I didn't believe Sup Forums when they said Payday 2 is slowly becoming more and more shit, but god damn...

I didn't believe Sup Forums when they said Payday 2 is slowly becoming more and more shit, but god damn, I'm starting to believe them. This new DLC is so fucking dumb I almost uninstalled.

At least the crossbow is okay..

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop posting these retards you underage faggot.

There are more threads about this? I checked the catalog and saw nobody else talking about it.

What, I thought all future DLC was going to be free.

They said all future DLC except for this one. This one was made to support H3H3, because OVERKILL are fans. In short, all the money goes to them. In that sense, I like the DLC because Ethan and Hila are genuinely good content creators that deserve more support. But not like this.. the weapon is OP, the voice lines are garbage, the character models are dumpy and gross, and the perk deck revolves around vape memes.

Without having ever played it, two eceleb skins aren't really indicative of a shit game.

The money goes to them. This started from them being sued.

>all Hilas years of training in the Isreali forces are finally paying off

what is up with Hila's neck

Well, you haven't played it so you probably don't understand. Payday 2 has been on the decline as of recent (i mean, since 2015 to be honest). OVERKILL keeps adding stupid cameos to the game. I wasn't worried about it because they usually fit the tone of the game (like the Hotline Miami or Hardcore Henry packs) but this is different, this pack is so stupid that it makes me worry that everything else to come after this will be even more stupid.

its a male body in a hila mask

yeah no that's not how that ugly jewess looks

but has the game changed? or are you literally just complaining about cosmetics?

Obligatory mention of hilda sfm porn

Youtubers are now vidya. Suck on that, haters.

Her forehead is more messed up. She looks like a fucking conehead


>I like the DLC
>Ethan and Hila are genuinely good content creator's that deserve more support

Yeah, dude *LOUD COUGH*, you sound like you work out *sticks chin in*, I appreciate ya *zooms in on double chins and excessive fupa* Papa Bless! *reacts but refuses to be call a reaction channel, sells merch, but insults others for doing the same, says nigger but rants on a couple live shows that you say it too*

T. Vape Naysh

Now post a screenshot with normal FOV and the camera centered on the face.

Yes, these character packs don't just add some new optional characters to play, they add new skill decks, weapons, and melee weapons (don't get me started on the mess that is melee weapons in this game. I swear there's like 100 of them and they all do the same shit) and even new heists sometimes. These usually end up being overpowered or complete dogshit, and either way, you always have pubbies or friends using them ad nauseum and it's even worse with the h3h3 pack, because you got all these underage faggots playing them because they worship the youtubers they watch.

what is this meme that h3h3 don't have good content. Oh yeah, I forgot I was on Sup Forums for a second. Get outta here, baitfag.

>110 FOV isn't normal
Ok, smartass. Even if I did, you can still see the error in the way they make the models. Go up to any other NPC aside from Hila and position your camera in the same way, and their forehead doesn't extend out like a shitty jacksfilms meme.

These are the chucklefucks that had lootboxes with exclusive p2w content back in 2015 after putting out something like 180$ worth of DLC. You didn't even need Sup Forums to tell you the game was becoming shit.

I uninstalled the game right then and there, but the fact that they fixed it by making it not require keys so you could open them for free gave me some hope. That hope was restored even more when they fixed the large influx of DLC issue with UE. But all that crumbled when Ethan stepped into the scene.

I guess you could say it's hehe's pay day too!!


>110 FOV isn't normal

isn't the default 60?

I don't play this shitty game and no 110 is not normal FOV you fucking mong not unless you have your face in the screen.

why the fuck would you play with anything below 90? Jesus fucking christ, it's like you want motion sickness.

Why are the back stories so self-insert cringe? Didn't OVERKILL promise that they'd be playing lore friendly characters and not themselves?

>back stories
post em

>This new DLC is so fucking dumb I almost uninstalled.

So this BBQ DLC is cool but not the H3H3 one? its a game, stop being a petty bitch

>fov 1000
your problem

not him, but isn't the unnatural warping on high FOVs the main cause of motion sickness?

It's both, correct FOV is determined from distance of the screen. There's a reason consoles run 60-65 FOV by default.

Who VR here?

Oh, with pleasure.


A little bit of David to the internet's Goliath, Ethan is proof that you can never know what goes on inside Bain's head. As a skilled social media broadcaster, Ethan and his spouse Hila drew the legal ire of some individuals with their documentary work and were forced to spend a minor fortune defending themselves, leaving themselves financially vulnerable. His skills in public relations and engagement attracted the interest of Bain, who convinced him and his wife to join the gang.


Rumor has it that Hila underwent extreme training in the Israeli Military, and while she keeps denying it publicly, something definitely caught Bain's attention when he asked her and her spouse to join the gang.

Essentially, it's their whole actual life stories, minus the part where Bain recruits them.

>A DLC that was a little silly but ultimately provided substantial and interesting content to the game is cool but not a shitty, poorly executed cameo between a youtube channel that OVERKILL fanboys over?


the fuck is wrong with the guys neck?
he looks to thin for it to just be neck fat and it makes him look like he has super down syndrome

The literally who of DLC

What the fuck is this? Am I expected to know these....people?

I got triggered with the Hotline Miami DLC; I wanted so bad for there to be a FPS Hotline Miami game.

It looks great to be frank, but I don't have a headset. RIP me.
That's how he looks in real life. He jokes about it a lot. He has a word for it that I can't remember.

EDIT: oh, nevermind I see what you mean. OVERKILL have always sucked ass at making character models so I'm not surprised. If you look at the length of the arms on all the characters it doesn't match up with the length of people's arms in real life. They all got raptor arms.

>A DLC that was a little silly but ultimately provided substantial and interesting content to the game is cool but not a shitty, poorly executed cameo

You could safely say that about all DLC for PayDay2.

He hasnt had a single good video in almost 2 years.The only decent thing to watch is the podcast and even then, its only good cos of the guests, hes terrible host and his boring horse of a wife watching creepily and silent on the side is just annoying

Why.. WHY did they feel the need to include THREEEEEE FUCKING JOHN WICK CAMEOOS


there's barely any porn of clover or sydney, so I doubt it.

So why didn't they use a 3d face scanner like Kojima did.

Funny thing is, I think they did. Because on Ethan's stream with Almir, he said "that's us, though. You rendered our faces"

Funny that actually, he told Almir they look fucking dumb before that.

Doesn't even fucking look like them

He looks alright, but for her they obviously had to tone down the massive pepe eyes and the big ol' shekel sniffer she's got going on.

Stop. That instagram video of his friend checking in on him made me laugh for like 3 days. It shouldn't be so funny but it is

To be fair, they don't look like that at all in game.

Yea or else nobody would play

>h3h3 DLC on Payday2
>heist objective: you gotta steal the next Sam Hyde's Joke

At least you're not Anthony Burch dlc

>Hila SFM porn incoming


's post

Who cares, she's fucking ugly, or at the very least below average. She doesn't even have ugly girl appeal or anything like that, she's just unattractive. At least it'll be funny.

>because Ethan and Hila are genuinely good content creators that deserve more support
Turn on other youtubers for views, steal content, don't edit their own videos, can only produce formulaic dress up videos, steal content from their reddit for twitter likes, ran out of ideas years ago. They're awful.

literally none of that is true, you're taking the piss.

Oh also post your main

PewDiePie podcast, saying they hate Keem after inviting him, stealing a Sam Hyde video, they have a professional editor, the vast majority of their modern videos are Ethan pulling a face or doing something with his ass and gut while dressed up in a cuhrazy costume walking around a park, literally all his posts on twitter have "credit to: user" in a separate post underneath, if you watch any of their serious videos they openly admit to having run out of ideas.

I like them, but come on.

>one of their first skits lift straight from Sam Hyde
>some videos are just them browsing reddit
>most videos are hardly edited, aside from the "movies" that they do
>"lets put on bigger and bigger outfits to hide from cringe"
>hardly posting now, just doing lazy podcasts

Sit on my dick, Cloaker.

Even if you back away from exaggerating like you just did, half of what you said is untrue and the other is irrelevant. Who the actual fuck cares what they put on their twitter. And content creators run out of ideas a lot.

The usual response to me telling people this is "WHY"

she's a good character, ok?

Bonnie is my brother's favourite as well, and I just can't fathom why.

>please they're not perfect! stop!

Arms outstretched.

She's got some pretty hilarious lines, with her scottish accent and all... And her backstory's interesting to me. The honeymoon murderer thing is something I don't see explored a lot in any media.


In three minutes you went from "literally none of that is true" to "half of what you said" is true. Fuck off.
They're snakes who exist only to network and get in with the level of celebrity above e-celeb.

I like h3, but their new content reeks.


>N-no, YOU'RE backing away, n-not me!

>I almost uninstalled


>no DLC where you can play as heavy, scout, spy or soldier

They are poor content creators who don't deserve support as they aren't especially good or entertaining people.
I showed my reasoning, you have none. Don't try to talk about arguments when you never presented one.

You could do this for any youtuber

*awkward opening* Hello everybody and welcome back to another bad unboxing *gay silence* look at this shit someone sent me in the mail! *rehashes content over and over again despite getting big for shitting on other youtubers* thanks for watching, see you next time *epic squirrel meme* *doesn't post content for the next three months*

can you make a point without immediately committing ad hominem?

Reminder that Ulf is a good person and Simon is a good person that were both driven away by Overkill Software Trademark being cunts.

The whole reason they’re watched is because they’re entertaining people. You’re trying to diminish that with a bunch of moralistic complaints no one gives a shit about. It’s clear that their content isn’t what it once was but that doesn’t mean they’re not still funny, and getting buttmad about them ‘turning on’ keem is hilariously pathetic.

No judgements here dude, Bonnie’s one of my favorites as well, she’s damn funny and a bro. Plus she’s just a vulgar brute whose entire skill set is being huge and I love her for that.

Simon still works on the game, though.

What started as a rough set of arguments turned into a comfy Payday 2 thread, we don't get enough of these.

>guys we really don't want your money this time ...AGAIN
>we know we fucked up with that video and now the guy is suing us
>you did so much for us with your money and we know that you want to donate AGAIN but there will be no donation links anymore
>we did this and WE will solve this (we are millionaires after all, stupid goy)

comment section
>OMG WTF seeing hilla cry was the saddest moment of my life DDD':
>omg i really wish i could help
>hey guys let us make a donation page to help eathen and hilla

h3h3 response to the comments
>here's the donation link goy

Whos this gypsy semen demon

>ad hominem
fucking end yourself

stupid goy

To be fair, they really shouldn't have been sued over that video. Their reading of the court documents was probably one of the few funny things they've done as of late.

>committing ad hominem?
i love it when people can't even use it correctly yet they feel the need for it just to give a little bit of spice to the shit they post.
literally a prime example of the h3 audience, a bunch of idiots that think that they have superior intelligence to other humans and aren't "normie" or normalfag or whatever /r9k/'s flavor of the month word is this time.

Oh, another paid dlc with overpowered weapons?
This game should fucking die already

>we know we fucked up with that video

It's the opposite of that. They know full well they didn't fuck up in the slightest which is why they wanted to defend themselves in court. The issue with the court system is that a lot of very flimsy cases get pushed to settlement because people simply can't afford to defend themselves in lengthy trials, which is something they very much wanted to avoid considering Matt Hoss had some really outrageous demands.

Im just gonna needlessly chime in and that guy is a faggot and his fans are dumb faggots and payday 2 got boring 4 years ago.