When and how many hours a day do you play vidya, Sup Forums?

When and how many hours a day do you play vidya, Sup Forums?

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whenevr ive been a good boy and mommy lets me take a turn with the tv

post the bike one

It's not even canon. Not sure why everyone's cucking themselves over it

If sleep, work, and food are the cornerstones of his being, then what is the big bown mass that they are supporting?

None. I'm a busy man.

>wake up at 4 AM to get ready for work
>play vidya for an hour and half while eating breakfast
>in work at 6
>leave at 3
>vidya until 10
It's a good life.

Saved to my fap folder

About an hour after dinner under the week, playing instead of watching an episode of a series. On weekends 0-4 hours in total. Looking forward to the holidays, I stacked couch-coop games for pc/wii u and ordered a steam link

>less than 6 hours of sleep

No officer he hit me first.

Makes sense, the enjoyment he gets out of videogames is greater than the enjoyment from sleeping well. The total happiness in the world increased.



You get used to lower hours of sleep


It's not quite as funny without the beat panels where he hesitates.

Whenever I find a game worth playing. When that happens then I usually plow through it with a few night sessions

This one?

Nah, the panel where he's already reaching for Sleep just ruins the punchline.

so he needs 12 hours a day to make those shitty webcomics?
also who needs 6 hours for food?

>also who needs 6 hours for food?
he's american

Dont quit your dayjob

every day between 20:00 and 01:00. My gf goes to bed early to walk the dogs before work so I get the whole night to play vidya.

I've had 5 hours sleep for the past 20 years you get used to it.

I fucking love videogames.


You get used to dying earlier and being a higher risk for dementia too I guess.

Come on, surely with sleep, work and food you still have 3-4 hours left for vidya each day?

fixed better retard

Why does food take up a timeslot? I mean eating doesn't consume that much of the day, should say social life desu-ne.

Except that's worse.

that's five hours btw


This is well done but isn't funny

Yeah, but at least I'll enjoy it. Have fun living to 110 and watching day by day as your organs shut down. We all die friend, don't pretend this is some kind of 'who can last the longest' contest.

Last one still felt a bit negative.

Take out the third panel, not the first

>when you make an absolutely retarded post and then delete it

Everyone laugh at him


>sleep, eat and video game for 8 hours
>work for 16 hours


>work for 16 hours
are you the president or something? who works more than 10 hours a day?

>fucking SHADMAN made an edit of the bike comic
>It's actually good
>It's actually great

Post it fag

>6 hours of sleep
>12 hours of work
>6 hours of food
what the fuck?

Apparently Owlturd does.

Why not? I think it's one of the best edits out there.

Spotted the cuck


Why are you negros so obsessed with shortening the fucking comics?

This worked for Buckley 99% of the time but most jokes need a preperation you faglets




With each step we take back, we evolve further.

This is so dumb and doesn't work at all but I still laughed for some reason so good job I guess

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Who the fuck eats 1/5 of their time awake?

Brevity essence wit


This is funny and depressing.

I freelance, so I can be somewhat flexible with this. Generally I still prefer to get work done for the day and binge play for an hour or two in the evening, though. It's important for self-discipline to maintain some kind of routine when you have no externally imposed one.

I don't work at all

nigs amirite/

cook time

If you're concerned about your free time though you should be doing meal prep.

I play for about 12-16 hours daily.

Why are comic ""Artists"" always talking about self """"depression"""" and other unfunny shit, do people like this stuff?

I relate.

Did he just make that? Cause if not I feel like this is very indicative of recent events.

I miss ytmnd.

It's to please the "OMG THIS IS SO RELATABLE" crowd and as someone with depression i fucking hate shit because it it reinforces a toxic mindset

>Work is much larger than sleep
>Food is nearly the same size as sleep
Either this guy is a complete trainwreck, or the joke loses a lot of impact. 8 hours of work and 8 hours of sleep still leaves plenty of time for the rest of the day to fulfill your house chores and get some entertainment if you only organize yourself well.

sporadic. Ranges from 1 to 8 hours depending on my work schedules and other plans. I don't watch TV or do anything when I'm not with my friends/working besides video games and browsing 4 chan which I only do when I need a break.

>*i fucking hate shit like this

How else would this dumbfuck reach almost 2 million subs? It's no coincidence either his content went to actual shit the moment he got a girlfriend

based shadman

It takes a timelot if he cooks for himself.

>eating for 6+ hours

>not cutting food in half and a force video games into it

"Work"?? He makes fucking webcomics. If you have a stay at home """"""Job"""""" then you can never complain about how difficult work is.

I work on my own business so I can shitpost for like 4 hours, play for like 6 hours and I still have 4 hours left to do whatever
The only problem is that if people comes by often I can't concentrate, but even then I have easy days and can play fine at night and ealy mornings so I still have like 5 hours of vidya just fine.

You're right, it isn't. The destruction of the west and leftism's complicity with it is no laughing matter.

Sup Forums edit, the blue golem is supposed to kick through the painting

t. someone who has never worked


Being an artist and working from home does bad things to you. Calling him a trainwreck is quite fair.
But at the same time for a joke to work his graphic has to be really simple and quickly readable so that it doesn't take up too much of reader's attention. I doubt it accurately represents his schedule

loss is officially normie shit now

It's been normie tier for a while

Every meme is normie as soon as it hits know your normie meme now


>nose ring

Does that mean we'll actually have to come up with original jokes now instead of abusing templates or relying on the same punchline?
I think that's a bit too much effort for a shitty anonymous anime forum

Max Gilardi's self insert

Well know your memelords will instantly try and become e famous on the website and request editorship at the sight of anything remotely unfunny that gets reposted a bit often in the boards

>he eats as long as he sleeps

but how


>yfw you see the chiller font

i honestly don't get the "i only got [less than 7 hours] hours of sleep last night!" people
8 hours once in a while is okay but if i consistently sleep less than 9 hours i am fucking dead

Maybe he included doing the shopping, cooking time


lmao americans

congratulations on being on born in the one part of human history you wouldn't die or be culled for being genetically inferior

>t. shill