would now be a good time to buy this? it's on sale and there was a big update.
Would now be a good time to buy this? it's on sale and there was a big update
imo this game is great and is one of the few games my gf likes to play with me. the other being awesomenauts
If you like ARPGs its one of the best ones in recent memory. Expac is worth it btw.
Worth paying full price for
GD is the best h&s game on the market right now. PoE is a Korean MMO due to how shitty the loot drop rates are and Diablo 3 has absolutely dogshit itemization that ruins the game. If you want an actually good singleplayer experience that focuses on killing mountains of trash mobs, getting your ass destroyed by tough bosses, collecting kewl l00t instead of playing a shitty trading simulator, GD is the absolute best. GD is simply a h&s game in its core, while trash like PoE is too tainted with other retarded shit to be good.
Buy it, you won´t regret. Also Titan Quest got a new DLC, ffs that game is 11 years old. And Grim Dawn is build upon Titan Quest. Both are good. If you need your fix, buy it.
Best of its genre.
You do realize tho that the big update is a expansion pack that you have to purchase?
I got 600+ hours in Grim Dawn, so I guess it was worth my money.
Easily the best ARPG on the market.
The "update" is the expansion that cost money but offers new classes, tons of content, and so on.
I just can't bring myself to play this game for more than half a hour or so. The art style is so bland and uninspired and the soundtrack is such boring rubbish that it literally puts me to sleep. Then there are the mediocre animations, spell effects that fail to impress and builds that revolve around left mouse button and maybe right mouse button once every few hours.
Then don't. There's plenty of builds that are not based on autoattacks and even those use multiple skills by necessity. Entirely your fault for playing in a way you don't enjoy.
Does it make replaying the game not a boring piece of shit? I just can't stand doing all that trash quests and exploring the same crap again it was fine the first time but after that it's such a drag.
I don't think any builds can fix my other gripes with the game. It's got such hilariously low production values that I'd rather play any other ARPG on the market than this.
what can you do there for 600 hours???
>friend tells me about this game
>sounds cool, but $$$
>it's on sale for like 7$ or whatever
>hey can we play now
>wait you didn't buy the expansion
>have to pay more
The annoying thing is that it isn't randomized like diablo or poe, but that diablo 2 feels is definitely there. Probably because most of the enemies are literal copies from diablo 2.
my only criticism is that the monsters are so one dimensional. 70% of them are melee and just make a beeline for your character. 25% are ranged and stand on the spot throwing ranged attacks at you. the final 5% actually have interesting mechanics.
It's a fun game, probably worth buying
t. piratefag
>Does it make replaying the game not a boring piece of shit?
Play the game on hardcore, dumbfuck, and use a different build each time. If you play on hardcore, trying to complete the game on Veteran and Ultimate without dying is a pretty good challenge and the game doesn't give you a lot of time to relax, because there will always be bosses and heroes that will be the bane of your build in one way or another. Game is fun as fuck, I've bought it recently and have played 200+ hours straight without even touching any other game.
>got the game as a gift
>have 800+ hours
>only ever paid for the DLC and the expansion
Post tanky builds that arent auto attack focused
This is true for grim dawn as well. 99% of item drops are completely unuseable for your current build because it doesn't fit the damage type.
Bull-fucking-shit. An item can still be useful even if it has damage bonuses on it that you don't need. You don't know shit about the game and probably never got past Normal.
Stop arguing with shitposters.
Just pointing out this nonsense so people don't actually believe this.
They're in every thread. They're not going to stop posting garbage. Don't give them attention for it.
nah your just feeding them yous
>An item can still be useful even if it has damage bonuses on it that you don't need
sure mate, just not as useful as that much lower quality / level item that has the perfect stats
in fact grim dawn is even worse than diablo 3, since it doesn't even have enough items, while in diablo you will eventually at least find something fitting