What do you want for Christmas Sup Forums? keep it vidya

What do you want for Christmas Sup Forums? keep it vidya

I want to have again fun from playing video games

All I want for Christmas is you, Santa.


Don't shoot me Santa Clause
I've been a clean living boy
I promise you, did every little thing you ask me to

I want a fucking ps4 with dragon quest builders
but I am 31 so Santa doesn't give me shit anymore

2b's ass on my face

Santa, we all know you are Jesus. Just come out and admit it.

Switch with Mario Odyssey because I'm a man child with no job.

Nintendo 64

I wanna sit on your lap and feel my present first-hand :3

sweeping computer upgrades so I can play my games with graphics pushed beyond ultra.

No, he's Saint nicholas. Get your Christian figures right.

Say that again, mother fucker.

MMO genre reboot

a game to play

My two front teeth.

my family back together again

>keep it vidya

A smoke. A whiskey. For the sun to shine. I want to sleep, to forget. To change the past. My wife and baby girl back. Unlimited ammo and a license to kill. Right then, more than anything, I wanted her.

I want some inspiration and meaning in my life. a nice christmas dinner too.

This post sounds like it came out of a sin city comic.


A gayming laptop because I'm currently in a 7 year old overpriced toaster with a busted cooling fan and video and can only boot on safe mode.
I want to go back to Skyrim and mod the shit out of it, again, thanks to the recent Skyrim threads.
This time, with better specs so I can push the limits of what I did before.

Also, get into VRChat and learn to make custom avatars.

Already got my Christmas gift early, drawing books and the Horizon Zero Dawn art book.

how old are you?
Also santa please give me a 65% or 75% mechanical keyboard with pink and lightblue keycaps that look cute OwO

a girl to play game with :^)