's nothing else to talk about.
>he said, bumping the thread from page 10
I play as the most aesthetically pleasing character if there's no character creaton/customization.